Chptr 27: Ice Princess

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--Yerin's POV--

Since there's nothing to do, I am just sitting on the couch in our living room, feeling extremely bored. Yeonmi left me alone again so there's no one at home that I could talk to.

Out of extreme boredom, I grabbed my phone and explored it to find something interesting to do until I end up checking the photo gallery. I opened the latest photo I have there which is a couple selca of me and Jonghyun. I just stared at it, zooming in and out and checking every details.

Until now, I still can't believe that that my most hated guy before is already my boyfriend now. So far, for a week after we officially became together, everything is doing fine. Surprisingly, the attitudes that I used to hate on him, I think I so got used to it and at times I find it cute.

'Hayyy~ Kim Jonghyun...', I thought as I zoomed his face on the photo.

“I look good on that photo.”

I flinched and almost dropped my phone when someone suddenly talked behind me. When I looked back, it's Jonghyun, standing behind me and peeking on the photo I am looking.

I quickly closed the gallery and put the phone away. He saw me staring at his photo and it's so embarrassing.

“How did you get in?”, I asked.

“Uhm... I opened the front door and walk in?”, he answered with a 'duh?' look on is face.

“Funny.”, I glared at him.

He chuckled and sat beside me.

“I knew it. You do miss me so much that's why you're staring at my picture.”, He grinned and pinched my cheeks.

“I'm not staring at it. I'm.... I'm just checking if... if the photo is good.”, I reasoned out and looked away.

“That's why you're zooming it on my face?”, he raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“I'm not zooming it! It's just... just--”

“Don't reason out anymore. You don't have to hide it because you're very free to stare at my photos or even my actual face as long as you want.”, he smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.

As usual, his on his skinship mode again so I just let his head rest on my shoulder while I'm just sitting straightly. He held my hand and started to play with it.

“You know, sometimes, I do forget that you're already my girlfriend.”, he suddenly said.

I looked at him, mentally asking.

He smiled. “Because nothing really changed. The way you talk to me and the way you treat, it's almost just the same as before. The rudeness just lessen a bit.”

“And what are you trying to say?”, I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Nothing... it's just... can't you show more affection towards me sometimes?”

I crumpled my nose. “You know I'm not used to it.”

“Yeah I know. That's why you are an Ice princess. You're so cold to me. I deserve some warm love.”, he pouted and looked at me cutely.

“Don't do that. It doesn't suit you.”, I laughed mockingly.

He made a face and rolled his eyes. “You're such a freezing cold, Ice princess.”

I just laughed at him then he suddenly stood up and pulled me to stand to.

“Change your clothes. We're going somewhere”, he commanded.

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