Chptr 42: Then He Woke Up

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--Jonghyun's POV--

'I promise that you'll see me when you wake up... '

A soft voice kept on recalling in my mind and saying those same words over and over again. At first, I don't know who owns that voice. All I know is that it's too good and I want to keep on hearing those words. But as moments pass, I have familiarized myself already to that voice and made a realization that it actually belongs to someone that I've been wanting to see since this long and dark dream started.


I tried to call her name but it just came out as a thought because I can't even control my mouth to open.

'I promise that you'll see me when you wake up...'

As those words kept on repeating in my mind. I felt a stronger urge to move. I wanted to move to reach her even though I'm not sure where exactly she is. I tried my hardest to feel my own body... and as I try I started hearing more noises. Noises that I haven't heard for a long time. Then little by little, everything is being bright and I can see figures walking around.

“Y-yah...”, I heard a weak voice and I realized that it was mine. I succeeded on my attempt on moving my lips and calling someone's attention.

The first person that I saw is noona who held my hand right after I spoke.

“You're awake!”, she shouted with a big smile.

Four boys came beside me and looked at me, also with big smiles on their faces.

“Finally, you're already awake!”, Onew grabbed my other hand and squeezed it.

Noona hugged me and it took a while for me to feel it because my senses are just starting to get back. Then I heard sobs from her.

“Yah...Why are you crying?”, I asked in a very weak voice but I managed to smile.

She chuckled, wiped her tears then lightly slapped my chest.

“You! You slept too much.”, she said.

I let out a week chuckle then turned my head to the boys. The first that caught my attention is Key's unexplainable face that is about to cry.

“You're crying too?”, I told him but he just chuckled.

“Key hyung is too emotional.”, Taemin commented

“Welcome back hyung.”, Minho said and shook my hand.


“Wait. I gotta call umma and appa to tell you're already awake.”, Noona hurriedly grabbed her phone ad excused herself.

I looked at each of them but suddenly I remembered the thing that made me wake up. It's Yerin's voice that made me want to open my eyes and move my body. I looked around but she's not there.

“Where's Yerin?”, I asked excitedly to them.

They suddenly went quiet and looked at each other. They were talking to each other with their eyes but I can't understand what they were trying to say.

“Hey... I'm asking where's Yerin.”, I repeated.

“Uhmm...”, Onew hyung started. “S-she... she needs to go because... because she's trying to catch up in school. You know, she's been staying here with you and she sometimes misses her classes.”

“Aw. You should have not let her miss her classes...”, my mood fell down a bit because I didn't see Yerin.

“But she'll be here, right?”, I asked with excitement.

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