Chapter III: Classes

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Previously: Eren becomes aware of the little that is known about Levi Ackerman and is still curious as to who he is.


As expected Mikasa chewed me out when she got home. I failed in trying to lie and say that I fell down the stairs or something, I honestly don't know why I try anymore.

"And if I asked Armin would he tell me the same story?" She said with her arms crossed, staring me down.

Yeah, Armin wouldn't be able to lie to Mikasa.

I felt bad though, our parents weren't around much and she kinda took on the role of my mother. Not that I asked her to, honestly it was really annoying most of the time. My mom passed away when I was seven and my dad remarried Mikasa's mom when I was like ten. Mikasa and me were about the same age and I was alright with her but wasn't really happy with my dad remarrying.

Her mom and my dad met through work so both their professions took them away from home a lot. We are both used to it at this point.

Once she was done I went up to my room, I would let her calm down a and apologize to her later. Armin texted me the notes and the homework I missed and I decided to do it just because I don't need another reason for Pixis to yell at me. I finished my homework and had dinner with Mikasa it was her turn to make dinner and my turn to clean up afterwards. I apologized to her for earlier and she forgave me, like I said she is a cool person she is just really protective of me.

I then proceeded to play some video games while having a group text argument with Armin and Connie. I don't remember what it was about I wasn't paying that much attention. I am now in bed and will YouTube until I fall asleep.


I'm now in my first period class, it is the next day, obviously and it is finally Friday! On the flip side though I didn't get to sleep until like two in the morning so I'm tired as heck. That and I have history first period and my only friend in this class is Connie and the teacher sat us on opposite sides of the classroom. I'm literally falling asleep.

I manage to only get yelled at for falling asleep once. With the help of Connie throwing wads of paper at me. Second period I have Language arts/English/whatever other title that class has. Luckily that teacher isn't smart enough to seat me and Armin apart. I sit down and Armin is sitting next to me reading the largest book I have ever seen.

"Um, Armin?" I say nudging the bookworm.

"Eren stop! I'm in the middle of the climax! And the hero finally figured out how to defeat the bad guy it only took seven hundred pages!" He says a bit too loudly.

"Calm down Armin, geez!" I said laughing as he blushed in embarrassment.

See normally it was the other way around with me and him. Namely him trying to get me to calm down. So I was taking advantage of the rare occurrence.

While still giggling at the expense of my friend I hear a "tch" behind me.
I look behind me to see the Levi! He's sitting directly behind me. He is leaning back in his seat, giving me a glare which soon turned back to an uninterested stare. During that time I just kind of gawked at him. Eventually Armin pokes me and I flip out and turn back around quickly, my face flushed in embarrassment. It took me a minute to process what had just happened. I look over at Armin and mouthed 'what the heck!' He just smiles at me and rolls his. That sassy little coconut!

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