Chapter X: First Date

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Previously: Eren and Levi shared their first kiss and now it is up to Eren to plan and execute their first date.


Plan a first date they said, it would be fun they said.

Okay no one actually said this but I this is seriously driving me insane. I need to make this perfect and I have no idea what to do. I texted Levi after I got home from the party planning a date for Friday night of the following week at five. Of course this made it sound like I already had something planned but I don't. I'm just laying on my bed, frustrated. I hear my phone go off and pull it out of my pocket to check it.

Hanji: Sup titan boy how's planning for the date going?

Eren: How did u know?

Hanji: Just a guess:)

Eren: I don't know what to do, you've known him for a while what would he enjoy doing?

Hanji: Well it's hard to tell if Levi enjoys anything but I do know one thing

Eren: What?

Hanji: He likes u and whatever u choose he will like

Eren: That doesn't help me!

Hanji: Don't stress it u got a week don't u?

Eren: I don't know if I can do this
Hanji: Hey he talks to u, willingly spends time with u and he freaking kissed u. I've known Levi for a long time he wouldn't do these things if he didn't seriously care about u

Eren: Really?

Hanji: I've been known to exaggerate but I'm being perfectly honest

Wow, this is so... I don't even know. Unbelievable probably but I mean he did kiss me, twice. I have to do this right, I wasn't totally sure I liked Levi a few weeks ago but I've just grown so attached. I want to get to know him and I feel an urge to protect him. Not that he needs physical protection and I still don't know anything about his past but it's enough to make him withdrawal from people. So if I'm going to be in a... relationship with him then I'm going to be the best boyfriend possible.

Eren: Thanks Hanji that helps

Hanji: Of course anything for u and Levi<3

Eren: Wait how did u know the date is next week?

Hanji: I have my ways;)


The week passed by and I was on edge the entire week. Mikasa of course noticed and I had to come up with creative excuses. Armin is the only one who really knows what's going on aside from Hanji. He's been helping me with ideas as well as helping keep Mikasa off my back. I haven't spoken to Levi much this week since facing him is very nerve racking and I think he noticed but didn't say anything.

It's Friday and I just got home from school and am once again I'm laying on my bed not able to move.

Eren: I'm not sure I can do this

Armin: Your overreacting and thinking too much about it, take a deep breath and calm down

Eren: Ugh I know

Armin: U have a plan just go with it and have fun, dates r supposed to be fun right?

Eren: But this is Levi we're talking about it's different, if I don't do this right he may never speak to me again

Armin: Ok now ur over exaggerating

Eren: Fine fine anyway thanx for helping me out

Armin: No problem I just hope it works out for u guys

Eren: Me too

I guess he's right, I mean I want this to go well but knowing me if I'm paranoid the entire time neither of us are going to have fun. I can do is this, I'm Eren freaking Jaeger.

As it gets close to five I put some semi-formal clothes in my backpack and head downstairs. I hear the doorbell, perfect!

"Hey Eren, Armin's here!" Mikasa calls.

I reach the door, say goodbye to Mikasa and leave to the car with Armin. I told her we were going to the library for studying and she bought the story. I change clothes in the backseat while Armin drives. We reach Erwin's and go to the door. Levi answers, I smile and ask him if he's ready, he nods and we head to the car. Armin stays at Erwin's while I take Levi to the restaurant.

We get to the restaurant it's not super fancy but it's nicer. I should have asked him if he liked Italian, oh well choice with no regrets and all that. We sit down and order without speaking to each other. While waiting for the food I start talking to him. He mostly listens, responding and occasionally commenting. Mostly talking about school and other topics.

"So Levi tell me about yourself," I say inviting him to speak.

"Haven't we already done this?" He asks, staring blankly at me.

"Yeah but we were way more awkward then and I want to know you Levi, I really do," he shifts in his seat but maintains eye contact.

"I was born in France, had a crappy childhood, somehow ended up with eyebrows and four-eyes," he hesitates.

"Go on your doing awesome!" I said, smiling.

He gives me a glare telling me to stop treating him like a child. Although, the glare didn't contain genuine malice so he just looked cute with his eyebrows all scrunched up. He takes a deep breath and continues.

"I like to clean, read and play video games sometimes. I dislike messes and dirt in general. I prefer not to interact with people I find it tedious and overall unnecessary... "

"Why?" I interrupt.

"Too much trouble, to put it simply I don't trust people. The only people who have stuck with are those two insane people who just wouldn't leave me alone," he waits a couple seconds and says, "And you."

This shocks me a bit but it me makes me incredibly happy. He looks uncomfortable after saying so much. I give him a warm smile. He looks like he wants to smile back but it's almost as if he forgot how to.

Mental note: get Levi to smile!

"I'm really happy that you trust me," I say to him.

I could swear I saw a bit of pink on his pale cheeks. Then the waitress arrives with our food. We eat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. We finish eating and neither of us ordered dessert. In the car Levi speaks up.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"The park on Maria street," I say. "Does that sound cool to you?"

"Sure," he says.

The park was nice and by this time of year it was already getting dark around this time, so the park is empty. When we get there we pass the play set and walk along the path that leads into a small forest. Once inside the forest I take Levi's hand, he tenses but doesn't pull his hand away. While we walk the sun sets but the sky is clear so we can see the moon and some stars.

We eventually complete the short path and sit on a bench. I look up at the sky and so does Levi. We stay like that for a few minutes and then it starts to get chilly and we leave to return to Erwin's. When we get there and we stand face to face on the porch.

"Well, Levi I had a good time tonight," I say scratching the the back of my head.

"I did, too. Thank you," he says looking down.

I smile at him. I take his hand and get on one knee. He looks at me confused and shocked.

"Levi Ackerman will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" I say with as much class as I can muster, which just ended up being incredibly chessy.

I raise myself up to his eye level. He looks at me with his beautiful eyes and slams his lips into mine. I guess actions speak louder than words.

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