Movie Night

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Y/N's POV•
Today was Saturday. I just got out of school yesterday and I was excited because today was the annual movie night with the one and only Jace Norman.

Now I know what you're thinking. You know Jace?!?

Well I do. We've been best friends since we were 8. And since he's been acting. We haven't had much time to hang out anymore. Until today.

I got out of bed and changed into black leggings, a sweater shirt that was white and had a black heart on it, and fuzzy socks. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I walked downstairs and started searching for food. Jace was coming at 3:00 and its 11:00. I slept in pretty late.

While I was searching my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Jace.

Jace🔥: hey Y\N. I can't wait for tonight
Me: me neither, see you in a couple hours✌️
Jace🔥: see you💕

Woah, woah, woah. Did Jace just leave 2 pink heart emojis. Does Jace like me. He couldn't, we're best friends. I shrugged it off and continued searching for food.

-3 1/2 hours later-

Jace was going to be here in 30 minutes. I ran upstairs and grabbed blankets, pillows, and anything that was soft and laid them out all over the couch. I grabbed the 6 movies that I picked out. Big Hero 6, Fast and furious, mean girls, scary movie 1 and 2, and splitting Adam. Since I know Jace will get annoyed when he see's himself on TV.

30 minutes passed and I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see a smiling Jace.

"Hey Jace, come on in" I said
"Thanks" Jace replied coming I and setting the candy, sodas, pizza, chips, and cookies down.
"Wow, you remembered everything" I said
"It's looks like you remembered everything to, Y/N" Jace said sitting down on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I smiled at sat down next to him. I decided to play Scary Movie 1 first.

I laid my head on Jace's shoulder while his arm wrapped sound my body. For some reason, I felt safe and protected in Jace's arms. Butterflies started flying in my stomach. I think I like Jace. No, I know I like Jace.

Jace's POV•
I have always had a crush on Y/N. But I don't know how to tell her. We've been best friends for so long and I don't want to ruin our friendship. Y/N's head was rested on my shoulder as my arm was wrapped around her body.

I watched her while she watched the movie. They way her eyes would light up when a funny part came up, or when a scary part came on she would bury her head in my chest, or even when a happy part would come on. Her nose would crinkle when she smiled. Her dimples also showed.

Everything about Y/N is perfect. I love her.

We had finished 4 movies, and when Y\N was about to get back up to out in another movie I grabbed her hand and pulled her back down on the couch.

"Jace?" Y/N questioned. "Is everything ok?" She asked

Y/N's POV•
I gave Jace a confused look.
"Jace?" I questioned. "Is everything ok?" I asked. Jace grabbed my hand and held it in his. Oh my lord, here come those butterflies again.

"I gotta tell you something" Jace said looking at me with his gorgeous eyes.
"What is it?" I asked
"Y/N...I'm in love with you. Ever since we met I've been in love with you. From your silky Y/H/C hair. From your gorgeous Y/E/C eyes. And from your soft pink lips. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop thinking about hugging you or kissing you. When I'm on set, you're all I think about. I need you in my life and more than just a friend. Because if I don't, I think I might go crazy. I guess what I'm trying to say is. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Jace asked.

I was totally speechless. Did that really just happen? Jace is in love with me. I looked at him. I love him too and I want to be with him.

"Yes Jace, I will be your girl-" I couldn't even finish the sentence when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around Jace's neck and pulled him closer. His pink lips matching with mine. They molded perfectly together. I'm kissing my best friend. My love. Jace ran his tongue on my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. His tongue went in and explored every inch of my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance. Of course Jace won.

We pulled away slowly breathing heavily. Our foreheads were pressed against each other's. Jace and I looked each other in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you Y/N" I said
"I love you too Jace" I replied. Jace pecked my lips one more time and we cuddled the rest of the night watching movies...❤️


Hey guys. Sweetie here. Anyways hope you enjoyed this imagine. It was my first one. As I said before. I'll be happy to do imagines for you guys. So message me or leave it in the comments below. Anyways. Until next time, Stay Gold🌅

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