Love Hate Relationship: Imagine for Sarah

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-Sarah's POV-

"I like you're room" Jace said as we entered my room. This has been the worst day of my life and for only one reason. Jace Norman. I hate him and he hates me but our science teacher just had to pair us for the upcoming science project.

Jace and I have always hated each other from the beginning. It was second grade and he always pulled my hair or annoyed me. In middle school he would always torment me and be a pervert. I hate that about him. No we are juniors in high school and he still does it. That's the reason we hate each other.

"Don't touch anything" I sternly said as I sat down on my bed. Jace sat down at my desk and took out his phone from his backpack and began playing on it. "Are you not going to help with this at all?" I asked in disbelief. Jace looked up from his phone and gave me a blank face.

"Uh, no" Jace said shaking his head as he went back to paying attention to his phone. I stood up, grabbed his phone and threw it across the room. I heard the screen break. "Sarah what the hell!" Jace yelled. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"That's what you get for being an asshole" I shot back as I turned my back and walked towards my bed.

"You're a bitch you know that" Jace said

"A bitch is better than an asshole" I smirked. Next thing I know I'm pinned against my wall and Jace is in my face.

"Take it back Sarah!" Jace sternly said

"No" I shot back

"Sarah I swear-"

"You swear what?" I smirked. I was not going to let him win, I was gonna win this battle.

"Shut up!" He shouted

"Make me" I shouted back. Jace grabbed my waist and connected our lips together. I don't know what it was but I kissed back. You could sense the sexual tension in the room. I jumped and wrapped my legs around Jace's waist. He grabbed my thighs and we me to my bed. He laid me down and started kissing my neck. "Wait" I breathed out.

Jace looked at me confused, "what?" He asked. I pushed him off and went into my brothers room. I grabbed a condom from his nightstand and went back into my room. I shut the door and locked it. I placed it on my nightstand and went back over to Jace. He sat up and I straddled his lap. Jade's hands settled on my waist. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed his lips. I started grinding on him. I could feel Jace grow underneath me.

"Shit Sarah, I need to be inside you"Jace moaned as I rocked my hips faster against his. Jace flipped us over and took off my shirt and pants. He unclasped my bra and started to suck on one of my boobs while his other hand went down and started rubbing me through my underwear.

"Jace" I moaned out. I could feel myself getting wetter. "Jace please" I moaned. Jace pulled down my underwear and slipped a finger in. "Fuck" I cursed.

Jace smirked,"That was the sexiest thing I've ever heard" Jace said. Jace added another finger and started increasing his pace. He curled his fingers inside me and I arched my back and gripped the sheets of my bed.

"I'm gonna cum" I yelled. Good thing no one is in the house.

"Cum for me babygirl" Jace said. That made me lose it. I shut my eyes tight and released onto his fingers. He pulled out and licked his fingers. "Good girl" He said. I gave him a playful glare and grabbed his neck to kiss his lips. I ran my hands up his shirt and took off his shirt. Damn, he had a six pack!

I ran my hands down his toned chest and unbuckled his pants, not breaking the kiss. I started palming him through his underwear.

"Sarah, fuck" Jace groaned out. I pulled his boxers out and his dick sprung free. I started rubbing his dick. "Sarah, i'm going to cum if you don't stop" Jace said. I gave him the condom and he slid it on himself. I laid back on the bed and Jace crawled on top of me. and placed his hands on the side of my head. "Are you a virgin, because if you are I'll go slow. But if not, I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for days" Jace said

"I'm not a virgin" I said. It's true, I lost my virginity to my boyfriend Mark when I was 15, I'm 16 now.

"Be prepared to not walk for a while" Jace smirked. Jace slammed himself into me and I arched my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and Jace slid deeper into me and he hit my g-spot.

"Fuck Jace, harder" I replied. Jace grabbed one of my legs and put it behind his neck to hit my spot at a better angle.

"Sarah you're so tight" Jace responded going faster. I could feel my high building up. "I"m about to cum" Jace said.

"Me too" I groaned. Jace and I released at the same time. He pulled out of me and took off the condom. He threw it away and threw it in the trash can. I laid down on my back and pulled the sheets over my bare body. I can't believe that just happened. Jace got in on the other side of my bed and pulled the sheet on his bare body.

"Sarah?" he asked

"Yeah?" I asked

"Can you not tell anyone about this?" He asked

"As long as you don't tell anyone either" I said looking at him

"Deal" He said

"By the way I still hate you" I said softly

"I hate you too" Jace said as he leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss on my lips.

But deep down inside, we both knew we were saying,

'I love you'

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