Teasing: Imagine for Bianca

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This imagine is for Binx37569

Jace and Bianca are 17 years old in this chapter.
•Bianca's POV•
"Babe" Jace said as he came into our bedroom
"Yea" I replied looking away from the TV to look at him
"Wanna go out to dinner tonight?" Jace asked climbing onto the bed next to me
"Of course, but what's the occasion?" I asked
"You'll just have to find out, won't you" Jace replied smirking
"I hate you" I playfully said
"I love you too" Jace said leaving the room. I got out of bed and went to our bathroom. I took a shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

I changed into a black cocktail dress with black pumps. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on some makeup and some jewelry. I grabbed my leather jacket and smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked great. I walked downstairs to see Jace waiting for me on the couch.

"How do I look?" I asked. Jace glanced at me and then back to the TV but then back to me again. His eyes literally popped out of his head as he drooled over the sight of me.
"You look beautiful and sexy" Jace said as he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms snaked around his neck and I pecked his lips.
"Thank you. You look very handsome" I replied
"Ready to go?" He asked
"Yep" I said as I grabbed my purse and phone. Jace and I got into the car and Jace turned on the engine.
"This will be a night you won't forget" Jace said. I smiled and prepared myself for what's coming.


Jace pulled up to a restaurant called 'Le Fancy'. I looked at Jace and arched an eyebrow. He laughed and got out of the car. He jogged to my side of the car and opened my door for me. I stepped out and intertwined our fingers together. We walked inside and walked up to the counter.

"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" The lady asked
"Yes, reservation for Norman" Jace said
"Ah yes, Norman. Follow me" the lady said. Jace and I followed her and sat down at a table. The lady left us and Jace and I picked up our menus.
"What will you be getting?" Jace asked
"I don't know, the pasta sounds good" I said biting my lip
"I also think I found something that I could eat" Jace said. I felt his gaze on my boobs. I made sure that the cut of the dress was perfect so he could see my cleavage.
"Good, so we're ready to order?" I asked
"Yeah" Jace said licking his lips. I waved the waitress over. She came over and stood at the foot of her table.
"What would you like?" She asked
"I would like the fettuccini Alfredo pasta" I said
"Ok and what would you like?" The lady asked turning to Jace. I dropped my napkin on purpose and got out of my chair to pick it up. I slowly bended down to pick up my napkin.
"Um nothing" I heard Jace say with a shaky voice
"Ok the pasta should be out soon" the lady said walking away. I stood back up and sat down in my seat.
"Actually could that order be to go, there's something that I have had my eyes on for the whole night waiting for me at home" Jace said with lustful eyes. I smirked. The lady walked away with a confused face.

"You're so getting it when we get home" Jace whispered
"Oh, I'm so scared" I replied smirking. The lady came back with my food and Jace paid. We stood up and I walked in front of Jace and swayed my hips a little. I felt his stare on me the whole time.

I got in the car and so did Jace. Jace started the car and we made our way home. While we were driving I moved my hand over Jace's crotch. He winced because he was wearing skinny jeans and he had a boner. I started to rub him through his jeans. He moaned.

"Bianca" he moaned out. I rubbed him harder and his boner was growing bigger and bigger. "Fuck B, we're home" Jace said. We got out of the car and I opened the front door.

Jace came in and picked me up and walked upstairs. He threw me down on the bed and started to kiss my neck.

"You think it was funny making me get a boner in the restaurant?!" Jace said as he started leaving love bites on my neck.
"N-no" I manage to get out. Jace took off my jacket and threw it across the room. He raised my dress up so my heat was exposed. Jace kissed my lips and slowly started rub me through my underwear. "Jace please" I moaned out
"Please what baby girl, what do you want me to do?" Jace asked smirking
"I want your fingers inside me now please" I moaned out
"Anything for you baby girl" Jace said. Jace slid my underwear down and slid a finger inside of me.
"Fuck Jace! Faster" I replied. Jace added another finger and picked up his pace. "Agh" I moaned out. Jace went faster and faster and I reached my climax. I exploded all over his fingers. He pulled out and smiled.
"My turn now" I said as I pushed him back down on the bed. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them off and I kissed his dick through his boxers.
"Bianca, please I need your mouth" Jace said looking down on me. I pulled down his boxers and his dick sprang out and slapped against his stomach.

8 inches! Wow! I stroked up his dick and kissed the tip. Jace hissed.
"Bianca I- I need" he stuttered
"What do you want baby" I asked
"I want your pretty little mouth wrapped around my big dick. I want you to suck me off baby girl. Just suck me off" Jace replied. I wrapped my mouth around his dick and bobbed my head up and down.

I licked up his dick and then deep throated him.
"fucking hell, just like that" Jace said as he grabbed a handful of my hair. I bobbed my head faster and faster. Soon Jace came in my mouth. I swallowed every last drop and moaned.
"That was good" I replied. Jace flipped us over so I was on the bottom. He pulled my dress off and my bra. I took off his shirt and grabbed a condom.

Jace slid it on and looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that you're not going to be able to walk for days" Jace growled. Jace lined himself up and pushed his dick inside me.

"Fuck Jace, faster" I said. Jace raised one of my legs and pushed himself in deeper. He pounded into me at rapid speed.
"You're so tight baby, but you feel so good" Jace groaned as he leaned on top of me and kissed my neck. He grabbed onto one of my boobs and started to squeeze it. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Ugh, I'm gonna cum" I yelled out.
"Cum for me baby, shout my name. Tell everyone who's making you feel this good" Jace said
"Jace, Jace JACE!" I yelled as I reached my high. Jace released into the condom and laid on my chest. He pulled out and took the condom off. He threw it away and kissed my lips.

"You're such a tease" Jace said laughing
"I may be a tease, but I'm your tease" I replied
"I love you" Jace said
"I love you too" I said. Then Jace turned off the lights and wrapped his arms around me. Then we fell asleep.

JACE NORMAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now