Teasing Season: Imagine for Tate

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This imagine is for slaymegrethanxx


Tate's POV

I was laying on the couch with Jace and he was kissing on my neck.

"Jace I'm not in the mood" I said.

"Babe come on" Jace groaned.

"Jace we literally have had sex three times a day everyday for two weeks" I said.

"What's the problem with that?" Jace asked.

"The problem is that I'm hella sore and I need a break" I said.

"Ughhhh" Jace sighed.

"You know what we are gonna have two weeks with no sex" I said.

"What!" Jace's eyes widened. "Tate no no no! You can't do this to me" Jace said.

"Jace you are suspended from putting your dick inside me and doing any other sexual activities to me for two weeks" I said.

"Fuck!" Jace said. Jace turned to me and smirked. "You're not gonna last for that long" Jace said.

"Try me" I said. Jace bit his lip and walked upstairs.

Now it's war.


It's been four days and Jace and I have been doing good. It was a hot day in Spring when I woke up. I was sweating really bad.

I got out of bed and changed into a lose white tee with my bra and underwear on. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and walked downstairs and saw Jace in his boxers and no shirt.

"You got hot too?" I asked him.

"Yep, they say it's gonna be a hot one today" Jace said eating a bowl of cereal. I watched Jace our the whole spoon in his mouth and suck the milk and cereal off the spoon.

His eyes caught mine and he smirked. He wiped some milk that fell from his lips and ran down his chin reminding me when he ate me out. I tore my eyes away from his gaze.

I stood up on my tip toes and reached to grab my favorite cereal. I felt my shirt rise over my butt and rest on top of it. I heard Jace choke and I knew he was staring at me.

I dabbed the cereal and got off my tip toes. I turned around Jace's eyes were closed shut and he was biting his lip.

The teasing is in session. I sat down next to him and made sure my thigh was touching his.

"I think I'm gonna go watch some TV" Jace said getting up from the table and walking into the living room . I ate my cereal and then walked into the living room seeing Jace sat down on the couch watching the news.

I sat down next to him and he glanced over at me, he looked me up and down and I clenched my thighs together cause every time he looks me up and down it makes me excited.

Now I'm feeling a little less confident in me surviving the suspension from sexual activities. But I decided to tease Jace, it's fun.

"I'm gonna go get a popsicle" I said getting up. I decided to sway my hips walking to the kitchen. I felt his eyes on me the whole time.

I went to the freezer and grabbed a popsicle, a cherry one. I walked back out and sat down on the couch. I unwrapped the popsicle and placed it between my lips sucking on the tip of it.

I looked at Jace from the corner of my eye and he was fidgeting.

"Something wrong Jace?" I asked him.

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