Your Fans Hate Me: Imagine for Carrington

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This imagine is for carringtonjoseph_

-Carrington's POV-

'I hope you die'

'Uh you're so ugly. Jace is probably only dating you because he feels bad for you'


'Jace is going to leave you'

The comments keep rolling in and I can't do anything about it. Ever since I started dating Jace, I have been getting so much hate. I knew I was going to get the, but I didn't know it would be this intense. Jace doesn't know about the hate that I get and I intend to keep it that way. He could get distracted from acting and I don't want to be the cause of that.

I go into my bathroom and let the tears fall. I'm starting to believe that what the fans are saying about me are true. What if Jace is just dating me because he feels sorry for me. And am I really ugly?

"Carrington?" I hear Jace's voice say as he enters my room. I wipe my tears and walk out of my bathroom. "Babe" Jace says. I put on a fake smile as he wraps his arms around me and pecks my lips.

"Hey Jace" I say softly.

"Car, what's wrong?" He asks

"What'd you mean?" I ask casually sitting down on my bed. Jace follows my actions and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"I know when somethings up with you" Jace says. He's right, he can see right through me.

"It's something stupid" I shrug.

"Tell me Carrington" He says. I grab my phone and enter Instagram. I click on a picture of me kissing Jace's cheek and click on the comments. There's more than a thousand mean ones, but there are the occasionally nice comments here and there.

I hand my phone to Jace, "Read the comments" I say. Jace looks at me confused but then starts scrolling through. I hide my face in my hands and wait till he finishes.

"Car..." Jace sighs

"They just keep getting worse and worse each day" I sob. Jace picks me up and holds me in his lap. I lift my head up and he wipes my tears.

"Don't cry babe, don't let them get to you-"

"But they do! They're not going to stop so don't tell me not to let the comments get to me!" I yell. Jace's eyes soften and I slowly lay my head on his chest. He rubs my back and kisses my neck.

"I'm sorry Carrington, I had no idea this was happening to you, why didn't you tell me?" Jace asks

"I didn't want my problem to distract you from acting" I admit.

"Don't you ever say that, anything that makes you sad you immediately tell me. I will always be here for you. I love you Carrington" He says. I smile and kiss his lips.

"I love you too Jace" I mumble against his lips.

"Now let me show you that I love you" he says as he roughly plants his lips on mine. I laugh and we fall back against my bed.

I know as long as I have him in my life, the haters don't matter.

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