First Time: Imagine For Danielle

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This imagine is for Badgurl1210

•Danielle's POV•
"Are you seriously still a virgin?!" My friend Mary asked
"Yeah, I am. I just want to wait" I said
"How does Jace feel about you waiting?" She asked

"I don't know, I haven't really talked to him about that yet" I replied

"You maybe want to talk to him fast, because sometimes guys get impatient" Mary said. I bit my lip and looked down. I need to talk to Jace.


I entered my bedroom and threw my backpack on the ground. I flopped down on my bed and looked a picture of Jace and I. It was when we were 14. Jace and I are both seventeen and I'm still a virgin. I heard a knock on my bed room door.

"Come in" I said. The door opened and Jace came in smiling.

"Hey babe" He said coming over to me and kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck an tried to deepen the kiss, but Jace pulled away and gave me an confused look. "are you ok?" Jace asked. I looked down and bit my lip. I shook my head.

"No" I replied

"What happened?" Jace asked

"Do you want to have sex with me?" I asked. Jace looked at me with wide eyes.

"Of course I do, but you want to wait and I respect that" Jace said. I grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Thank you, you are the best boyfriend ever" I replied. "But I want to do it" I said. Jace looked at me and cracked a smile.

"Are you sure?" Jace asked

"Positive" I said. Jace smiled and leaned into kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. Jade's hands settle on my waist and he gently pushed me back against the bed. I ran my fingers through his hair. Jace bit my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. Jace's tongue dived in to my mouth and he explored every inch.

Jace's hands slowly traveled up my shirt and rubbed my sides. I tensed up and Jace noticed. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Relax Danielle, just relax" Jace said whispering in my ear. I nodded my head and connected our lips back together. Jace's hand went back up to my shirt and he slowly took it off. His warm hands run across my stomach and he squeezed my hips.

"Jace" I moaned out. I could feel myself getting more wet for him. I ran my hand down Jace's back and took off his shirt. He was packed. Jace slowly went down and kissed my stomach making his way towards my v-line. I needed him. He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down.

I pulled his face back up to me and connected our lips again. Jace's hands traveled back down to my heat and started rubbing me through my underwear. I arched my back and broke the kiss.

"Agh, Jace please" I moaned. Jace smirked and he pulled down my underwear. His hands brushed against my heat. I could literally feel myself dripping. Jace finally stuck two fingers into me. I laid my head back and grabbed on to the sheets. "Fuck" I moaned out.
"Does that feel good Dani?" Jace growled in my ear. I shut my eyes tight and started breathing fast.
"Y-yeah" I said groaning out. "I'm gonna cum!" I yelled out. Jace pumped faster put pulled out as soon as I was about to release. "Jace, why!" I asked sitting up.
"Relax, the time will come" Jace replied smirking. I groaned and laid my head back. Jace pulled my face back up to his and started to kiss my neck. I rubbed my hand on his hard on. Jace bit my lip.

I unbuttoned his jeans and palmed him through his underwear. Jace stopped kissing my neck and bit his lip and hung his head back.
"Let's get to the real thing now" Jace said. I smirked and laid back. Jace pulled off his underwear. Jace grabbed the condom and rolled it on his dick. I looked at his dick and began getting worried. How is that all going to fit in me.

"Don't worry Danielle, I'll take care of you" Jace said stroking my cheek. I nodded my head and pecked his lips.

Jace slowly slid into me and I bit my lip because of the pain. A few tears fell down my face.
"Dani, are you ok?" Jace asked stopping
"I'm fine, just go" I said. Jace nodded his head and pushed the rest of himself inside. I winced at the pain and clawed at his back. I situated myself on his length and took a deep breath. "Move" I said.

Jace started to pump himself in and out of me. I started to feel pleasure. "Faster" I moaned out. Jace grabbed my hips and started going faster and faster. I through my head back and grabbed onto the sheets. "D-deeper" I said.

Jace's hands grasped my waist and rammed into me.
"You feel so fucking good babe" Jace groaned out as he pumped faster and faster.
"Agh, yeah, fuck Jace" I screamed out. I clawed at his back and bucked my hips up to meet his pace.
"Danielle oh shit" Jace moaned out. I threw my head back in pleasure and arched my back.
"Jace I'm about to cum!" I yelled out. Jace didn't respond. Every single time he rammed into me, he would hit my g-spot. "Fuck" I moaned out. I released on to Jace's dick and he released into the condom. Jace's pumps became sloppier and finally he stopped. He laid down on my chest and I stroked his damp hair.
"I love you Jace, you took it slow" I said
"I love you too Danielle, I respect that. I want you to know that" Jace said

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