Attention: Imagine for Bella

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This imagine is for @Bellanorman18
-Bella's POV-
It was another Saturday morning. Jace was working in the office that we have in the house. He's been studying lines for this movie he has to star in. Which means Jace and I haven't done anything sexual in a while. For a month, A WHOLE FREAKING MONTH! I've been craving his touch. That's it, I can't suffer like this anymore. I got off the couch and walked into the office. Jace was sitting in the desk chair with the script in his hand, while running his other hand through his hair repeatedly. I walked over to the chair and  placed my hands on his shoulders. I felt him tense up. I started given him a massage.

"Bella?," he asked. "What are you doing?"
"Can't I give my boyfriend a massage, you seem really stressed" I whispered in his ear
"I know what you're doing and it's not going to work" Jace said sternly
"I'm not doing anything" I said smirking
"Bella, I don't have time for this. I have to go to a meeting tomorrow and run through all of these lines" Jace said
"But Jace, don't you want to see how wet I am for you. I've been thinking about you being inside me and it upsets me that we haven't had sex in such a long time" I said straddling his lap. Jace set the paper down and placed his hands on my waist.
"Babe, I have to get these lines down" Jace said picking me up and placing me on my feet. I huffed and walked out of the office. I went upstairs and changed into a black thong and matching black bra. I put on one of Jace's shirts. The shirt was short enough that you could see my ass and my long legs.

I walked back downstairs and into the office. Jace was in the same spot where I left him. I went up to his desk and climbed on top of it. I stood up on my knees and pretended to be fixing the blinds. I heard Jace place down the paper and I could feel his gaze on me.

"Bells" he said calling me by my nickname. "What're you doing?" He asked. I turned around, seeing him biting his lip and I crawled into his lap. I started grinding on him.
"Please Jace, please make me moan your name so loud that the neighbors call the police on us. Fuck me so hard that I can't walk for days, so my legs feel like jelly. Make my lips swollen because of all the biting and sucking you did to them. Just fuck me" I said looking into his eyes while grinding harder. I could feel him growing under me.
"Fine, but you asked for this" Jace said. Jace shoved everything off of his desk and placed me on it. He took my thong off and spread my legs open. He blowed on my heat. I tensed up.

Jace slid one of his hands up and down my heat. I let out little whimpers.

"Jace please do something" I said. Jace looked me in the eyes.
"Why are you so wet?" He asked smirking
"Because of you Jace. You made me soaking wet" I said
"What do you want me to do?" He asked pumping a finger in my heat
"Fuck-I, I want your mouth on me" I said. Jace took his finger out and kissed my inner thighs. Then he started to suck on my clit.

"Jaceeee" I moaned. Jace placed his hands on my inner thighs and spread my legs further apart. He stuck a finger in and pumped it in and out. He bit down on my clit and I squeaked. "Fuck!" I said. Jace buried his face in between my legs and licked up and down my slit. "Jace I'm going to-" I got cut off by a wave of pleasure hitting me. My legs shook and I released into Jace's mouth. Jace licked my juices up and got out from between my legs.

"Did that satisfy you?" Jace asked arching an eyebrow.
"Yes, now please fuck me" I said. I wrapped my arms around Jace's neck and kissed his lips. Jace moved his hands down to his pants and pulled them down, along with his boxers. My hand made its way to his dick and I stroked him up and down. He groaned in my mouth. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
"B-Bella, I need to be inside of you" He stuttered. He grabbed a condom out of the desk and slid it on. He brought me to the edge of the desk and spread my legs open. I took off the shirt and unhooked my bra. Making my boobs fall out.

Jace sucked on one of my boobs while massaging the other. "Jace" I moaned out. Jace slowly slid himself inside of me and my eyes literally rolled to the back of my head. Jace just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Jace grabbed my hips and slammed into me. I leaned back on the desk and gripped onto the sides. Jace slid in and out of me and it felt so good.

"Fuck Bella, you're so tight" he groaned
"Faster Jace" I moaned. Jace was ramming into me, full speed ahead. I could feel myself getting close. Jace pounded into me so fast that the desk was shaking. It's probably gonna break. "Jace I'm about to cum!!!" I yelled. Jace rammed into me one last time and I lost it. I came onto his dick. Jace released into the condom and pulled out of me. Jace sat back into the chair and I sat in his lap.
"I'm sorry I haven't been giving you a lot of attention lately Bella" Jace said playing with my fingers
"It's ok, but get back to work. You gotta a movie to film later" I said kissing his cheek and waking out of the office. I heard Jace laughing.

JACE NORMAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now