The Dressing Room: Imagine for Adelyn

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This imagine is for jacenormanlover7


-Adelyn's POV-

"Do you like this dress?" I asked my boyfriend Jace.

He looked up, "Not really, green doesn't really suit you" Jace said.

"Ok, I'm gonna go try on this blue dress" I said. I went back into the dressing room and shimmied out of the green dress. I changed into the tight black dress that I really liked.

 I changed into the tight black dress that I really liked

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I tried zipping up but I needed help. I opened the dressing room door a bit, "Jace, can you help zip me up?" I asked.

"Yeah" He said as he stepped in the dressing room with me. "Fuck!" He exclaimed.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Nothing" He said, "You just look extremely fuckable in that dress" Jace said looking me up and down.

"Oh my gosh Jace, just zip me up" I groaned rolling my eyes. Jace sighed and zipped me up.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I look good.

"How do I look?" I asked Jace.

"I already answered this question" Jace said.

"Seriously Jace" I said.

"I'm serious Adelyn" Jace smirked.

"Jace" I whined.

"Ok, ok, you look beautiful in this dress" He said.

"Thank you" I replied.

"Now" Jace said as he locked the dressing room door. He looked back at me and pressed me against the mirror so that my front was pressed against the mirror and his front was pressed against my back. "I wanna do something" He said.

Jace raised the dress up so it was resting on my hips and skimmed my sensitive area with his fingers.

"Jace" I whispered spreading my legs apart more.

"What do you want Adelyn?" He asked in my ear. He gently pulled my underwear down so it fell down to my ankles.

"Y-you" I stuttered as he brought his hand closer. He slipped a finger in me and I gasped.

"You're so hot Addy, I love you so much" Jace said as he pumped his finger in and out of me.

"More" I said between breathes. I started rocking back on his finger. Jace slipped in two more fingers and my jaw dropped. My breathes were in sync with his fingers.

"Shh babe, you're gonna get us caught" He said as he took his fingers out. I whined at the loss of contact, but got excited when I heard the zipped of his jeans being pulled down. I looked in the mirror and saw him pumping himself. I literally moaned at the sight.

I closed my eyes and felt him slip inside of me. I moaned really loud and Jace covered my mouth with his hand. I bit down on his hand and Jace started thrusting faster into me.

Jace leaned closer into me and kissed my neck. I started moaning again and rocking my hips back onto his.

"Fuck Addy, you're so tight" Jace moans in my ear. "You like it don't you, you like how you have to be quiet and I'm fucking you hard in a dressing room" Jace said.

I feel the tingling sensation in my stomach and moaned into Jace's hand.

"You close baby, you wanna cum?" He asked.

I nodded my head and Jace pushed in deeper hitting my spot repeatedly.

"Cum Adelyn, cum for me" Jace said going faster. That set me off and I released onto Jace and he released into me. Good thing I'm on birth control.

Jace thrusts sloppily into me to get us off our highs.

Jace takes his hand off my mouth and pulls out of me. I feel empty right now.

"Wow Jace" I said taking deep breathes.

"I know right" He said. He pulled his pants up and I pulled the dress down.

"Excuse me" Another voice said knocking on the door. I looked at Jace with wide eyes. "What are you doing in there!" The voice said sternly. I looked at Jace and we started laughing.

I opened the door and looked at the lady who was giving me and Jace a harsh glare. I looked at Jace and he grabbed my hand. I looked back at the lady and smiled widely.

"I'll take this dress"

JACE NORMAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now