Jealousy: Imagine for Stacey

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This imagine is for @pinklandshark

This is a dirty imagine, you have been warned.
This imagine is for Stacey

-Stacey's POV-

Today is the day that I'm meeting with my friend Jeremy. Jace is working so I probably won't be seeing him. I don't want to. Jace will probably get jealous as always. Don't get me wrong, I love Jace. He's my everything. It's just that if he sees me with another guy he gets so overprotective and jealous. One time, he didn't talk to me for a whole hour. I don't want to find out what would happen if he saw Jeremy and me talking.

I got out of bed and turned on the shower. While the shower was warming up I took out the clothes that I was going to wear today. I picked out black yoga pants, a white sweater shirt, and my white vans. I stepped back into my bathroom and stripped down into nothing. I got in the shower and grabbed my body wash. I scrubbed it all over me and and then rinsed it off with the water.

I stepped out of the shower and changed into my clothes. I brushed my dark brown hair out of my brown eyes and put it in a messy ponytail. I walked down the staircase and grabbed my purse. I walked out of my house and locked the door. I walked down the sidewalk and entered the starbucks. I spotted Jeremy sitting down at a table. I smiled, "Jeremy!" I said walking over to him.

"Stacey" Jeremy said as he got up and hugged me. I took in the scent of mint and lavender. Weird smell. I released the hug and sat down on the opposite side of him.
"So hows Canada?" I asked
"Pretty good, its really pretty up there" Jeremy said
"Cool, uh do you want anything to drink?" I asked taking out my wallet
"No but if you want something, I'll be happy to get you something" Jeremy said standing up and taking out his wallet.
"Thanks" I said smiling. Jeremy walked in the line and stood there. I smiled. I'm actually having a good time, and I haven't seen Jace at all, which I'm glad for.

"Stacey?" A voice asked. Oh, no. I spoke too soon. I slowly turned around and saw Jace. He looked and smiled, but in a instant his smile disappeared. I gave him a confused look and turned around. Jeremy was standing there placing our drinks on the table. Jace stormed over to the table and slammed his hands down on the table. "Stacey? What the actual fuck!" Jace yelled catching attention from others.
"Jace, please don't overreact" I said standing up
"Are you kidding me?!" Jace said angry. Jace grabbed my wrist and started to pull me out the door. I turned around and mouthed to Jeremy 'text me'. Jeremy nodded his head. Jace picked me up over his shoulder and walked over to his car. Jace opened the door and placed me in the front seat. I crossed my arms as he slammed the door. He jogged over to the drivers side and got in.

Jace turned on the car and stepped on the petal pulling out of the Starbucks parking lot. I glanced at Jace from time to time and saw that his knuckles were turning white and he kept sighing. I don't know why he's so upset. If he just would've let me explain, then things would not be this way. We got to my house and Jace parked the car in my driveway. God, I want to punch him in the face so hard. Jace opened his side of the door and came around to my side. He opened my door and threw me across his shoulder again.

Jace opened my front door with the key that was under the mat and threw me on the couch.
"Jace please let explain" I said
"No Stacey, I can't believe you were with another guy. I called Dan and said that I wanted to spend time with you today and I find out you're with someone else?" Jace asked as paced around the room. I stayed silent and looked at the ground. "You've been a bad girl Stacey" Jace said. I looked at his eyes which were now dark. "And do you know what I do to bad girls?" Jace asked smirking
"No" I said quietly
"Well you're about to find out" Jace said. He picked me up again and threw me over his shoulder. We got to my bedroom and Jace stared at me.
"Stacey, strip down into your bra and underwear" Jace said. I gave him a confused look. "NOW!" He yelled. I slid my top off and took off my leggings.

Jace slammed me against my bedroom wall and kissed me. I didn't want to kiss back but his lips were so soft. I groaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. Jace's hands slipped down and grabbed my butt. I kissed back harder and ran my hands through his hair. Jace pulled me off against the wall and laid me down on my bed. Jace trailed wet kisses along my neck. I moaned at the touch.

"Jace" I moaned. Jace ran his hands down my sides and hooked his fingers in my underwear. I felt myself getting excited. I wanted more. I lifted my hips off so he could take them off. Jace took my underwear off and spread my legs open. I looked Jace in the eyes and nodded my head. Jace started to rubb my heat. "Jace please" I moaned. Jace smirked and slid one finger in me. "Fuck, just like that!" I said squeezing my eyes shut. Jace added another finger and I gripped onto the sheets.
"You like that" Jace said pumping faster
"Yes Jace" I said arching my back. "Another one please" I managed to get out
"Anything for you baby girl" Jace said. Jace added a third finger and I was a moaning mess.
"Agh, fuck. Mmmm" I moaned. I arched my back and released on to him. Jace pulled his fingers out and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him more passionately. Jace uncles sped my bra and sucked on one boob. I moaned and grabbed a chunk of his hair. Jace moved to the next one and sucked harder. He's the only one who can make me feel like this.

"Jace I need you inside me" I said
"Patience my dear Stacey" Jace said as he got off of me and walked into the closet. I frowned and groaned. He just left me here with my throbbing heat. I need him inside me. Jace came back out of the closet with a shoebox in his hand. I arched an eyebrow and looked at him. Jace pulled out handcuffs. WTF! Jace came over and handcuffed my hands to the headboard. "This is what you get for being with another guy" Jace said. He pulled down his jeans and boxers and took off his shirt. He was like 8 inches. Dam! Jace crawled on the bed and put a condom on.

Jace rubbed his dick on my heat and I arched my back.

"Jace please" I said
"What did I say, patience" Jace said. He slid himself in and I gasped at how big he was. He leaned down to the crook of my neck and began to thrust. Why do I have to be handcuffed. I just want to grabbed his shoulder and press myself against him. Jace sped up and all you could here was skin against skin.
"Fucking mother trucker please go faster" I moaned. Surprisingly Jace obeyed my command. Jace pounded deeper and faster and reached my g-spot. I arched my back and released on his dick. Jace flipped me over and raised my hips up. Jace slid in again and pounded into me faster. I spread my legs open and shut my eyes tight. Why can't I just grab him and ride him. Jace pounded into me some more but then his thrusts got sloppy. Jace released into the condom and slid out of me. We were both sweaty and out of breath. Jace unlocked the handcuffs and threw the condom away. He spooned me and kissed my neck.
"Jace I'm sorry, Jeremy was just a friend I hadn't seen in a while and I just wanted to catch up with him" I said turning to face him.
"No I should be apologizing, I'm so sorry for overreacting. I love you Stacey" Jace said kissing my nose
"I love you too" I said snuggling close to him and eventually falling asleep.

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