Stress Reliever - Imagine for Cami -

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Cami's POV

When I got back from my part-time job I immediately went to the kitchen to eat food. One because I love food and two, BECAUSE I LOVE FOOD!

I grabbed some string cheese and cracker and went upstairs into Jace and I' room. I laid down on the bed and turned on the TV. I started eating the food and I was satisfied. I heard the slam of the front door and my head snapped to the stairway which someone, I'm assuming Jace was coming up.

"Babe?" I questioned. I got no response but then spotted Jace's dirty blonde hair walking closer to the bedroom. I stood up and put a smile on his face, but my smile immediately fell when I saw Jace's angry eyes.

"Jace, what happened?" I asked as he threw his briefcase on the ground. Jace didn't answer but he removed his shirt and pants and put on some black sweatpants. I slowly walked up to him placing a hand on his shoulder, he was really tense.

"Jace, whats the matter?" I asked. Jace slowly turned to look at me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm so stressed Cami, work is getting so overwhelming lately" He said taking deep breaths.

"Why, I thought being an actor would be fine. You get to do what you love for a living" I said shrugging.

"Not when people on the set don't know what a damn thing they are doing!" Jace yelled throwing his hands up.

"Jace, babe calm down. Let me help you" I said grabbing his face in my hands and kissing his lips.

"Cam what do you mean?" He asked confused but then got the clue when I dropped to my knees and pulled his sweatpants down. I looked up at him with innocent eyes and batted my eyelashes, a thing I know that he likes.

"Fuck" He groaned. I pulled his boxers down and took him in my mouth. I hummed on his dick which sent vibrations up his body. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and started thrusting into my mouth. I didn't oblige because he obviously needs this because of all the stress that he's going through.

I looked up at him and he bit his lip and threw his head back and released into my mouth. I swallow every last drop. Jace picked me up by my elbows and kissed my lips. He threw me on the bed and crawled on top of me.

"I love you so much Cami" Jace said kissing my lips. Jace ran his hands up my shirt and began to rub my sides. We broke to the kiss so Jace could pull my shirt off. He threw it to the side and kissed my lips agains.

His hand went down to the top of my jeans. I was distracted by the kissing that I didn't notice Jace's hands going into my pants. He pulled them down and started rubbing me through my underwear.

I pant and my toes start to curl, My body is getting tensed. I always feel this way when Jace touches me.

"J-Jace please just do something" I said as he started to kiss the sweet spot right underneath my ear. I bucked my hips up to meet his hands as he slid my underwear to the side and slid one finger in.

"Jace, I need more" I moaned. Jace nodded his head and added in two more fingers. I gripped the sheets and arched my back. I was so distracted by the pleasure that I didn't notice that Jace had removed his fingers and replaced it with his dick.

My eyes shot open and I looked at Jace who was concentrating on his dick going into me. He pulled out and then slammed back into me. My head fell back and I gripped his biceps.

"Jace, that feel's-"

"Shhh, just enjoy it baby" Jace said as he started to thrust in and out of me. I was in ecstasy.

"Fuuuu...." I moaned out as he gripped my left breast and started to thrust into me faster. It was like Jace needed this to get by. He needed my body to let all of his stress out and he sure was taken it out on me.

"Fuck people on the set, they don't know a god damn thing they're doing!" Jace exclaimed going into me harder.

"Yeah baby, tell me all about it" I said panting.

"There such idiots. They don't always know what they're doing when the camera is rolling" Jace said placing both of his hands by my side and going in deeper. My mouth opened and my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"There's this guy Ian" Jace said ramming his hips into mine making the bed hit the headboard.

"Oh yeah, tell me about Ian" I said arching my back.

"He's a fucking prick" Jace slammed into me. "He always acts so innocent to the producers but he's not. So *thrust* fucking *thrust* annoying *thrust*" I struggled to keep my eyes open as Jace went faster.

"Anyways, are you almost there?" Jace asked kissing my collarbone. I nodded my head and let out a high pitched moan. Jace released his load into me and rode out our highs.

Jace slowly pulled out of me and I turned to face him. I grabbed his face and kissed his lips.

"Are you good now baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I went a little rough on you Cami" Jace said giving me a weak smile.

"It's fine" I said getting up from the bed. I winced as I began to stand up. I looked back at Jace and he was smirking.

"You should get stressed more often babe, best sex ever" I said walking into the bathroom.

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