FaceTime Distraction: Imagine for Ashleigh

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This imagine is for singer_of_god

-Ashleigh's POV-

"Babe I'm home" I her Jace's familiar voice ring throughout the house. I race downstairs and jump into his arms. I haven't seen him in three days, he's been on business trips for work lately and I've been lonely. Jace sets me down and kisses my lips, oh how I've missed his lips.

"I've missed you" I say against his lips.

"I've missed you too" Jace says.

"So I was thinking that tonight-"

"Actually babe, I have a FaceTime with my boss tonight for about two hours discussing work" He says scratching the back off his neck. He knows that I get upset when he blows me off from work, it's happened to much for the past week. My smile turns into a frown and I step away from him.

"Oh" I say quietly as I bite my lip to not let the tears fall.

"Ash, I promise that soon after we can-"

"Yeah, I've heard that too many times. But don't worry, I'll be fine. Just go have you're little chat" I say as I brush past him making sure I hit his shoulder and go upstairs.

"Ashleigh wait!" I hear him yell. I ignore him and go into our room making sure to slam the door and lock it behind me. I groan in frustration and flop down on our bed.

He can be such a jerk sometimes. I mean I know he has to work to get money, but sometimes I feel neglected. Plus I have needs. (If you know what I've mean). A light bulb goes off in my head, I have an idea. This is going to be great, he'll be so flustered by the time I'm done with him.

I go across the hall and into Jace's office. He has his computer up and running and is talking to a man on the screen. Jace notices me in the room and sends me a sympathetic smile. I send him one back but its more mischievous. I walk around his chair and kneel in front of him. I'm literally underneath his desk. I push his chair back a bit and he looks down at me. He gives me a warning look and then goes back to talking to his boss.

I ignore his warning look and place my hands on his thighs. Jace tries to push me away with his hands but I slap them away. Jace looks down at me and sends me another look while clenching his jaw. He shakes his finger at me and then goes back to his boss.

I smirk and unbutton his jeans.

"Ashleigh!" Jace harshly whispers.

"Mr. Norman, are you okay?" His boss asks. Jace looks away from me and back to his boss. He sends him a fake smile and then starts listening to his boss again. I tug his jean downs so they pool around his ankles. I run my hand over Jace's crotch and he bites his lip, something he does when he's getting turned on.

I start palming him through his boxers and he shifts in his seat. He bites down on his bottom lip harder. He knows he's lost this battle but he doesn't want to admit it yet. But I'll make him.

I starts palming him faster and I feel him grow and harden underneath my hand. I finally pull his boxers down his legs and he hisses when the cool air touches his hard-on. His dick slaps up against his stomach and he groans.

"No I'm fine Mr. Johnson, my head just kinda hurts but continue" He says to his boss. I smirk and wrap my hand around his dick. He shifts in his seat and takes a deep breath, I look at him but he's avoiding my eyes.

I start pumping up and down his dick and rub my thumb over the tip which is leaking pre-cum.

"I-I feel like that would be g-great for business" Jace moans a little as I take him in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the head of his dick and lick up and down his dick.

"I"m sure sir, my head just really hurts" Jace groans as I deep throat him. I start bobbing my head and Jace grabs a fistful of my hair. I hollow my cheeks and hear Jace intake a sharp breath. I placed my hands on his thighs and take all of him in my mouth. Jace groans and mutters profanities under his breath so his boss doesn't hear him.

Soon I feel him twitch in my mouth and he looks down at me. I nod my head and bob my head faster. Jace closes his eyes for a brief second and then lets out a sigh of relief. I swallow every lost drop of him and take my mouth off of him.

Jace looks down at me and I smile.

"I love you" He whispers. I get out from underneath his desk and head for the door.

"I love you too" I respond quietly. Jace carefully pulls his boxers and pants up without letting his boss see him.

"Mr. Johnson I have to go, my head is pounding right now. I have so much on my mind" I hear Jace say as I'm about to open the door.

"Ok Mr. Norman, tomorrow morning we have a meeting at eight o' clock sharp" I hear his boss say and then Jace closes his lap top. He sighs and stands up. He walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry that I haven't made that much time for you Ashleigh, but I promise all of that will change" Jace says. I smile and kiss his lips.

"Thank you Jace" I say.

"Now let me return the favor that you gave me" Jace says as he picks me up and sets me down on his desk.

"Jace what're you doing?" I ask. But Jace shuts me up by pushing me down on the desk so I'm laying on my back. He pulls my sweatpants down and my underwear.


"Just enjoy it" He says and then licks a strip up my slit. The next couple of minutes are of Jace's head between my legs and my moaning.

We're finally spending sometime together.

JACE NORMAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now