Chapter 8 - Intervention

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Vikk had prepared everything, he had told Tobi and Josh to meet him and the others at the house in the main room and for obvious reasons he had not informed each of them that the other one was going to be there. Josh came downstairs not sure what was in store, he assumed that it was going to be about future videos. Tobi pulled up to the house and like Josh was not sure what was going to happen, he knocked on the door assuming that Josh wasn't in otherwise he wouldn't have been invited round considering the situation. The door revealed a nervous looking Vikk:

"Hi Vikk" said Tobi with a small smile.

"Hey Tobi, please come in, we've got important stuff to discuss" said Vikk, the nervousness becoming ever evident in his voice.

Tobi walked in to find all the sidemen sat around the main room and most notably Josh, the man he hadn't seen for weeks. Tobi's entrance naturally surprised Josh and not in a good way.

"WHY IS HE HERE?" yelled Josh, obviously not acting like himself.

"I didn't know you were going to be here either" explained Tobi in a quiet voice, he felt like a broken man and just couldn't put up with another fight or argument.

"We want to sort this out once and for all. Our group can't function without you two being on good terms and you two should be on good terms, you are best friends after all." said Vikk sternly, feeling he could start taking control of the situation.

"Correction, used to be best friends, until HE disrespected me and threw that away" said Josh with an aggressive finger point at Tobi.

"Josh you need to realise you're not being rational. How Tobi responded to your rejection was an overreaction but you have to understand that he was hurt at time" interjected Harry, keen to see this all end positively.

"Harry's right Josh. I didn't mean to respond so irrationally and I overreacted, for which I apologise." said Tobi meekly, he just looked defeated and everyone apart from Josh felt sorry for him.

"Well I don't accept your apology. You don't deserve one." argued Josh, not caring how far this went anymore.

"Come on Josh, Tobi apologised isn't that enough? We can't have you two in the sidemen if there's friction" argued Simon.

"Oh fuck off Simon, for once this doesn't concern you." said Josh with a sharp acid tongue

"Well actually it does concern me because this affects the future of the sidemen, so stop acting like a prick Josh" replied Simon.

"I'm the prick? That's ironic coming you Simon, you self-centred wanker. You just want all this to be about yourself as always" retorted Josh.

The others couldn't believe this, Josh had become the complete opposite of what they knew him to be and they dared not cross him. Simon wanted to respond, anger drawn plainly on his face, but he just sank in his seat, he did not want to mess with Josh when he was so vicious like this and he was hurt by his words, he was upset by Josh's scathing criticism, even though everyone knew Simon wasn't like that.

"Josh this getting out of hand. Let's calm down and talk about this like adults" said JJ, concerned for his friends.

"Well how about that! More irony, being told to calm down by Olajide "let's get hyper" Olatunji. Quite frankly I'm not going to fucking calm down, especially when I'm being verbally attacked by all of you tossers. I. WON'T. FUCKING. CALM. DOWN." Josh was losing it.

Ethan sat there wanting to say something. Wanting all of this to be resolved and it was unusual for him to be quiet, but it didn't take long for Josh to notice...

"Nothing to say Ethan? Want to take Tobi's side like all the others have? I'm surprised you're not filling the room with your stupid fucking laugh like you always do."

All the other sidemen just sat there open mouthed and depressed at Josh's resistance and the disdain he had showed them. Their friend had become vicious and nasty, the complete opposite of what their Josh was, a calm, kind, loyal and funny go to friend.


"JOSH. That's not how it is at all, Tobi's apologised and is sorry about what happened, why can't you just make up and be friends and we can go back to how everything was before all this happened? It'll be better for all of us and we can go back to being a strong group of friends who will support each other no matter what" said Vikk calmly, trying to defuse the situation.

"Bullshit. Take your pathetic attempt at an intervention and shove it up your arses. You won't let me make my own decisions on life and you're all trying to control me. I'm leaving, see ya bellends." Josh said this in a calm manner, yet it was frighteningly more sinister and he stormed up the stairs, intending to escape the others.

The other sidemen sat there in shock, not really able to understand what just happened. Josh had taken all of them apart verbally and if anything the intervention had just made everything worse. They had lost their Josh, this one being the opposite of the one they knew and loved and many tears were falling among a few of them, particularly Simon who had borne the particularly heavy brunt of Josh's attack. They weren't sure what was going to happen next.

Josh lay on his bed for a few hours, pleased to have gotten all the anger out and was not feeling any guilt for what he had said.

Josh had been feeling something strange emotionally since the argument had ended. He then realised what it was, a feeling of love, a strong love...

for Tobi.

What was he going to do now?

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not having updated in a while but hopefully the uploads will start becoming more frequent! I hope you're all enjoying this as I am enjoying my first go at writing a fanfiction! I hope the story isn't too bad! Thanks very much for reading! Riak64 :)

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