We Were Infinite

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We were infinite  

Chapter 1 Part 1





My alarm clock goes off at 6:30 AM reminding me of another day of horror. School.

Courtney's P.O.V

Hi my name is Courtney Bay, I'm 15 years old. As everyone calls me "unpopular". I get bullied every single day of my life.

"Oh great Monday again" I say tiredly.


I rush down stairs in horror seeing a platter of pancakes and syrup. I shiver at the thought of how many calories that crap might have.

"It looks... Delicious mom!" I say while taking a seat.

"I know they're your favorite" she smirks.

I manage to eat somehow and run to my room to change. I want too look good today, different and prettier. I look at myself in the mirror and shiver at the sight of my face. I reach into my bag and grab my makeup supplies. I go to my closet and put on a T-shirt, jeans, and boots. I comb my hair and make it into a braid. Looking in the mirror once again and I screech with horror as my little brother jumps out behind the shower curtains.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! ARE YOU CRAZY?" I say yelling at the top of my lungs.

He smirks and runs away with no care in the world. Must be nice to be a kid.  

I pack my lunch and run to the bus stop with junior my little brother.

Suddenly he trips me into a puddle.

"NOO! THIS IS MY BEST OUTFIT! JUNIOR!!!!" I cry in horror seeing my clothes soaked with mud and mascara going down my face.

"I'm so sorry Courtney!" He starts to cry as saying this.

I manage to smile but keep on crying and hug him. Maybe I can run back home and change I think to myself.

"I can go before the bus comes!" I yell in happiness.

As I'm running the bus comes by and I start to cry even harder. No! Why does everything happen to me! With fear I step into the bus and find a seat.

"LOOK AT THE LONER ALL COVERED IN MUD!" Jonathan says while laughing so hard.

Jonathan Pierce, my high school bully. Well one of them.

"Jonathan shut up!" I whisper.

Suddenly his girlfriend comes and sits by him as they start making out.

"That's disgusting get a room!" I say with disgust in me.

Suddenly the bus stops and I jump out of my seat running out the bus door. When suddenly Nicole trips me and I land on my face. Her and her gang start to laugh so hard and step on me with their heels while walking away. I manage to get up and walk to my locker. I'm stuffing my books in my locker when cooper the cutest boy in school walks by. He's new but the second I laid eyes on him I fell in love.

"OH, so the loser likes cooper!" Jonathan screams so loud everyone turns around.

"N-o-o! I don't like him!" I say trembling.

"LONER HAS A HOPELESS CRUSH!! GOOD LUCK HES TO GOOD FOR YOU" He says laughing and walking away.

His friend shoves me and makes me drop all my papers on the floor. I pick them up and the bell rings. I run to algebra as fast as I can.

"Class get out your notebooks" Mrs.Jones says with her accent.

I take out my notebook and accidentally drop my pencil pouch.

"You dropped this" Cooper whispers while picking it up.

"Thhh-h-hanks" I whisper back in a trembly voice.

He smiles at me. I couldn't help but too smile back. I almost scream!

"Wow Courtney he smiled at you!" My best friend Jennifer says with a smile.

Coopers P.O.V

Damn she's the most gorgeous girl I've seen in my life. I walk up to my bro Jonathan.

"Hey bro" I say while hugging him.

"Hey coop have u seen the loner she's covered in dirt" He bursts out laughing.

"What's her name?" I ask

"Courtney the loner" he says laughing so hard.

I look around to see if I can spot her. Finally I see her sitting alone with another girl. I walk over there.

"Hi Courtney" I say while smiling.

"May I sit?" I say nervously.

"You want to sit with Courtney the loner?" Courtney says with a surprised tone.

"No. I just wanna sit with Courtney" I say.

You can tell she's blushing and I am too I like her.

Courtney's P.O.V

OH MY GOSH HE'S TALKING TO ME! I can't help but to blush like fire.

"I never thought someone popular would talk to me" I tremble.

"I'm talking to you" he says with a smile.

"I k-know its crazy" I tremble again.

"How about you and me hang out today? After school" he says shakily.

I almost scream with delight but manage to stay cool and say yes.

Authors note: PLEASE TELL UR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS!! It'll mean a lot I really want a lot of reads thanks ily!

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