Chapter 11 ~ Sorry

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Courtney's P.O.V


"WAKE UP" A loud voice screams into my ear. I don't even bother to open my eyes to see who's yelling. I pull the sheets over my head and groan. "SISSY YOU HAVE TO TAKE ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND TO SCHOOL" Suddenly I recognize that voice. That voice that can make you smile just by hearing it. Junior. I open my eyes and he smiles. "JUNIOR!" I yell pulling him on top of me for a big hug. I pull away from him and ask "How come I didn't see you yesterday?"

"You were asleep when you got home so you didn't see me." he giggles jumping onto the floor. "Now get up so we can go to school!"

I smile and get up. He runs out the door leaving me alone. I'm surprised cooper hasn't came in to say good morning. I grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to shower, and change. I peel off my clothes and turn on the hot water to take a quick shower. I step out and put a towel around my body and one twisted around my hair. I put on my natural every day make up mascara, foundation, and lip gloss. The mascara really makes my blue eyes pop out. I take the towel from my hair off and dry it with the blow dryer. I comb through my long dirty blonde hair letting it flow everywhere. I put on some clothes, shoes, and accessories. I walk out the bathroom door and grab my stuff. Junior and grace are sitting down on the floor playing with an iPad. This is weird coopers not even downstairs. I march upstairs walking to his room. I step inside to see him still asleep. Aw he looks adorable sleeping. What is he doing sleeping this late?

I sit down beside him on the bed and he lets out a snore. I giggle and he opens his eyes slowly and then smiling "morning beautiful". I arch my eyebrow "Ya morning do you know what time it is?"

"Uh 6 am I don't know early though?" He says confused.

I throw a pillow at him and laugh "Ya I wish, it's 7:59 school starts in 5 minutes " he looks like he doesn't even care. He looks sick.. "Are you okay baby?" I ask sitting up straight. He shrugs "no I feel cold and then hot and then cold again..I don't know." He probably has a cold.

"You should stay home today then I'll take the bus"

"No no I'm not letting you on that bus alone" he says.

I sigh "I can drive myself too you know". I have my own car he just won't let me drive because he's scared ill 'crash'.

"Fine but drive safe okay?" He says while getting up to kiss my forehead. I nod my head and smile.

"CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING" I yell from downstairs. He screams back saying okay. I smile to myself while grabbing my car keys and my back pack.

"Junior grace lets go we're already late you don't want to be yelled at by mr.james again do you?" I say while walking into the living room.

They both scream out "lets go!!" and run out the door. We get in the car and I turn on the engine. I drop them off at their school and they both run off holding hands. Aaaw young love. Ya until one of them steals each others lollipop it'll be young drama. I drive to school and park my car. "Crap" I mumble while getting out of the car. I'm 15 minutes late! I ran to my homeroom out of breath.

"Well well someone's late, go get a late slip from the office young lady" mrs.hatte says pointing at the door. I sigh and walk to the office. Suddenly my friend Kayla comes up to me.

She slaps my back and ruffles my hair "Hey!". "Kayla!! This hair takes time to make it this good looking!" I laugh while fixing my hair.

"You're a weirdo court anyways, are you excited for prom this Friday?" Prom..? I never heard anything about prom?

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