Chapter 6 ~ The Death Of Me

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.Chapter 6 

We were infinite∞ 

~The death of me~

 Coopers P.O.V


 I wake up early. I go down stairs and eat cereal. Once I'm done I put the bowl in the sink and run to Courtney's room to wake her up for school. I enter the room noticing the sheets everywhere. "Court are you hiding?" I laugh. No answer. "Courtney where are you!?" I scream. Still no answer. Where could she be? I grab my phone and text her. 

To: Court<3 "Hey baby where are you?" "Beep" From: Court<3 "I'll see you at school. We need to talk babe" I feel myself scared. What is she going to do? The real question is what is she going to tell me? 

Courtney's P.O.V


 Last night I came back home. My dad was out getting drunk. So thankfully he didn't see me. I put my phone on top of my drawer and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I get out of the shower and go to my closet, I pick a fresh-top that says "Never stop dreaming" and put on my shorts. It's gonna be really hot today. I brush my hair out and put it in a ponytail. I grab some sandals and say goodbye to mom. "Bye mom ill be home soon" I say kissing her forehead. She smiles at me. "Honey be careful with your dad if he sees you" she says sounding worried. "Don't worry mom ill be fine" I say with a smile. I walk out the front door closing it behind me. I see junior run out the front door tackling me. 

"Sissy! I missed you!" He screams in my ear. I get up and hug him. "I missed you too" I smile. "Daddy's gone cray cray I'm scared sissy please don't leave me" junior says with tears falling out of his eyes. I bend down beside him "I promise ill never leave your side" I say smiling. "Pinky promise!?" He says giving me his pinky. Our pinkies lock together and I carry him to the bus stop. I kiss him goodbye when his bus arrives. "Hey sexy looking fine" I hear a breath behind me. I turn around to see Jonathan with his arms around my waist. I jump back untangling him from me. "What was that for baby" he says smirking. "Just leave me alone! I have a boyfriend" I yell. He freezes. I walk inside the bus and immediately get shoved by Nicole. "UGH MOVE SLUT" she beams at me. I sit down alone as always. The bus stops and I exit the bus being pushed off by Monica, a girl from Nicole's gang. I see my knee scraped from the fall. I go to the nurses office to get a band-aid and walk out. I go to my locker and get my books for my next classes. When suddenly cooper hugs me from behind. "Babe where did you go last night" he asks me sounding concerned. "I went to my dads house" I whisper. "Babe what the hell why would you go back there he hit you!" Cooper snaps letting go of me. "I'm sorry" I mumble. "What did you need to talk about?" He asks. This is it. I might as well say it. "Cooper I think we should brea-" suddenly cooper cuts me off. "Time for math lets go" he says locking his fingers in mine. -.-.-.- It's lunch time and me and cooper sit at the Populars table. I don't know what I'm doing here. I shouldn't be here. "Why don't you go sit with the girls and have girl take babe" cooper Says with a smile on his face. I sit with the girls not knowing what to do. "Uhh...h-I.." I say not knowing what to do. "Hey!" About 10 girls say too me with a smile on their faces. Nicole and her 2 other girls look at me with anger in them. "What the hell are you doing here" Nicole snaps at me. "Uh" I mumble. "OMG Nicole leave her alone she looks cool!" Some beautiful girl with long blonde hair and deep green eyes beams to Nicole. "Ugh shut up Alyssa!" Nicole roars with anger in her eyes. She gives me the 'ill beat you up later' look. "Thanks Alyssa" I say giving her a smile. "Anytime what's your name?" "Courtney but you can call me court" I say. "You can call me aly" she says with a huge smile on her face. All the other girls introduce themselves and we are all becoming friends. *3 hours later* I walk to the bus stop with Alyssa. I wave goodbye to her as her bus comes and she leaves. Suddenly I see an angry Jennifer. "Well look who hasn't talked to me all day" Jennifer says squeezing my wrist. "Sorry Jennifer I spent the day with Alyssa and cooper" I say with a smile. "So now you're a freaking popular?" She yells her face turning hot red. "No! Can't I make friends you never pay attention to me anyway! You just use me, I'm not even you're best friend you just say I am but then you ignore me 5 minutes later at least aly pays attention to me!" I scream. Everyone turns around starring. "Woah what's going on here?" Cooper says grabbing me and pulling me in a hug. Tears fall down my face and into his chest. He hugs me tight and kisses my head. "What did you do to my baby girl!?!" Cooper snaps at Jennifer. "You stay out of this pretty boy" she smirks. I get out of coopers arms "whatever Jen I never wanna see you again!" I scream tears falling. When suddenly Jennifer slaps me in the face. I see Jonathan stand behind her hugging her. What the hell? "DONT EVER TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN" Cooper flinches at them. We get in his car and he drives me back to his house. "Thanks for protecting me" I say smiling. He smiles at me and we get out of the car. We enter his house and I go to my room. I sit on my bed thinking. Tears build up by the memories. Suddenly cooper sits by me on my bed. "It's alright babe it will get better you don't need her" He says giving me a sideways hug. "I guess" I whimper. I look into his beautiful blue eyes. Sweet JESUS they're perfect. Suddenly our lips meet. We're making out instantly. He pulls me closer to him. My phone rings. I let go of him and pick it up. "Jello?" "Hello mrs. Courtney bay?" The lady asks. "Ya that's me" I say confused. "We're sorry to inform you but you're mother is dead." The lady says. I drop the phone immediately. My moms dead. A/N: chapter sucked cuz I did it all fast! Sorry. Please read vote and I do follow for follow. If u want me to read your story just ask and I will vote for it too bye!<3

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