Chapter 5 ~ Down The Hill

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Chapter 5

We were infinite∞

~Down The Hill~

Coopers P.O.V


I hear crying around me. I can't open my eyes but I can hear everyone's words.

"Is he gonna be okay" I hear a girl crying asking this. Courtney. I wanna wake up right now and just hug her. I wanna kiss those perfect lips. I wake up to the sight of Courtney crying in a chair. Where am I? The nurses office.

"COOPER!" She yells.

I sit up and hug her so tight. We both cry into each others shoulders.

'Baby what happened' I ask still hugging her. She lets go of me which I wish she didn't.

"You were punched really bad by Jonathan" she says. Oh great my 'best friend' punched me. He's going down. I look up to see Courtney's face bruised.

'Courtney who did this to you?' I ask with anger in my words.

She looks down and says "Jonathan".

I immediately leave the nurses office shoving the nurse out of my way.

"Coop what are you doing!" I hear Courtney yell from across the hall.

I stand outside the classroom Jonathan is at right now. The bell rings, and when he comes out I immediately shove him on a wall.

"Hey bro" he says shoving me off of him.

'Are you kidding me?' I shout.


'You know what I'm talking about you punched me In the stomach and my girlfriend and you still manage to call me bro!' I roar at him grabbing onto his shirt.

"GIRLFRIEND!!?!" Jonathan screams so loud it sounds like echoes.

So that's it. Jonathan pierce is jealous of my girlfriend. Without thought I whisper in his ear 'You hurt my girlfriend again and ill hurt you.'

I let go of him. I see everyone starring at me. Whispering. I don't care what they think.

Courtney's P.O.V


I look around the school hoping to find cooper somewhere. I hope he's not fighting Jonathan again. 'This is all your fault' I hear a voice echoing.

'Who said that?' I tremble.

'If it wasn't for you cooper and Jonathan would have never gotten in a fight' there it is again.

Suddenly cooper hugs me from behind.

"Hi boo bear" he smiles kissing me.

I don't kiss back. I give him a fake smile and we walk to the car. We hop in.

"Babe are you hurt anywhere else?" He asks with worry in his voice. I am hurt but not anywhere else.

'No baby I'm fine' I smile.

'He doesn't care about you'

There it is again.

"You wanna go get lunch?" He asks.

'No I'm fine can we just go home?' I ask sounding desperate. I just wanna rest.

"Are you sure we could go to that new sandwich shop"

'No thanks not in the mood for sandwiches' I smirk.

"How about pizza?" He smiles.

'I said no!!! Just take me home and stop asking!' I growl.

Oh no. Did I just say that? He's gonna hate me! At that moment  I wanted to burst out into tears.

Coopers P.O.V


My heart sunk when she said that. I truly love her. I would do anything for her. We arrive at my house and I make her pasta.

'I made food babe come get it' I say while sitting next to her on her bed.

Courtney's P.O.V


'He hates you just let him go already' there it is again the voice in my head.

'No thanks coop I'm not hungry' I fake smile.

"Babe what's wrong you're acting weird" he says looking sad.

'He called you weird he hates you look at him'

'STOP IT STOP IT I HATE YOU SO MUCH JUST SHUT UP!' I scream kicking my feet.

Cooper freezes. You can see tears begin to form in his eyes.

"Courtney...why... Didn't you tell me you hated me..." He whispers loud enough for me to hear.

'No I don't hate you I love you, see this is what-' he cuts me off.

"It's ok I understand " he gets off my bed wiping his eyes.

'Babe don't go I'm sorry' I get up grabbing his hand.

'He doesn't even care' This voice is killing me. But, maybe it's right...

"Do you really hate me?" He asks crying.

'No I love you!!' I say hugging him and crying in his chest.

He sits me on the bed and we're making out instantly.

"I love you too" he whispers in my ear.

The voice booms in my head again 'Leave him he won't care' no. I won't listen to this stupid voice. I get off of cooper and go into the kitchen. I do my homework for 2 hours till it's finally 12 AM. I go change into my pikachu pajamas and huddle up under my bed sheets. 'GOODNIGHT' I scream laughing.

"GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!" I hear cooper yell from across the hall.

I laugh. Closing my eyes.

(The following part is a dream.)

"Good morning sunshine" a voice says. I see someone shaking me to get up.

"Morning" I say stretching and yawning.

I'm in a fully white room and I can't see the person anywhere. I get up and catch myself trapped onto a vine.

Suddenly a door opens and a guy with a full white suit and a mask that covers his face comes out.

"Hello there" he echoes.

"Who are you?" I ask shaking.

He rips off his mask with blood coming out of his mouth. Bruises all over his face, and a black eye it's cooper!

"OMG babe are you okay!" I yell trying to hug him. But when I do someone yanks him. Jonathan.

"He's mine now and I will kill him" Jonathan smiles.

"NO LET HIM GO!!" I scream trying to reach cooper but the vine tugging me.

"This is all your fault if we weren't dating this wouldn't have happened" cooper says.

(Dream ends)

I wake up crying. Until I finally know what to do. Go back to my dads house. I pack some stuff in my backpack and say 'goodbye' while stepping out the door.


A/N: This chapter sucked. But please read thanks I love you all ! I do follow for follow and vote for vote just comment below if u want me to read UR story :)! Thanks spread this story out bye!! Ill update this weekend.

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