Chapter 16~ The Truth

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Courtney's POV

Four months ago me and Cooper had that big fight. Remember? Everything was perfect afterwards. He treated me like a princess. I was beyond happy. Until now. I'm guessing fairytales don't last forever.. right? Well lately me and Cooper have fought about practically anything and everything. He spends more time with friends then he does with me. He acts like I'm invisible and he doesn't even talk sweet to me anymore. Alyssa moves too Nevada today.. It breaks my heart cause she's the bestest friend I've ever had. She's been there for me when no one else has. As for my other best friend.. Jordan.. Ya he's a complete dipshit just like his best friend Cooper Fisher. My life has literally gone down a freaking toilet. Right now I'm driving to the airport with the one person that truly cares about me, Alyssa. Our song came on the radio.. Oath by Cher Lloyd.. We both started screaming our lungs out.



We arrived at the airport and we got out of the car and I helped her take her suitcases out. "Geez woman how much stuff do you own?" I chuckled. There was about 6 suitcases.

"3 of those suitcases are all makeup and electronics." She chuckled. she's makeup obsessed. I took 3 suitcases and she took 3. We went inside the airport and she gave the lady her stuff. We took a seat and I stared at her.

"What are you going to do about Cooper?" She asked.

"I don't know.. he's been acting fishy.. he's always smiling at his phone and going out with friends." I sighed.

"Oh my god Courtney just break up with him! You don't deserve him! He's treating you like shit and you're allowing it! I swear I want to kick his balls so hard." She said with anger.

"I can't do that.. where else will me and Junior live?" I sighed and fiddled with my fingers.

"I told you, come to Nevada with me! Please? My parents would be more then happy to have you and Junior with us. They love you guys." She smiled. Yes, she asked me too move with her. I wanted too it's just I don't want to annoy them..

"I can't do that. I don't want to disturb you guys." I said. She rolled her eyes, "You won't!" Suddenly we heard on a loud speaker 'The plane too Las Vegas, Nevada will be taking off in 5 minutes'

"Lets go." Aly grabbed my hand and we walked to the terminal. When we got there Aly gave the lady her pass. "Have a safe trip." The lady said. Aly nodded and smiled at her then looked at me. She starred at me for like a minute without saying anything.

"I'm going to miss you Court.. so so much." Alyssa said shakily.

"No, Aly don't cry.. please. I'll start crying.." I said hugging her tightly. I felt tears on my shoulder and I knew she was crying. No Court.. don't cry. You're strong. She's just moving for 3 years.. Or 2.. Its ok.

'The plane too Las Vegas, Nevada will be taking off in 3 minutes' and right after I heard those words I burst out crying. I cried so hard. I let go of Alyssa and wiped my tears away.

"Aly.. please! Don't go please. PLEASE!" I said crying. I loved Aly more then anyone. She was there for me since the day we met.

"I'm s-sorry Court.. P-please come visit me. And break up with that douche. I'll face time you everyday I p-promise." She stuttered while crying. I nodded and hugged her one last time.

"Goodbye.. best friend" She cried and wiped her tears away. She walked slowly to the terminal and I cried. Suddenly I remembered something!

"Aly! Wait!" I yelled. She looked back at me with red puffy eyes, "Ya?"

"here. I made you this.." I handed her a binder with pictures of us in it. She grabbed it with shaky hands and looked in it. There was a picture of us having a water fight, us cuddling, her birthday party last month.. and more. I saw a tear fall on the picture of us. The first day we met. She dropped the binder and hugged me. I hugged her back. We pulled away and she picked up the binder. She walked back to the terminal but turned around.

"I love you Court. Best friends forever." She smiled at me and waved.

"I love you too. Forever." And then she walked away. And then she was gone. I wiped my tears away and ran to the car. I sat in the drivers seat and cried. Until I heard my phone ring. It was Cooper. I smiled a little. Maybe he still loves me. I answered and I heard him laughing.

"Hello? Babe?" I said raising an eyebrow. No answer. he must've butt dialed me. I was about to hang up when I heard kissing noises. I put the phone on speaker and listened. "I love you baby.." Cooper said to someone.

"I love you so much more. Just break up with Courtney already!" That sounded incredibly familiar.. and annoying. Then it hit me. My eyes literally popped out of my head and I wanted to cry.

"Baby.. I want too so bad. But I feel bad for her.. she has no where else too go." He said. My heart dropped. Those words.. He didn't mean them... right?

"You're rich just buy her an apartment and pay her rent." she said.

"I'm not doing that." Cooper said.

"Okay, fine. I don't even care as long as you love me more then her." she said.

"Of course I love you way more then her. You're my world baby." I heard kissing noises again.. "She should be home soon.. from dropping that slut Alyssa off at the airport. I'll call her and see if she's almost here.." Cooper said.

I panicked and hung up. I felt tears escape out of my eyes. I can't believe he's cheating on me. I had a feeling he was.. I just can't believe it's with her... I heard my phone ringing and I knew it was Cooper. I sniffled and answered, "Hello?"

"Hi. Are you on your way?" He said innocently. Oh shut up. I decided I should trick him.

"Nope. Won't be home till tomorrow. Going clubbing." I smirked.

"Cool. Bye." He said and hung up. The original Cooper would've killed me if I went clubbing at night. I miss him..

I never did tell you who the girl was did I? It was...



YAY! I FINALLY UPDADTED! yOU guys are amazing! Thank you so much for 1.9k! I love you! Shit just got real in this chapter ;)


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