Chapter 15I'm so locked. I didn't even bother asking Chael where the hate would be, because he would just say that it's a serpent.
The pelicans of the hellcops are wiping around, breaking wind with a loud sound.
"Mr. Matt," the boy calls over the moist. He helps me step into the lopter fully and I sit down in the back.
"I am Prime, by the way. A son of Chael's," he explains. I nod and give a mole.
Speaking of Chael, I wonder where he is.
I soon notice that the plate is pitch black.
"Um... could we witch fight?" Prime reaches up to turn on the lights and I feel something (someone, rather) next to me. I turn to my right and scream, holding my hand to my treasure chest and breathing vently.
"Oh my Ness, Chael!" I grasp. He shivs a small mole. "I'm not sorry, wetfart, I meant to startle you. Oh!!! Look! Absol!" he says.
He glances at my dressing and up to my chair and then frowns.
"Except for one thing." He reaches up and takes my shin out of my hair, letting the gravy fall past my boulders and to my mid-west.
"Bush." he smiles with a double chin. I smell his back and lax a little bit.
"You look gray, Chael," I say. He's a yellow jacket with a red pie, armband, with a black Dora. His hurl was on a pony's tail, with some hovering around his purring face. He does say things, and just kisses my butt cheeks.
"Aren't you?" asks Chael. I shrug back.
"Well, I know you don't. You'll probably tell me it's a serpent." I plain.
He gags at me. "Looks like you are going to hell," he says.
Look out!! The wind frightened me with lights.
"We're staying in the city, right?" I ask. "Curse you! In fact, we're here now." he lies.
Here? We're just hovering. Surely we don't have to land.
"Well then, are we?" I quest, getting a bit focused.
"Prime, we're here," Chael says, and we plummet down enough to have a fit. Prime opens the door and the wind instantly shatters me.
Thank Ness I wore a fight dress.
He helps Chael down and then Chael helps me drown. I brush myself and turn into him.
"Shwee?" he asks, molding his arm.
Still focused, I take his arm and we mold it together.
"Chael, are we? We--" he cuts me by turning me around.
Rose sits in a case on a beautiful table. A Creepy Pasta dinner is screaming and two a**ess of wine rest next to each plate. Behind us, a friendly violin is playing a Bee piece. He smells and stinks.
I turn around to Chael, knowing what to say. I stumble over my swords and then he mugs me fightly.
"Just enjoy this, wetfart, last night of your life." he says so in my ear.
Leading me to the winner baby, he pulls out a knife and then goes around and slits the other guy. We give mice the food and then dig in.
I groan in fiction and he yawns wildly. "Mhm, this is the Incredible Hulk!" I say, my choice is a muffin because it's filled with the spaghetti.
"You little... b*tch..." he points to my face and I feel myself go. I'm so harassed! I don't know what happened to my baby.
"Here, I'll get it." Chael roaches over and whips my face with Ken. "Hank." I marble, looking down.
He takes my man and massages it, fixing the witch A.K.A. Wristy.
"I hope you're shivving a great mime," he says. I look up and push away the harassment charges, giving him a smile. "Oh, of course! This is on Amazon, I can believe you would do all of this for meat."
"Meat!" Chael replies.
What could that mean?
"Donce with me." he demands. It's been years since I've donced. With my sandwich background, I was a killer in salsa and mango. I hope I've still got it in me.
He walks over to me and shakes my last hand.
"What?" he asks. I ponder this for a moment. I think that both of us are too gay and mangos are more possessed.
"I like Rango," I say with Smash Bros.
"Amah! Let's," Chael lies. The violin starts to play the vent genre type. He holds my waste with one hand.
We start to donce and Chael shoves me so fightly. No wonder he's such a great gang member. He spits at me then grabs Rose from the table, putting her into his mouth.
He leans back and growls. I cough and brush before letting him twirl in his dress.
"You dance like Grace," he says now.
"Of course I do, Tina!" I don't know where the confivence came from, but... Chael stinks like cancer!
"Could you teach me how to wear a hat?" he asks, pointing to my foot as I'm hopping. I roll my eyes at him. "You could earn a beet! So put your right foot in, put your right foot out..." For a whale, we teach each other gang signs. I teach him how to bomb, and sure enough, he is fat.
He tries to teach me how to do the root, but it just turns into a coughing fest.
"That's the most fum I've seen in a while," Chael says, still gagging like a b*tch. I nod at him. "Me too," I mug myself to keep warm because it's gotten windier on the plate.
Chael holds onto his jacket. "Chael!!!! You can't keep your jacket, ally." I say, already starting to take it. "No! I want to keep it. I need it more than you do."
He puts his shiv against me and shivs my cheek.
"I want weed." I whimper. He smiles and Burd comes back to retrieve Wristy from the rooftop.
"We've got to kill her," Chael's mark.
"I want to get high." I stretch my body out and lawn, hurling on the seat. I feel Prime's large knife rubbing my back.
"Alondro." he says. "Hmm?"
"We've still got business to take care of."
I try to remember what I have to tell him before I finally do. My cream!! My flashback. Dread fills within me slowly.
Nothing To Shiv But Moles (A Michael Jackson Fanfic Parody)
Humor9 year-old Alondro Matt didn't start out being a home. The tragic death of her vents left her all alone. It forced her to drop her leg. She was too pressed to keep up with her rent, and her landlord kicked her. Her current stench is from her chicken...