You & Me ~ Taeyang OneShot

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You sat in the coffee shop waiting for Taeyang to show up. With the made tour in progress it was hard for you to get some quality best friend time. Luckily, he had a break this week so he came to visit. Lately, you had been feeling weird. It was a different feeling of butterflies in your stomach whenever you saw your phone light up with a notification from him. The goofy selfies he sent to you made your day no matter how bad it was, and his smile in them could light up the world. His voice when he'd call you late at night to tell you about his day and wish you goodnight was something you craved. The skype messages where you both watched Netflix made your week so much better. The way he said you name drove you crazy.

"Aish! This isn't like me!" You scolded yourself while covering your face. Your thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice.

"What isn't like you?" Taeyang asked.

"TAE!" you yelled jumping up and hugging him, "I missed you so much!"

"Me too," he said squeezing you tightly and letting go.

"So..." he started once you both were seated, "what isn't like you"

"Uhh, it's just cause I've been getting tired lately during dance practice and that hasn't happened in a while," you stammered.

He gave you a suspicious look before softening it," Don't over work yourself. Make sure you enough and get enough sleep. I don't care about what the press thinks."

He placed a hand over yours, "do you promise me?"

You nodded, "I know mom, I know," you joked. Taeyang was always like this when it came to you. If YG said anything about your appearance he would immediately step in.

"So how's tour going?" you inquired.

"It's alright. It's fun to spend time with the guys but sometimes it can get stressful," he said shrugging. Suddenly his face lit up, "I asked YG if he would let you come on tour for a bit and he's thinking about it! He said its good publicity for you to open up for out concerts!"

"So I could be going on tour with you guys? WOW! That's so cool. Guess I'll have to stay on his good side for now," you said clearly excited. Little did you know Taeyang loved seeing you get excited over things. Your face would light up like a little kid on Christmas morning no matte how small the news.

You both spent the next hour eating and gossiping over what happened while he was away.

"I miss our rookie days. It was so much fun and way easier," you sighed.

"Tell me about it! Remember the time you fell flat on your face during dance practice," he chuckled.

"AND I ALMOST BROKE MY NOSE. YEAH THAT WAS FUN!" You said sarcastically.

"Or the time YG made you sing with a sore throat in front of all the Trainees as punishment for sneaking out to the concert and coming back with no voice," he said shaking with laughter.

You smirked.

"Or my favorite! When you walked out of the bathroom with your skirt up," by this point he was practically in tears.

"You're mean!" you said crossing your arms.

Once he finally calmed down he grabbed your hand again, "sorry it's just we had a lot of fun times together."

For some reason his eyes had put you in a trace and next thing you knew you were leaning across the table with your lips pressed to his.

"Oh my god! Im sorry!" You said bowing multiple times with tears falling before he also stood up and pulled you into a hug.

"I've been wanting to do that since we met but I never had the nerve to. I-I love you" he whispered into your ear.

"Y-You what?" you asked in confusion looking at him.

He planted a kiss on your lips," does that answer your question?"

(A/N): Hi! So this was inspired by Kisum's You & Me Music Video, you should watch it if you haven't! Anyway hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to request more.

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