Detention ~ Seungri Oneshot

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You slammed your locker shut, why did the teacher have to keep us afterclass?  Sure Seungri and you spent all period talking, but you got all your work done. Making your way to room 314, your mind wandered to earier that day.

~~~ Flash back~~~

Upon entering class you saw that the day would be full of partner work.  You gave a mental cheer, and took a glance to your partner Seungri . Since the new school year, you found yourself developing feelings for him. Maybe it was the way he never failed to make you laugh, or the way his smile lingered after your conversations. Whatever it was, filled you with euphoria. You would laugh at all his jokes, and constantly smile. You were also quick on your feet to make witty comments back, that ultimately lead to his hearty laughter and your fluttering heart.

You tried not to dwell on it too much. The two of you didn't talk outside of class; when walking in the halls you made it a point to begin talking to your friends to avoid any eye contact. Eye contact leads to acknowledgement, and acknowledgment means more to obsess over, even if it were to be something as small as a smile. Lack of acknowledgement could send you into a downward spiral, something hard to recover from.

For now, you decided to cherish the moments in class, and ask for nothing more. Greed never got anyone anywhere...right?

As soon as you sat down, you began talking to a friend of yours in the class.

"Hey, Dara, did you hear the dance team's captain sprained her ankle?"

"No way! Oh! I meant to tell you there's a singing competition next Tuesday! You should sign up!"

You let out an chuckle, which caused Seungri to tune into your conversation, " I couldn't...I'm too awkward anyway, I wouldn't know what to do on stage."

"What are we talking about?" he asked leaning toward you and Dara.

"Nosy!!!" Dara shouted playfully causing the three of you to laugh.

The teacher than called the class' attention and assigned the work.

Seungri turned to you, "Alright, how do we do number one?"

You laughed, "Can I atleast look at it?"

"O-OH yeah sure go ahead."

Your eyes scanned the math problem, but you couldn't focus because you felt him watching you. A sudden surge of insecurance took over you. Did you have food in your teeth? Did your breath stink? Was your makeup okay? Did you mark your face with pen?

You glanced up to look at him, "I think we factor it out first..."

"Oh okay!" he smiled and began to work, "did I tell you about my cats?"

You glanced over at him but went back to work, "no why?"

"I got two kittens, and the girl one is so mean to the boy one its funny. She'll sneak up from behind and tackle him, or take his food."

"Awww poor kitty," you cooed, "I want a cat."

"You? It'll probably die. I figured it out and got 47, what did you get?"

"Same. Die? With me? I'm a great caretaker. Cats love me. Everything loves me."

He let out a sarcastic laugh.

"I'm serious." you pouted.

"What did you get for number 2? I got 56 "

"I got 23. "

"WHAT HOW?" he shouted and looked at your paper.

"You factor it!"

"No you don't!"

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