Gone ~ Daesung OS

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You woke up with a smile and rolled over, "Hey Daesung, I was thinking today we should get frozen yogurt. What do you thi-." Your sentence was cut short after you extended your arm and only hit the other side of the bed.

"Oh...Right," you whispered, "You're gone."

Coincidently, it was the 2 year anniversary since his death, but it always felt like it had just happened. It was an open wound that wouldn't heal. You tucked yourself into a ball remembering the night you heard.


It had been the night Big Bang was heading back home from their tour. You were beyond excited and spent the entire week making arrangements for Daesung. They were supposed to be back by 8 but it was already 10 and you hadn't heard a thing from either of them. Suddenly your phone rang, an unknown number illuminating your screen.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Is this Ms. Y/N?"

"Yes... why?" you replied suspiciously.

"We need you to come to Seoul hospital right now. Your fiancée Daesung has been in a horrible accident, and we're not sure how much time he has left."

You stood quiet.

"Hello? Ms. Y/N?"

This had to be a dream. This isn't possible. Not Daesung. Not the man who's smile lit up the entire room. Not the man who only held love in his heart.

"I'm heading over."

To be sure you quickly dialed GD's number, hoping he would answer.

"Y/N??! Get over here! It's bad." He quickly said.

"H-how. H-h-how did this happen? Is everyone okay?"

"The car skidded on black ice and crashed. The entire thing was wrecked. Taeyang and Daesung are in the worst condition. Just get over now"

"Okay, I'm already close," you said running a red light.

"Oh and Y/N..." GD said sincerely.


"Please be careful," he said his voice trembling.

"I will. See you soon."

As you parked in the parking lot it all hit you. Your fiancé was on the verge of death and you couldn't do anything. You punched your steering wheel.

"AISH! WHY HIM!?" You screamed between sobs. Why him? There were people out there that deserved it way more, pedophiles, murders, but not him. He deserved life. After a while you regained composure and ran into the hospital. After getting his room number you ran in.

"Baby? I'm here, I'm here. Are you okay?" you quickly said grasping his head and analyzing his body.

"Y/N" he said smiling between weak breaths, "You're here. I'm so happy."

You smiled back fighting off tears, "You have to fight Dae. We have so much to do together like get married, have kids, go skydiving" you stated brushing his hair out of his face.

"Honey. Don't let Big Bang break up and don't let this consume you. There's more to life than me, you still have so much to do. I'll be there in spirit; just don't forget I Love you more than anything in the world. Remember, time heals all wounds."

"Dae! No! No! Don't do this! I can't be without you. I love you!" you began to sob.

"Y/N, you have to let me go." He said quietly.

You nodded tears staining your cheeks and croaked, "Dae, wait for me."

He smiled, "I'll always be with you."

You stood by his side all night as he slept. The sound of flat line rang through your ears waking you up.

"DAE. DAESUNG, NO!" you cried and doctors rushed in.


"Time doesn't heal all wounds," you said as you got ready for the memorial. Looking at the picture by your mirror you tried to focus on the good times.

It was of you and Daesung both smiling while he held two fingers behind your head. He was always such a goof and always trying to get you to laugh. He helped you through so much crap that went on in your life; even his smile alone and the way his eyes crinkled would make your day 100% better. But now, there was none of that left. Nowadays, you were left crying alone in your room, or faking a smile to keep the rest of the Big Bang members at ease.

GD was the most concerned for you; he would call often to make sure you were okay. During the first couple of weeks he visited you every day to make sure you wouldn't do something drastic. He kept you from joining Daesung because he knew that wasn't what Daesung wanted, he wanted you alive and happy; how could you be alive and happy without him?

There was a knock at your door, "Y/N? It's time for your speech."

You stepped out of the room and followed the escort to the stage where you were accompanied by the rest of the Big Bang members. You approached the mic and tried to find some sort of closure.

"Kang Daesung was someone everyone aspires to be. He was kind, a bit childish, but always there for his loved ones. Our relationship together was only 4 years, but it was the best 4 years I could ever ask for. His presence alone got me through the day, and his smile could light up all of Seoul. I'm sure even many of his fans can agree on this." You paused in an attempt to recompose yourself, but it didn't work as tears fell down your face.

"In his last moments he had two wishes and a phrase for us all to remember. His first wish was to not let Big Bang break up because these are his brothers. He cherished Big Bang and the VIPs so much, and he would have done anything to make sure both were well. The second was to not let this consume us. He told me there was so much more to live for, and that all of us should live with him in our hearts because he would always be with us. The words of advice he gave me were: Time heals all wounds. Although I have yet to find this true, I do find solace in these words. We all are still hurting from his departure, but one day it will stop. It does not mean we will forget him, but rather we have come to peace with it and can remember Daesung for all that he was. An Angel. Today's memorial is a step toward that. A step to remembering Daesung in his livelihood." By the end of the speech, you words were infused with your sobs. The rest of the Big Bang members consoled you as the memorial went on.


3 more years later

You paid for the bouquet of flowers and headed to the location you frequently visited. Daesung's grave. In the past, you often found yourself sobbing unable to make out any words other than "I miss you." but as time passed you were able to gain your composure.

You sat in front of his headstone making sure to face it, as you would if you had a normal conversation with him.

"Hey babe, I really miss you. Remember how I told you I finally decided to take your advice and pursue a career in *ideal career*, well I finally did and..." you continued making sure to not leave out any details.

Although time had passed, you still missed him but learned to cope and find him once more. You often spent 2 hours talking about your week, showing him Big Bangs new music, or sometimes just lying there in silence imagining he was beside you.

"You might not be here physically but I know you're here in spirit," you whispered tears trickling down your cheeks but chuckled, "I'll be back soon. I love you. You're probably tired of my babbling."


(A/N:) Hope you enjoyed this! I am working on requests!! :)) feel free to request.

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