Goodbye ~ T.O.P OneShot

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You checked the time for millionth time; 4:45 am with no text or call from Seung-hyun. You sighed and decided to try to call again. Upon lacing the phone to your ear, you felt a bad vibe. Something wasn't right.

It answered, "Seung-hyun? Where are you? I was worried si-"

You were cut off by a woman's voice, "who is this?"

You looked at your screen to make sure it was his number, "Who are you? Why do you have Seung-hyuns phone?"

"I'm his girlfriend. Who are you?" As you were about to respond you could hear his voice in the distance, "Babe, who are you talking to? Come back to bed."

You could hear the phone being passed followed by a, "Oh sh*t" to which he immediately hung up.

You sat in shock. How? What? Who? Questions filled your mind. Girlfriend? You were his wife goddamit! You fell to your knees, your sobs shook your entire body.

"I TRIED! I TRIED SO HARD TO MAKE IT WORK!" you screamed. Why? Why did he not just tell you how he felt instead of looking for another woman? Why didn't he stop things before they got as far as they were now.

You looked around at the mansion you shared. You both worked to afford the lifestyle you had. You always were a pair working toward the same goals. What changed?

You curled yourself into the fetus position and let yourself cry. You had a right to be sad right?

Once you felt stable enough, you got up and began to pack your belongings. You wiped the tears that fell from your eyes. You felt as if your heart had been ripped out; everything you worked so hard to keep was leaving you. Seung-hyun, how could he do this you? Six years of being together (the past three of them trying to make it work) was now going down the drain. This time he crossed the line.

How could you stay in a house with so many memories of him? You decided to let the ownership (or split) of the house be settled in court. You couldn't be with a man who hurt you repeatedly without any regard to your feelings.

As you ran around the house grabbing items, you heard the front door unlock, "Y/N? Are you here?"

You continued packing. You heard him walk into the room, "can we talk?"

"What is there to talk about Seung-hyun? You obviously weren't satisfied. I'll make it easier for you and just leave," you snapped.

"Really? You're going to act like that? Maybe if you had tried more-" he stared.

"TRIED MORE?" you shouted, "ME? You're really going to say that to me? I did try! I tried as hard as I could. I tried to plan more for us! YOU! YOU didn't try enough. You always stood me up or made a lame excuse! Don't you dare say I didn't try!"

"I was busy! My work isn't as glamorous as it seems! Why don't you understand that?"

You turned around to glare at him, "Were you really at work? Or were you with your girlfriend? Obviously you had enough time to see her!"

"Don't act as if you're innocent! I saw how you and Jiyong acted!"

"You know what. He did try. But I told him I have a husband who I cared for, and I didn't want to ruin what a perfect thing I had," you said your eyes watering, "So no. I never slept with him or even kissed him! Because I loved you!"

He stood quiet, "If you love me then you won't leave!"


He looked at you confused.

"I loved you. Now, any sort of affection I ever had is replaced with sadness and disgust. I can't believe I was ever with a man cowardly enough to cheat instead of communicating the issue," your voice shook. You grabbed your bags and began to walk out of the bedroom.

"You can't leave! Don't you dare!" he yelled trying to pull one of your bags back.

You yanked it toward you, "I-I can't stay Seung-hyun. You hurt me too much. You went too far this time."

"You can't leave me dammit!" he shouted trying to prevent you from moving.

You shook your head as you wiped the flood of tears that fell from your face, "Goodbye Seung-hyun. See you in court."

You pushed past him and out the door. You could hear his screams in the distance along with the sounds of items being broken.

You got in your car where you completely broke down. As you drove away, you watched the mansion shrink.

It was time to start living


(A/N:) Hello! So this isn't the best, because I'm horrible at fight scenes lol; but this was great practice! But I tried really hard so I hope you enjoyed it! This was requested by @The_Black_Spy
I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to request.

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