Chapter 2

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Samuel's POV

  - After lunch -

   Jeremy, Aspen, Daniel, Avis, Maddie, and I all walked into the Sophomore/Junior French class, but... As soon as we walked in, every ones' eyes went to me. " Don't even ask," I told them.

Aspen informed them, "Never ever play truth or dare with Star."

"Or you end up like him," Jeremy, my brother, agreed, gesturing to my chest with his hands. I saw Maddie nod her head in agreement as we walked to the back and took a seat.

I looked over at Maddie and saw she was trying not to look at me while getting her French books out and putting them on her desk, so I decided to do the same thing. I reached into my back pack and grabbed my French books and put them on my desk. I heard a thump as I laid my books on my desks. That's when Maddie thanked me, "Hey, thanks for doing that..." She said while messing around with her hands, "I really did not want to stick a hamburger in my bra..."

"Oh, uh.. " I stumbled on my words ," No problem ," I replied to her while looking at my French book.... There was a awkward silence, but the teacher came in and broke it, luckily.

The teacher walked into the class. "Hello class, I am miss Bullock," she informed us. "Today we will be in groups!" She cheered,  but no one cheered with her. She assigned the groups, "Maddie, Jeremy, Samuel, and Daniel will be a group, and Avis, Aspen, Bill, and Andrew will be a group. You will be making a short play in French and performing it in front of the class," she told us.

Daniel and Jeremy walked over to Maddie and me, "Jeremy gets the lead!" Daniel commanded.

Jeremy asked, "Is it cause I'm the best at French?"

"Duh, dude," Daniel answered him.

I asked them, "Any ideas on what the play should be about?"

"Nope," Maddie replied, shrugging.

"I'm not very good with ideas," Jeremy stated.

I whispered to them,"He's telling the truth." Then, BOOM, I got a idea. "Maddie could be a princess, Daniel and I could be peasants."

Maddie jumped in, "And Jeremy could be a page and introduce me and stuff!"

"That's fine with me," Daniel agreed.

"Ok I got a idea for the  play," Jeremy tells us his idea.

Maddie said, "That's a good idea!"

I nodded, "Yeah!

"It's pretty good," Daniel agreed

I questioned Maddie, "Wait... What is your kingdom Maddie?"

"AWESOMELANDIA!" She replied cheerfully.

"Ok!" I said

Miss Bullock yelled at us, "Times up! Show me your plays! Jeremy, Samuel, Maddie, and Daniel first!"

"Ok," we all said in unison (creepy right) as we walked up confidently and got into position.

Jeremy pretended to blow a trumpet, "Presentation de princesse Maddie de Awesomelandia (Introducing princess Maddie of Awesomelandia)," Jeremy introduced Maddie .

"Bonjour les gens de Awesomelandia, ce est la princesse, je Maddie! Je suis ici pour vous informer d'un concours d'escrime, le vainqueur gagne ma main dans le marriage(Hello people of Awesomelandia! It is I, princess Maddie! I am here to inform you of a fencing contest, the winner gets my hand in marriage!)," Maddie said in a proper way, while Daniel and I bowed.

I asked her, "Princesse Maddie , pourrait un paysan comme je entrer? (Princess Maddie, Could a peasant such as I enter?)"

" Oui bon paysan, ne importe qui peut se inscrire pour gagner ma main (Yes, good peasant! Anyone may enter to win my hand!)"

Jeremy announced, "Rencontrer ici en une heure pour le concours! (Meet here in one hour for the contest!)"

We skipped straight to the sword fight. Jeremy handed us fake swords and said, "QUE LE CONCOURS BEGIN! (LET THE CONTEST BEGIN!)"

Daniel went to stab me in the chest, but I side stepped and jabbed him in the arm. Next, he went for my feet and I jumped then stabbed him in the chest. Daniel faked falling while Maddie gasped and covered her eyes. I stabbed him in the chest once more then he stood up and shook my hand, "Bon combat (Good fight.)"

Aspen said, while laughing, "This is hilarious,"

"You said it cuz," Avis replied to her while laughing... I had never seen Avis laugh , it was odd.

Jeremy came up to me and raised my hand, "Votre gagnant! (Your winner!)" he announced to everyone, but while he was holding my hand up Aspen walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek and he blushed

"Is this part of the play?" miss Bullock asked. "Because I thought you were in a different group miss Aspen?"

Aspen replied, "I am, but Jeremy is my boyfriend,"

"Alright, I will dismiss it this time," miss Bullock replied while glaring at Aspen. Aspen smiled

Then Star walked in, "Hello miss Bullock, my teacher didn't show up. Would you mind if I watched the plays?"

Miss Bullock replied," I don't mind at all, but be quiet will you? I am trying to watch their play!" everyone laughed

But they had already missed a lot, and we were in middle of the wedding. Jeremy was playing as a pastor, "Samuel prenez-vous la princesse Maddie de Awesomelandia que votre epouse pour toujours et a jamais la vie a la mort fin? (Samuel do you take princess Maddie of Awesomelandia as your bride for ever and ever life to deaths end?)" he asked.

I replied," Je fais. (I do.)"

Then, he asked Maddie, "Princesse Maddie de Awesomelandia prenez-vous que votre mari Samuel pour toujours et a jamais la vie a la mort fin? (Princess Maddie of Awesomelandia, do you take Samuel as your husband for ever and ever life to deaths end?)"

" Je fais (I do)," she said.

"Vous pouvez embrasser la mariee (You may kiss the bride)," he told us, we both leaned in for the kiss but right before our lips collided, we both pulled back. "BRAVO! BRAVO!," miss Bullock went. "Excellent! A ++ ," she gives us our grade while tears stream down her face.

"Wow," Aspen said, in shock.

Avis was crying while she said," So beautiful." We bowed while everyone clapped.

Written by: TheWeirdOne65

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