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"Professor!" The voice echos through his mind waking him. He had fallen asleep at his desk again.

He instantly feels the shock and urgency riding along with the voice and realizes its Jean. A second later an image of the front hall comes to his mind and he then knows exactly where she is.

He turns on his electric wheel chair and quickly heads to the front hall. When he reaches the hall the sight he sees confused him slightly.

Jean, Storm, Logan, and Scott (along with a few students who were still awake Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, Kurt ect) are all standing around a bundle of blankets. No, a baby. He can hear their thoughts clear enough to know its a baby girl.

They all look up as the Professor comes in the room their thoughts all at once telling him what happened. He holds up his hand silencing their minds as he had a hard time hearing them all clearly.

"What happened?" He asks as he wheels over to Jean who is now holding the child.

"I felt something powerful coming. I couldn't see what it was but I could feel it. Could feel her." She looks down and the baby and hands her too the Professor.

"I heard someone knock at the door," Storm tells him. "But when I got there, there was only the baby."

The baby, who had been sleeping, opens her eyes and looks up at the professor. She makes no sound as she reaches out and grabs his finger.

Two gasps sound. One from the Professor and the other from Jean. As the baby shows the Professor a memory of hers and Jean watches it through his mind.

A beautiful pale woman, the mother, cradles the baby girl to her chest, but something is wrong. The mother is too pale. She's dying. She's wounded and she's going to die.

She looks down at the baby with a smile on her face as she whispers. "No matter what has happened to me, you are safe. Know that you are loved so much. I love you so much." She tells the baby and kisses her right brow leaving a faint red mark that will never fade. A mark of her love.

The mother can feel her strength waining. She doesn't have much time left. "Take her." She commands.

Chocolate colored hands reach and take the baby from her. The baby cries out missing the touch of its mother. "What do I do with her?" A mans voice asks.

"Take her to her to him. He is her father. He will love and protect her." Her sentences begin to slow as her breathing gets harder. She doesn't have much time left.

"What is her name?" The man asks.

The mother smiles and with her last breath whispers, "Arabelle."

The baby then lets go of the Professors finger and falls asleep.

"What the hell just happened?" Logan asks confused.

The Professor looks over to see Jean being held up by Scott with Storm hovering. Everyone with anxious looks on their features. He and Jean exchange a look and she smiles reassuring him that she is fine.

Once Jean gets back on her feet she walks over and smiles down at the sleeping baby. "She has a strong mind that's all."

"Seriously what the hell just happened?" Logan asks again.

"This child, Arabelle, she showed us who she is and why she is here." The Professor explains.

Jean quickly tells what they saw in the vision and everyone is lost in their thoughts which all ask the same thing. Who is the girl's father.

Finally a voice asks. "Well, who is her father?"

This brings the Professor back to reality. They all are looking to him for answers. He sighs and looks back down at little Arabelle. After a moment he answers their question.

"I am."

After the initial shock dies down the Professor heads into the kitchen to fix Arabelle a bottle of milk. Everyone follows him. While Kurt teleports to a store to get formula and a few other essentials that they didn't have in the school.

"So.... She's a telepath." Scott states more of a question really.

"Yes, and her mind is quite strong to already be storing memories that detailed." The Professor tells him.

"Who was the mother?" Storm asks.

"She was an old friend named Mae Tyler. A beautiful woman and a very talented mutant. She could manipulate other mutants powers as well as control emotions." The Professor tells.

"What are you going to do with her." Logan asks after having Bobby cool his beer.

"She is my child. I will raise her." He tells Logan.

"What's her name again?" Rogue asks as her gloved hand strokes the baby's cheek.

"Arabelle." The Professor and Jean say at the same time.

Bobby frowns. "No middle name?"

"Mae died before giving her a middle name." The Professor tells him.

"We should give her a middle name." Jean says with a smile.

"Like what?" Storm asks.

"Tarah." Kurt says speaking for the first time.

Bobby twines his fingers with Rogue as he says, "Marie." She begins to complain but is interrupted as Scott speaks up.

"Tarah Marie should be her middle names. They sound good together."

"Arabelle Tarah Marie." The Professor says.

Storm nudges his shoulder gently. "Arabelle Tarah Marie Xavier." She tells him with a smile.

He returns the smile and they all look down to the baby as he speaks. "Hello little Arabelle Tarah Marie Xavier."

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