Chapter 27

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I get up from the exercise bike, pause Netflix, (Deans face is glorious and Sam's bitch face in the background) and walk out of my room towards the living room. I round the corner and run into somebody before falling to the floor.

I frown and look up for a moment before I realize who I'm looking at. "Oh. Sorry Bruce." I say and lay my head back on the floor. Oddly comfortable.

"You alright?" Bruce asks with a bit of a frown as he looks down at me. I nod. "Need help up?" He asks and offers a hand.

I take his hands and he helps pull me to my feet. "Thanks. Looking for Tony?" I ask and yawn, covering my mouth.

"Yes. He neglected to mention you were here." Bruce murmurs.

"I won't be for much longer." I yawn again and shake my head trying to stay awake. "Jarvis." I call.

"Yes Miss Xavier?" He asks then pauses. "Belle. I mean."

"Good yes um..." I look around confused as to why I called him and see Bruce frowning at me. "Oh yeah Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce." I stutter and groan as I can form another word. Happens sometimes annoying.

"Tony." Bruce reminds me.

"Tony!" I say and snap my fingers. "Yes Tony. Where is Tony?"

Out of the corner of my eye I see Ironman land with two bags in his hands and Tony walks out of the suit into the room.

"I got you plenty of food." Tony says pointing at me. "Stop eating all of mine."

"I can't help being starving all the time." I tell him as I take the bags full of cookies and little bit of ice cream and popcorn and three hamburgers. "Here's your burgers." I tell Tony and hand him the other two.

They head towords Tonys office/lab. "Oh hey Tony. You owe me $30 but keep it it's not like I'll need it."

"She freakin died?" He turn back to me with a angry look. "How?"

"He'll hounds then blown up." I tell him.

"What about her mom? She still alive?"

"She blew up with her so she didn't have to see her die." I tell Tony. He groans before turning and leading Bruce to the office/lab.

I go back to my room and eat a package of cookies and the burger and fries. Finishing another two episodes before I feel an intense dizzy feeling. "Ohh...." I groan and steady myself in the chair. "That's not good."

I leans against the walls heavily as I make my way towards Tony's office/lab lets just call it a study.

"So why are you so mad at Belle?" I hear Tony ask. I pause and lead against the door frame. The door is open and I can see them both standing around a counter with some hologram designs between them. Their backs to me.

"I trusted her and she destroyed that trust. Disappeared when I needed her the most." Bruce tells him then switches the subject. "On the strength we will need-"

"Wait wait wait no. When did she disappear when you needed her?" Tony asks cutting him off.

Bruce sighs and takes off his glasses to run his temple like he has a headache. "I don't want to talk about this Tony."

"It's needs to be talked about. What happened?" Tony asks.

"She didn't stop me she was supposed to stop me. She promised she wouldn't let me become the other guy. Then when the bomb went off she was just gone. No help from her keeping me me." Bruce says a bit angrily.

"There's something you need to know." Tony says.

"Tony don't." I say and walk into the room but hit another dizzy spell and lean against the wall.

They both turn to face me startled. "He has a right to know." Tony argues.

"It won't make a difference." I tell Tony.

"Then there's no reason not to tell him." Tony argues and I can see how badly he wants too.

"What are you two keeping from me?" Bruce asks agitated that we're obviously hiding something.

"Tony please-" I say tears threatening to spill.

"She died." Tony blurts out.

I feel the tears flow down my face as I wrap my arms around myself trying to hold in my crying. I feel a strong dizzy spell but this one is different. It's like I'm sinking into a black hole.

I vaguely feel my legs touch the ground and notice I'm sitting. I look up to see Tony and Bruce talking but can't really hear what they're saying. I feel my eyes dropping an I fight to keep them open but they quickly close, everything going black. Finally, after five days of fighting to stay awake, I fall asleep.

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