Chapter 26

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The next five days dragged by but maybe that was a blessing. The first two days I went home told dad what happened and said goodbye to everybody. Then made videos for the people who matter most to me in the case that I don't wake within Six months. I made one for Tony and Pepper, Nat and Clint, Dad, Steve, and finally (even though he'll probably never watch it) Bruce.

I explained to them the secret I had been keeping. Rouge takes abilities when she touches mutants which shouldn't be a problem with me but when I give someone an ability my shield goes down and I loose some life line. I didn't realize it until I woke up from my coma after I gave Rouge control. I have Bruce as much control as I possibly could. I don't know how much time I've given. I don't know when or if I will wake. I didn't want anyone to know but some already knew and some needed to know. I did it to help someone I love and that's what matters. I left each of them a personal message before saying goodbye and signing off. I set the computer to automatically send the designated videos to each person.

The next day I got a much welcome call.


"Hello?" I ask into my cell.

"Is this Arabelle Xavier?" A familiar voice asks.

I laugh. "Yes It is. Hi Steve."

He chuckles. "Hello Belle. Do you know how to work the Internet?"

"Yes I do. Need some help?" I ask with a smile.

"If you could." He tells me and I can hear his embarrassment.

"Sure. What's your address?" I ask as I put on my coat and steal a pare of keys from Tony's garage. I hit a button and a gorgeous black 1967 Chevy impala rises from the undergarage. "Ohh a beauty." I whisper as Steve tells me his address.

"I'll be there in about 15 minutes." I tell Steve.

"Thank you Arabelle." He says and we both hang up.

I arrive five minutes early and knock on the door. Not a second later it opens and I see Steve in a black t-shirt and jeans looking flustered. "I don't think I've ever seen you look as human as you do now." I say with a smile.

"I really need your help Belle." He says as he lets me in.

It takes several hours and is three o clock before we finally have the Internet set up to his computer and tv. I sigh and sit on his couch pulling him down beside me. "Now comes the fun part." I learn the basics of the tv and get Netflix set up. "You can get most movies and tv shows or documentaries now. Easy access."

"How much does it cost?" Steve asks as he browses the options.

"I hooked you up to Tony's account. He won't notice. I'm hooked up to it on two different Tvs. He won't mind another." I tell Steve. "Just don't watch The Walking Dead." I warn with a smile. He gives me a weird look. "It's a zombie show. Really realistic." He nods.

"What were you planning on doing with your day before I so rudely interrupted?" He asks.

"I hadn't really had anything planned." I tell him honestly.

"Is there anything you want to go do after you leave?" Steve asks.

"Roller skating." I answer honestly. I always want to but no one ever takes me to the rinks an I get untroubled for leaving marks in the halls at the school. "Do you know how to skate?" I ask him.

"I never learned. Is it hard?" Steve asks seeming interested.

"If you have nothing planned for the rest of your day we could go to a skating rink and I could teach you?" I ask not quite ready to say goodbye to him.

"Sure. I don't see why not." Steve says and I smile.

We head to the nearest rink and it takes a little while to teach him to skate but he gets the hang of it fairly quickly. It was funny to watch him flailing. We skated until 8:00 and then we got some food.

"I wanted to ask you something." Steve says as we find a empty booth. "But it is a personal question."

I give him a look as I eat a chilli cheese fry. "I'm 99 percent sure I'll answer."

"I noticed you're looking pale and tired. Are you okay?" He asks.

I smile. "I'm-" I stop as I realize saying 'I'm fine' would be a lie. "Last few days I've been avoiding sleep to ward off an effect of the ability transfer." I tell him honestly.

"How much sleep have you gotten?" Steve asks as he digs into his nachos.

"Since the transfer, none." I tell him.

"What's the side effect you're running from?" He asks worriedly.

"A long sleep." I say and eat another fry.

"What do you mean?" He presses.

I feel my stomach drop and look up at him blinking my eye clear of tears. "A coma." I tell him.

"Excuse me?" He asks shocked.

"I was thinking that if I stayed awake long enough I can out run it." I tell him.

"Why would you go through that transfer if you knew it would send you to a coma?" He whisper asks and his muscles tense up.

"Everyone sees Bruce like he's a monster. Even he himself thinks he's a monster." I my eyes fill again and I blink away the tears, set my jaw, and swallow around a lump in my throat. "I gave Bruce the ability to control the hulk so he can stop seeing himself as a monster."

Steve sighs and backs off as he sees me struggling to contain an anxiety attack. "You really love him don't you."

I look up at him shocked. "Yes. I.. I do but it doesn't matter."

"How did you fall for him so quickly?" Steve asks curiously then blushes. "I'm sorry that was an uncalled for personal question.

"No no it's quite alright." I tell him with a sad smile. "That's the sad thing about the ability to see into people's minds. You can see their best memories and traits and worst memories and traits. Their worst faults and best. For most people with my ability it makes them fall fast and just as fast get heartbroken. Or they have no interest in relationships. The first time I touched Bruce's skin I saw his worst fears. The second time I saw his darkest memories. His top memories were all of fear or pain. He is the first person ever to willingly give me memories and he gave me so many of his good memories."

"My mother was wounded and dying and couldn't induce labor with me. But the exact second Bruce was hit with the gamma radiation my mother went into labor with me. Weeks early I was born. Bruce and the Hulk is the only reason I am alive today and I wanted to help him be happy. Give him something to remember me fondly by. He isn't exactly happy with me as of late." I tell Steve.

"Yeah. I remember him yelling at you outside of the shawarama joint." Steve says.

"Yeah so that's how I fell in love with Bruce and why I have him control regardless the cost." I tell Steve.

He watches me for a moment before stand if up and pulling me into a hug. "We need Ice cream." He whispers to me and I laugh.

"Makes everything 100% better."

-Flash Back Ended-

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