Chapter 8

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We ended up taking both Loki and Thor back with us. Many many many armed guards escort Loki through the corridors, past Bruce's lab, and to the cage they had originally designed for Bruce.

As we pass Bruce's lab he looks up and watches Loki pass before taking off his glasses and rubbing his temples as if he has a headache. I slip into the lab and walk over to Bruce. I can feel his headache.

"Here." I say and take away the headache. It becoming mine instead.

He sighs. "Thank you. So how'd it go?" He asks gesturing to where the guards are passing.

"We retrieved Loki and his brother Thor." I tell him. "I'd say it went well enough. Come on. They want us to meet in the briefing room."

As I go to walk away Bruce grabs my arm. I turn back to him. "Are you okay?" He ask a bit concerned. "You look pale."

I try to smile but it comes out a grimace. "I uh, I tried to see what Loki's plans where by reading his memories but got his memories of torture and brainwashing instead. Hurt like hell. Still getting lingering traces every half hour." I tell him honestly.

"How do you get rid of it?" He asks.

"Either let it fade or replace it with a different set of memories." I tell him as another wave passes over and I lean agains the wall.

"Here." He says and before I can stop him he grabs my hand.

I see memories of his mom. Going out for ice cream when his dad wasn't around. It was their secret. Her teaching him to read and write. How to ride a bike. Then suddenly his mom isn't there anymore. And he blocks the memories of what happened to her.

I see a older Bruce getting into science. Then a small flash of him trying to build a nuke at his school but it was a dud. He then goes to being an adult and blocks any hulk memories but leaves little things he found enjoyable like running and jumping miles. And finally the last memory I see is him coming home from healing a patent an seeing some random girl (me) sitting on his porch. Him being irritated wanting me to go away. So just to see what I would do he yells. "STOP LYING TO ME." And slams his fists against the table. He expected me to run or shoot him but instead I cross my arms and look like I'm about to die laughing. His interest in me went up wondering how he didn't scare me.

Bruce steps back away from me and severs the connection. "All good memories right?"

I smile. "All good memories. Thank you." I say and quickly hug him. Getting one last memory of me almost falling over laughing when he asked how I got through his traps and I didn't know there were any there.

I pull away quickly and smile. "Come on. Let get to the meeting room."

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