Chapter 34

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[A/N: Trigger warning]

"I dont want you to hate yourself....." I tell him.

"I dont know how to not hate myself." He admits.

"For starters you have to stop thinking of yourself as a monster. You have control now. Hulk cant do anything without you letting him. Then we can go from there."

"We?" He asks very quietly. Almost as if hes not sure he heard correctly.

I look over at him. "I mean I could help if you want."

He's quiet for a moment before sitting up. "Its getting late. We should go back to the house."

"Alright." I answer trying to hide my disappointment and we go back to the mansion.

We put away the bikes in silence and head into the house. Tjrough the halls until he stops infront of a room just a few doors down from mine. "Goodnight Bruce." I tell him.

"Goodnight." He says before slipping in the room and shutting the door behind him.

I sigh and go to my own room. I know that I wont be able to sleep anytime soon so I take a sleep aid and take a shower. Soon my eyes are drooping and as soon as my head hits the pillow I pass out. And dream.

"Where are we going?" I ask Bruce as we walk through a snowy forest. But he doesnt answer. He doesnt even look at me he just keeps walking. I try to catch up with him to get him to look at me or answer me but I just cant get close enough to him.

It seems like we walk for hours out in the snow. The forest growing thinner and thinner until it's only stray trees here and there.

I can feel how desperate Bruce is to get where ever it is he's going. I feel his sadness and I want to ask why but he still doesnt answer.

Soon we find ourself climbing a mountain but still I follow. Im worried about him. I feel like something is wrong. Very wrong.

"Bruce please?" I ask as we make it to the peak and he finally sets his pack down. "Why are we here?" I ask and still he ignored me.

He walks a few feet away from his pack and kneels. I feel a horrible gut wrenching feeling.

"Bruce?" I ask cautiously.

He pulls up his jacket and grabs something shinny from his waisband. A gun. The weight of the world droos on my shoulder as I realize what hes going to do.

I try to run to him but cant move. "BRUCE NO!" I scream as the barrel of the gun goes into his mouth. BANG

I bolt awake in bed the sound of the gunfire still echoing in my ears and a horrible pain in my head.

My feet hit the ground and before my brain even regesters whats going on I'm pounding on Bruce's bedroom door.

The door opens to reveal a sleepy looking Bruce in sleeping pants, a t-shirt and his hair severely messed up.

The second I see him I start sobbing. "Belle?" He asks startled and confused. I just sob harder my hands coming up to cover my face. I vaguely feel him usher me into his room. The door clicking shut behind us and he leads me to his bed gently pushing me down to sit before sitting next to me his hand resting lightly on my back.

"Whats wrong?" He asks making me sob harder. All I can see his the gun in his mouth, his eyes closing, and then the gun sounds.

When he sees that I wont calm anytime soon he pulls me onto his lap and I cling to him. My hands clenching his shirt and my tears soaking it.

His arms tighten around me and he just holds me not knowing what else to do. I feel his arms around me and his pulse and I try to tell myself that what I saw wasnt real.... But I know it was.... It was his memory.... And the tears continue to flow.

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