Chapter 4

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"Bruce." I say gently shaking his shoulder. His eyes open fast. "Easy." I tell him and he calms. "We've landed." He nods and picks up his bag ready to go. "I'll meet you in deck I've got one more thing to do." He nods and walks out of the jet.

"He's cute." Jean says with a smile.

"Oh stop." I say and roll my eyes. " He does look good in purple though. Anyways I won't be able to get any service up here the place is shielded so tell dad not to worry about me. Oh and Cerebro will work but it will distract me so don't use if often."

She hugs me. "Be careful Belle." She says using my nickname.

"You know even if I don't want to be I have to be." I joke.

She pokes me in the side and I squeal and swat her hand away. "Have fun."

"Thanks Jean." I say as I go down the stairs. "Oh!" I call up to her. "Tell Rogue not to have that baby without me!"

I hear her laugh. "I'll tell her!"

A few years ago I learned I could permanently give someone an ability if I had the help of Rouge so I gave her an on off switch if sorts to her ability. Made me age four years in a span of nine weeks in a coma. Now her and Bobby are married with a baby on the way.

I turn and finish descending the stairs to see Bruce looking around majorly confused and Rogers and Nat approaching.

"Doctor Banner!" Rogers calls and Bruce turns to face them just as I reach him. I follow.

"Uh Yeah, Hi." Bruce says as he shakes Rogers hand. "They told me you'd be coming." Then he turns and shakes Nat's hand. "Mrs Rominoff."

"Call me Nat." She says.

I walk over to Nat and pull her into a hug. "How ya been?" I ask with a smile. She had spent some time at the school for a little while. She and Logan have been a couple for a while.

"I've been great Belle, and god you have grown so much since I last saw you. I don't like it." She tells me with a wink.

"Word is you can find the Cube." Rogers says drawing our attention to their conversation.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asks a bit nervously.

"The only word I care about." Rogers says an Bruce visibly relaxes. Rogers then turns to me. "I don't believe we have met?" He asks.

I hold out my hand and he shakes it. "Arabelle Xavier, nice to meet you Mr. Rogers."

"Just Steve." He tells me. I nod and smile.

"It must be weird for you, all of this." Bruce says gesturing to the planes and technology.

"Well this is actually familiar." Steve tells him.

"Gentlemen, you might want to step inside a minute." Nat tells them. "It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."

They both look at her like she's crazy before we hear the engines starting up. "Is this a submarine?" Steve asks as we walk over to the edge of the deck.

"Really?" Bruce asks. "They want me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?" I can feel his anxiety a little bit.

We look over the edge to see the engines coming out of the water lifting the ship above it.

"No, no, this is much worse." Bruce says as we all step away from the edge.

I touch Bruce's hand and speak to him in his mind. "Don't worry. If anything happens I can keep you calm." He looks over at me shocked. "Remember I have telepathy." I tell him before taking my hand away from his severing the connection. He nods and we all follow Nat inside.

She leads us to a main control room full of agents and guards. I look around feeling impressed, no, wait that's Steve's emotions.... I shake my head and look over to Bruce who notices two guards and I feel his anxiety rise.

I walk over to him. "Bruce, I promise you nothing will happen." I tell him where no one can hear.

He looks down at me and I can see in his eyes he already feels caged. "I've been running from people like them for years."

"I know." I say wanting to help him calm. "Hey would you like me to work on keeping your anxiety levels down and you calm?" I ask. He just nods.

"We're at level sir." Agent hill tells Fury.

"Good." He says. "Lets vanish."

She nods. "Engage retro-reflection panels." She tells the others.

Again I feel Steve is impressed.

"Retro-reflection panels engaged." I hear someone say before Fury turn to face us.

"Gentlemen, Arabelle." He greets. Steve walks over to him and hand him a ten dollar bill. Fury just smirks and pockets it.

"Doctor, thank you for coming." Fury says and shakes Bruce's hand. I can feel that he is grateful.

"Thanks for asking nicely." Bruce says and we can hear the slight sarcasm.

Fury turns to me and nod. "Good work."

"Thanks." I say before he turns back to Bruce.

"So, how long am I staying?" Bruce asks.

"Once we get our hands on the Tessaract, you're in the wind." Fury tells him.

Bruce nods. "Where are you with that?"

We walk over to Agent Coulson. "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet." He tells Bruce. "Cell phones, laptops... If its connected to a satellite its eyes and ears for us."

"Still not going to find them in time." Nat says.

"You have to narrow your field." Bruce says. "How many spectrometers do you have access to?" He asks.

"How many are there?" Fury asks.

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put their spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays."

"Also call my dad. We have some at the school and can boost their efficiency." I tell Fury.

"I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition." Bruce tells them as he takes off his jacket. "At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?" He asks.

"Agent Rominoff, could you show Doctor Banner to his laboratory please?" Fury asks her.

"You're gonna love it Doc. We got all the toys." She says as she leads us away.

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