Chapter 19

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Pain. Burning raging pain fills my world burning. That's all there is that's all there ever has been. Pain. Red. The burning gets strong and stronger as I begin to feel a body. My body. How strange it is to become aware of it.

I slowly open my eyes to see a dimly lit room. It's cold. Then I notice someone standing beside me touching my arm, that's where the pain is coming from.

I shove the hand away and go to take a breath in but can't. Instead I cough. And cough and cough. The water in my lungs finally coming out and I can breathe again.

I look back over to recognize the face. Loki. His finger in front of his lips shushing me before smiling that eerie smile and starts to fade.

I quickly grab his arm somehow forcing him to stay. "Why?" I ask my voice horse and throat like sandpaper.

"Isn't it ironic?" Loki asks with a laugh. "The one element humans cannot survive without and yet too much kills you."

"Why'd you bring me back?" I ask my voice a little stronger now.

"I need you alive." He says angry that for whatever reason he can't leave.

"You killed Coulson." I accuse him.

"Guilty as charged." He says with a smile. "In fact. He right there beside you." He points to a cot beside me.

"Bring him back! Bring all of them back!" I demand him.

I feel him trying to fight against my persuasion but failing. "I only have enough strength to bring one more back to life." He finally says. I can feel his frustration that I have control over him.

"Bring Coulson back." I say again.

"Fine." Loki growls and grinds his teeth before walking over to Coulson and touching his forehead.

It takes a moment but Coulson breathes in a deep breath and falls asleep. "Will he live?" I ask a now almost weak feeling Loki.

"He is in a coma for now. He should survive." Loki says before fading away.

I stand then fall and wobbly get to my feet again. My legs are like jello. I stumble slowly over to Coulson and check his pulse. It's strong. He should survive.

Satisfied I make my way out of the room and slowly adjust to gravity again before making my way towards the main control room.

I hear a gun click and look up just as the Agent fires at me. I hold my hand out at catch the bullet then let go and it falls to the floor.

"What is going on-" Fury says as he walks into the hall but stops frozen in his tracks as he sees me. "Arabelle." He says.

"Fury." I say and stretch. "Tell your people not to shoot me."

"But Sir she was dead." The agent says confused.

"And now I'm not." I say as I realize why he shot me. "Well I get why you shot me but don't it won't help." I tell the Agent before turning to Fury. "How long was I dead?"

"Four hours. How'd you come back?" He asks.

"Loki." I tell him.

"Any idea why?"

"Nope. Oh by the way I made him bring Coulson back too.... I think he's in a coma now so you might want to send people down to care for him." I say.

Fury nods like this is a normal day to day thing. Which for them it probably is. "I'll radio Stark-"

I cut him off. "Oh I was dead and they knew it...... Hm... can I just go surprise them?"

Fury shakes his head and sighs. "Might as well. Stark and Rogers are in the cage room."

"Where's Bruce, Thor, and Nat?" I ask.

"Banner and Thor fell out of the jet and
Rominoff is with Barton." He tells me before going back into the Control room.

I push down my concern for Bruce and Thor. "They'll be back." I tell myself before making my way towards the Cage room.

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