Chapter 2

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After we located Doctor Banner I packed my bag and Jean flew me out in our jet. Once I arrive to the little town I could instantly feel the sorrow surrounding it. There's a sickness in this place and there is much turmoil.

It takes a few hours to find Doctor Banner's emotional signal over all of those who are calling for peace. And while I know my objective is to locate and acquire Banner I decide to take a small detour.

I go to the center of the village and sit comfortably. I close off all of my senses except for my ability to feel and control emotions and begin to meditate. Soon, as if using Ceribro, I can see all of the people in the village. Those who are in pain mentally or physically I concentrate on. The sickness is curable but they need to rest, and it takes a while, but one by one I ease their pain levels and help them into a comfortable numbness then coax them to sleep. The effect that I have set into place should help them to relax for long enough that their bodies can beat the virus.

Once everyone's emotions are at peace I find the one person left in the village who is in discomfort. Banner is finishing up with a patent and will soon be heading back to his house.

I know which one it is simply because I watched him leave this morning (no I am not a stalker it's my job) and intend to meet him there.

I've now been siting in front of his door for about an hour when I finally feel his presence not far away. Then I hear him.

"Seriously!" He complains. "How?" His voice catches me off guard.

I jump and look up to see him at the edge of the tree line looking at me grumpily. "How what?" I ask innocently.

"How did you get past my traps?" He asks even grumpier while looking around.

I frown then try and fail not to laugh. "I didn't know there were any." I say as I try to stop giggling. (It's not professional)

He walks inside and I follow him. "I assume the whole place is surrounded." He says as he looks out the windows.

"I took my own jet with cloaking capabilities so they couldn't follow me."

He sighs. " And who are you?"

"Arabelle Xavier." I tell.

"Are you here to kill me Miss Xavier cause that really won't work out for anyone."

"I have no interest in killing you." I reassure him. "I'm here on behalf of an organization commonly referred to as S.H.I.E.L.D don't ask me what it stands for." He sighs and rubs his head like he's got a headache when really I feel his annoyance at being found. "And right now they - them - us - we..... I guess..... We need your help."

"S.H.I.E.L.D, How did'd they find me." He asks.

"My father, a very powerful mutant, used a device called Ceribro for me to find you; but honestly Doctor Banner I don't think S.H.I.E.L.D ever lost you." I tell him apologetically. "I think they helped to keep you hidden actually."

"Why?" He asks.

"Nick Fury, the director, he seems to trust you. And like I said, we need your help." I tell him.

"What if I say no?" He asks.

"I can be convincing when need be." I say with a smile.

"What if the other guy says no?"

"It's been more than a year. I'm sure you don't want to break that streak. Besides. He won't be making an appearance."

"Well I don't always get what I want." He says and I can feel his irritation with me pulling him away from his life.

"I am sorry doctor. We're facing a potential global catastrophe." I tell him as I search through my iPad for the photo.

He chuckles. "Well those I actively try to avoid."

I smile. "This," I say as I show him the picture. "Is a Tessaract. From what I understand its pure energy and it has the potential to destroy the planet."

He puts on his glasses and studies the picture for a moment. "What does Fury want me to do? Swallow it?"

I laugh. "Uh, no. It's been stolen. We need you to find it. It emits a gamma signature that's too weak to trace. You are the top expert on gamma radiation. If anyone can find it that's you."

"So, Fury isn't after the monster?" He asks.

"Not that he's told me, and if he was I wouldn't be helping them." I tell him.

"And he tells you everything?" He asks a bit rudely.

"He can't exactly hide it from me. Either way, talk to Fury. He needs you on this." I try.

"He needs me in a cage?" Banner asks.

"No one is going to put you in a cage." I tell him then under my breath. "Not while I'm around."

I feel the build up in his adrinaline and a second later he slams his fist against the table. "DONT LIE TO ME!"

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. "That's quite rude to try and scare your guest." I try to keep from laughing.

He scoffs. "Im sorry." he says looking smug and adorable. "That was mean I just wanted to see what you would do." Then my words register and he frowns. "You are not my guest."

"Your burglar then." I say with a smile.

"That's about accurate." He says nodding. "So did I not scare you at all or do you not know what I am?" He asks.

"It's not like you can hurt me so I really have nothing to worry about. That's why they sent me and not anyone else." I tell him.

"Not like I can hurt you?" He asks confused.

"Yeah it's part of my abilities. Member earlier I said my dad was a mutant. So am I." I tell him.

"Alright so what are your abilities exactly?" He asks.

"Uh..." I look around and my eyes land on a metal baseball bat. "Here watch." I grab it and slam it as hard as I can against my arm. The bat comes away bent and my arm completely untouched. Bruce's eyes are wide and he's staring at me like I'm crazy. "Nothing can hurt me physically. No getting shot, cut, punched ect."

"Anything else I should know about?" He asked trying to seem unimpressed.

" I can feel people's emotions. I can manipulate abilities and emotions. And I have limited telepathy."

"Limited as in?"

"As in I have to be touching you to hear your thoughts or memories and I can't control your mind or body. Well not much anyways." I tell him.

"And controlling emotions and abilities?" He asks and I feel how wary he is of me.

I nod. "I can make you happy, sad, angry, or tired among other emotions. Now manipulating abilities I can make it to where you just couldn't change form no matter how angry, if you wanted, or for other mutants I can make their abilities stronger, weaker, nonexistent, and I can loan them extra abilities. Give if I have help of a specific friend."

"So pretty much you could make me into the other guy and make it to where I would destroy everything." He states.

I think for a moment trying to figure out a way to make him understand that I would never do that. "Here take my hand." I say and hold my hand out to him.

He draws back a little. "Why?"

"I'm going to temporarily give you my telepathy. That way you can see I would never use you for the other guy."

He reluctantly takes my hand I see everything of my thoughts that he sees. My promise never to use the hulk. My promise to help keep him contained if Banner wanted. Fury's resolve not to let the hulk out. And finally (and not by my choice) me sitting in the middle of the town calming the sick and helping them off to sleep. Then the connection is broken.

Banner drops my hand and steps away. "Alright. I'll help find the Tessaract."

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