Chapter 15

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"Got anything on that virus of yours?" I ask Tony after I see the computer kick on.

He motions me over and we all looks at the screen to see Access Denied. "Can you break the code?" I ask.

"Of course I can you know who you're talking to right?" Tony says as he gets to work deciphering the code.

"Shut it Tin man." I tell him with a laugh.

"They're going to know you've hacked into the system." Bruce tells Tony.

"It's really pretty sad they didn't notice it before." I say.

"We've got at least 3 minutes for Fury to come scold me. Bet I can crack it before then." Tony says.

Not two minutes later Fury walks in. "Should have taken the bet." I murmur as the computer is still trying to accept Tony's code.

"Arabelle, you're supposed to be watching them." Fury says to me as he walks in.

"Actually I'm supposed to be watching Bruce. He's chill." I tell him.

"What are you doing Mr Stark?" Fury asks grumpily.

"Uh kinda been wondering the same thing about you." Tony says.

"You're supposed to be locating the Tesseract." Fury says and I can feel his frustration.

"We are." Bruce tells him. "The models locked and were sweeping for signature now. When we get a hit, we will have the location within half a mile." Bruce says and points back to his computer.

"Yeah then you get your cube back. No muss, no fuss." Tony tells him and as if on cue the computer takes the code and opens a file labeled 'Phase 2'. "What is 'Phase 2'?"

Steve walks in and slams a gun down on the counter and I can feel his anger radiating off in waves. "Phase 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons." Then he looks to Tony. "Sorry the computer was moving a little slow for me."

"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract." Fury says attempting to calm him. "This does not mean that were making-"

Tony cuts him off and turns the computer to face them. "I'm sorry Nick." He says and shows the blueprints for a missile. "What were you lying?"

"I was wrong director." Steve says, still simmering. "The world hasn't changed a bit."

And if things couldn't get any worse Thor shows up with Nat behind him. Talk about the makings of a fight. The tension in this room is so strong even they feel it.

"Did you know about this?" Bruce asks me.

"No. I told you there were things Fury was keeping sealed from me in his mind I had no idea." I tell him honestly.

"What about you?" He asks Nat.

"You want to this about removing yourself from this environment doctor?" Nat asks.

Bruce laughs and I can feel he is a bit irritated so I get to work on lowering everyone's anger. "I was in Calcutta. I was pretty well removed." He tells her and I feel he still has a bit of resentment towards me for bringing him.

"Loki is manipulating you." Nat says and takes a step towards him.

"Any you've been doing what exactly?" Bruce counters and takes a step back.

"Easy." I warn everyone as I cannot control them all at once without knocking them out.

"You didn't come here because she," Nat says and points at me. "Batted her eyelashes at you."

Bruce moves away from me a bit. "Yes an I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy." He moves to the computer. "I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."

Fury glares before pointing at Thor then to me. "Because of them."

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