Chapter 33

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I watch them for a moment taken aback by what Kurt had said.

"What's Belle's favorite color?" Bruce asks having also been taken aback by what Kurt said.

"Green." Kurt tells him with a small smile.

"Thats doesn't mean anything though." Bruce tells him.

Kurt sighs and shakes his head. "Zu viel Angst, die Liebe zu akzeptieren." He says before speaking in english. "You have seen ze video yes? She is in love vis you. Vhy can you not accept zis?"

"If she is with me.... She will just get hurt." Bruce tells him and I hear a faint thought of his. 'I dont deserve love. I dont deserve her.'

I sigh. Oh Bruce..... I walk over to them and Kurt looks up at me with a smile. "Do you know what type of deserts we have?" I ask him aaaannnddd..

BAMF! Hes gone in a puff of dark smoke. I breathe in the smell of sulphur and smile. I love the smell.

"Ve have.... Pie... Cookies... And..." BAMF! Hes back in a puff of dark smoke with two bowls of vanilla Ice cream. "Here." He hands one to me and one to Bruce.

"You're not going to eat some?" I ask.

Kurt gives me a smile and I see genuine affection in his eyes. "No Fräulein, tonight I need sleep."

I set down my Ice cream and pull him into a hug. "Goodnight Kurt."

I feel his arms tighten around me. "Goodnight.... Belle." BAMF! And he's gone.

I sit down beside Bruce. "You do deserve love Bruce." I say after a few minutes of silently eating ice cream.

"Im too dangerous." He murmurs into his ice cream.

I grab his hand and he finally looks up at me, his eyes full of pain and sadness. "You're not dangerous Bruce." Not to me my thoughts plea. "You control the hulk now."

He stays silent and finishes his ice cream. I stop him as he gets up. "Bruce.... You deserve all the happiness in the world why can't you see that?"

He pulls away from me and goes to the sink rinsing out both our empty bowls of ice cream but not replying.

I sigh before just happening to glance out the window to see the night illuminated by the full moon. "Hey Bruce?" I ask still watching the moon.

"Yeah?" He asks from behind me.

"Are you tired?"

I can just imagine him frowning in confusion. "No." He answers. "Why?"

"Will you go on a bike ride with me?" I ask finally turning to look at him.

"What?" The confusion seeping into his voice.

"Im so sick of sleeping and I dont want to be alone and the full moon is out. I love the full moon. Please?" I ask. I can see him leaning towards no. "Please Bruce. I dont want to be alone."

He studies my eyes before sighing. "I havent riden a bike in a long time." He tells me but he nods.

"Thank you." I say with a smile and even I can hear the relief in my voice. "Come on."

After we get the bikes we head out along the trail to the lake. The wind blowing through my hair and the stars shining and the full moons light. Oh how I love riding at night time.

"Did you do this often?" Bruce asks as he rides beside me.

"Ride at night time? Yes. Theres nothing quite as amazing as riding with the stars lighting your way and the wind through your hair." I tell him.

"It is a nice feeling." He says quietly.

After a while of riding he glances over at me. "Where are we going?"

"Not far now." I tell him and push forward to lead the way.

The trail leads to the bank of the lake and I hear Bruce gasp. The lake reflects the moonlight in such a way that it really feels like magic. "It's beautiful." Bruce says.

"Its one of my favorite places." I pull off the trail an get off my bike. Bruce follows. "Do you mind staying here with me for a while?" I ask and hold up a blanket I brought to out on the ground.

"Not at all." He says. His voice still holding that shocked wonder.

I set down the blanket and lay ontop it eyes up watching the night sky. Bruce hesitates. "Come on." I say and pat the blanket beside me. He takes another moment but eventually sits with me.

"Belle?" He asks after a while of marveling at the universe.

"Yeah?" I ask and look over to see him laying on his side looking at me.

"In the video that you sent me you said..." He sighs. "You said you didnt know if you were going to wake from the coma or not." He says. "And then when you woke you said you thought that the transfer was just going to kill you."

"It was worth it." I tell him and I can see his thoughts waring.

"But Belle you could have died. You could have been in the coma forever..... It wouldnt have been worth it then." Bruce says.

"I thought I was going to die Bruce but to give you control.... It was more than worth it." I tell him and I see some unknown emotion in his eyes before he lays back and looks at the stars.

"Did you give me control to keep me from killing people?" He asks quietly.

"No!" I say and sit up to look at him frustration bubbling through my veins. "I mean, yes That was a part of it but no. I gave you control because I could feel how much you hated yourself..." My voice quiets. "I dont want you to hate yourself..."

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