A Part of the secret

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The next morning I went through my normal daily routine and headed to school. Once I got to class, I sat down in my desk and started looking around the room for Sarah, I found her sitting close to the front of the room, talking to another girl.They look like they are having a deep discussion about something, but I don't really care, so I put my head down and go to sleep. The teachers don't try to wake me up at all today, they now even if they did I wouldn't pay attention anyways. So the school day went by without anything happening and when last period let out, I walked out of the school and on my normal after school route towards the lookout. Much to my surprise, when I got there, Cindy was already sitting there waiting for me to get there. She looks up at me and asks in a sarcastic voice, "Where's your girlfriend you brought yesterday, or did you already scare her away." I look at her with my expressionless face and say, "She's not my girlfriend and no I didn't, she is coming here later, so if you want to meet her you can, she knows about ghosts and she can speak to them and see them. So it would be pretty safe for you to hang around as long as you're okay with it." She says looking back at the sky, "I don't think I won't to meet her, I really only want to talk to you, so tell me when she is gone." Cindy left, not wanting to reveal herself to any one but me, oh well, I'll just wait until Sarah leaves and call Cindy back to talk. As I waited there for Sarah to show up, the moon came out and I watched it ascend to the sky to replace the sun. About an hour later she showed up. She walked right over to me and stood right next to me and said, "So, are you going to tell me anymore or are we just going to sit in silence because I don't know what to talk about." I look at her, making a decision silently in my mind, I say to her, "I'm going to show you something, don't scream or freak out when you see it, if you do I won't trust you and I won't tell you anymore about myself." She looks me in the face and says, "Okay, I promise I won't. So what do you want to show me?" I turn away from her and pull a little flash light out of my pocket I always carry with me and I hand it to her. I say to her, "I'm going to take off my shirt, point that light at my back and look at it." I start to take my shirt off and as I do, I can feel the light on me and I can hear silently gasp as my shirt comes off. She looks all over my back saying, "What happened to you, there are scars everywhere, you have marks and cuts and just horrible looking injuries all over the place." I put my shirt back on and pocket the flashlight. As I look back at her I say with an even more somber expression, "That's just a little of the pain I have endured, but that was a kinda of trust test with you, since you didn't scream or run away, I'll trust you a little more." She looks at me with a kind of saddened expression and says,"Is that the reason you avoid others because something bad happened and you don't trust anymore?" I reply, "Yes it is." What she did next surprised me. She hugged me and said into my ear, "Don't you want to cry, don't you want to feel, do you want to be alone, in pain?" I didn't return that hug, but rather just said to her, "I don't need pity, I'd rather be alone then be pitied by others and no one can help my pain." She lets go of me and says, "I'm going to go home for tonight, but I will be back here tomorrow, I promise." And then she left. After she left, I called out to Cindy and she came back. Once she came back she said to me, "Are you really okay with letting some random girl know about what happened back then?" I looked at her and said, "I don't know why, but I just feel like I can tell her. Anyways, she'll never know my full pain unless she meets you." Cindy looks at me and says, "Not this crap again, come on, you weren't in your right mind, I don't hold it against you, I had no idea that he did those horrible things anyways." I look at her and make up my mind, "I guess your right, but I will never be able to punish myself enough for the sins I have committed. Either way, I'm tired so I'm going to head home, see you around." She nods in response and as I walk away from the lookout I can hear her leaving.

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