A Close Call

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I wake up in a cold sweat to find that Sarah was not laying next to me. I am scared for a moment but quickly recover, thinking to myself, "She is probably making breakfest." I get dressed and head downstairs to find exactly what I thought I would. Sarah was in the middle of setting the table for the two of us and she looked up at me and smiled,"I was just about to come wake you up, breakfest is ready." I chuckle and say,"You know you don't have to keep making breakfest every morning right?" She laughs as she sits down and says,"I know I don't. I just like to, that's all." We enjoy our breakfast and head off to school. When we entered the class I got a couple of stares from my classmates, but instead of turning away in disgust, like they normally do, they smiled and waved at me, I even heard a couple of good mornings. I was so shocked about it that I didn't even notice Sarah come around in front of me. She smiled and said,"I don't know if you knew this or not but your father had the principal make an announcement to the school about what happened in your past and from what you can see. It seems that they understand why you are so cold and distant and are willing to accept you for who you are." Even though I was trying so hard not to, a single tear slide down my face and I addressed the whole class,"Thank you... thank you so much. You don't  know how much this truly means to me." Everyone in the class was kinda shocked to see this side of me. They said their your welcomes and everyone sat down. After what felt like the longest, but best day at school ever, me and Sarah were getting ready to leave when a classmate stopped us asking me,"So I heard what your dad said about what happened, but I wanted to ask you. Is it really true that you and your sister were tortured?" It seemed the whole class was interested, for they all stuck around to see if I would answer. I took a deep breath and looked at sarah, she nodded confidently at me and I headed to the front of the class. As I did sarah asked everyone,"Could all you please sit down for another minute, he wants to show you his answer, rather then tell you. It's easier this way for him." As everyone took their seats, I could feel all their eyes staring at my back, waiting for what I would show them. I started to take my shirt off and when it was off, I heard gasps. I talked to them with my back turned,"This is what they did to me, they took my eye as well, I wasn't given a chance to scream in pain." The guy who asked the question in the first place said,"How could anyone withstand that much?" I put my shirt on and turned around saying,"I had someone I was protecting. My sister got less of the torture because I withstood all of this, but I didn't help, they still killed her." I started to tear up all sled rounds little. "I was so angry that I took the knife that they killed my sister and the girl they had with them and took their lifes. When the cops finally showed up I was passed out, only having just managed to set my parents free before I collapsed. That's everything, that's what happened. My sister was killed and I became a killer myself." They were all speechless, not a single person said anything. "If you want to think of me as an murder I wouldn't blame you." That same person stood up and said,"You did what you had to to save your family. As far as I'm concerned you're a hero." Everybody else stood up and said they agreed with him. I was so surprised that I didn't move even after everybody but me and sarah were gone. She approached me and embraced me saying,"How was that, not what you expected at all right?" I just wrapped my arms around her and whispered,"Thank you." When we finally left the school I suggested we go to the diner for dinner since it was close to the school. We came to the intersection right in front of the diner. We waited for our turn to walk across but as we went to walk across I spotted a truck still speeding our way. The driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. I screamed at sarah while pushing her out of the way,"Look out!" The last thing is can remember was a thud noise and hitting something very hard. I faintly heard, "No,no no. Someone call an ambulance, hold on John, don't leave me." I blacked out after that. I woke up some time later. When I woke up I felt really strange. I couldn't move my body but I wasn't in pain. I could only move my head and as I did a machine came into view and so did sarah with her head laying on the bed. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I couldn't move my arms, so instead I weakly muttered,"Sa..rah." It was hard to speak, it felt like there was gravel in my throat, but it seems to have been loud enough because she lifted her head in confusion and her eyes met mine and she started to cry saying,"You woke up. Thank goodness, I thought you were gone." I managed to move my arm closer to her and took her hand struggling yo say,"I told you I wouldn't leave you." My dad and the doctor walked into the room after I said that and my dad started crying,"Thank god you're awake." He sat down next to sarah and the doctor came over to my bed. I asked," what happened?" The doctor said, with some amazement,"You were hit by a truck, who's driver had fallen asleep, you are lucky to be alive right now." I asked another question that had been on my mind,"How long was I out for?" They all have each other a glance and the doctor said,"John you have been in a coma for two weeks." I was so shocked that I just opened my mouth but didn't say anything. I try to move again but to no avail. The doctor says in a somber voice,"The accident left you with quite a number of broken bones. It will take awhile before you fully recover so until then you have to take it easy." Sarah chimes in with a smile,"Don't worry doc, I'm not going to let him do anything reckless." I give a weak smile and say to the doc and my dad,"As you see I have someone who won't let me be dumb with my health." Dad and the doctor chuckled and with that the doctor excused himself. Dad stuck around for a little bit but eventually left saying that he wanted to give us time alone. Once it was just me and Sarah alone she got closer to me and laid her head on my chest whispering,"Thank you. Thank you so much. You saved me again." I put my hand on her head and patted her head saying,"You don't have to thank me for that I would do that any time to save you because I love you." She starts to lightly sob on my chest,"I was so scared, I thought you died and even after they said you would live I was afraid you would never wake up. I don't want to lose you." I weakly bring her head level with mine and say,"You're not going to lose me. You know why?" She mutters through the crying,"Why?" I bring her closer to my face and whisper,"Because I am yours and will always be yours, I love you heart and soul and will always be with you. I love you Sarah and that will never change." I kissed her having said all that and when she pulled away she had a smile on her face,"You always know what to say to cheer me up. I love you heart and soul as well I'm so glad I reach out to you that night." "I am too." She said back with confidence. "You better be ready for me to take care of you because I meant what I said, you won't be doing anything reckless while you're healing." I chuckle saying,"Okay."

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