I Need a Teacher... AKA Contest! (Closed!!)

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Yeah, this isn't a chapter. Sorry! However, this is a contest! It's for a character, since I can't really find a character in any of the series that would suit this form of character. I'm looking for a teacher(or two) for Math and Music... here's my reasoning:
I didn't want Polly or Modzilla to be math teachers, since I would like to do something between the two of them.

I considered Dale, since he was doing financial stuffs, but I didn't really like that option, since there's not too much about him.

There are no specific characters involved in music, so I didn't want to make up a character and confuse anyone. :P I also had a really fluffy idea for a music class, so yeah ;)
So, yeah... anyways... I NEED CHARACTERS! And, here's what you'll need to enter the contest! Now, if you don't want to be a teacher, just make up a random character. I need a variety, so yeah...

First Name and Last Name: (Can be Real, can be Made Up, I Don't Care!!!)
Subject: What Subject do You Teach? (Math or Music, or one that might be interesting, I don't care! I do however want ones for Math and Music.)
Looks: (Outfit, Skin Color, Eyes, Hair... you know.)
Other: (If you have any other things I may need to know)

Sorry this contest is somewhat boring, but there are already so many characters(I mean, COME ON! I'm blending all of Aphmau's series!), and I don't need to be overwhelmed... so yeah.

Aside from that, thank you all for the amazing support. I originally wrote this as a side story, but once My Hero is over, this may become my main focus, as I love where it's going, so yeah! Once My Hero is over, expect some more Aphmau's Academy. And, if YOU want this to continue, leave me a vote, and a comment, cause I love reading all your comments! And thank you all for following me. I mean, we have passed my lucky number already (305), and that's an accomplishment in itself! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Anyways, I will see you all very soon for another update, but see you all later! Ciao! ~Morgan :D

(ALSO, Contest ends on September 24th, 2015 at 12:00 A.M.)

Aphmau's Academy ~ Garroth x Laurence x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now