Coach's Call

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Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
   You all have no idea how flipping happy I am... I HAVE DEFEATED NANOWRIMO!!!!! That week was WELL worth it, as I reached 20,000 words in one month! That means... I could potentially publish a book!!! YA-HOO!!! If you want to see a sneak-peek, it's called the Study and Sweets Club! I am so excited my heart is beating out of my chest. I almost had a heart attack I swear to you! But I DID IT!!! I am so happy, I could just fly!! Thank you for supporting me this month. It's been tough, but now it feels like a load has gotten off my back, and now I can finally focus on this book and new projects! Onto the story, whee!!!
Your Point of View:

   "Coach..." I ran up, "the game starts in 10. I'll round up the guys."
   "Thank you." I nodded, and blew the whistle. "Alright boys! To the coolers!" they all hustled over, and some drank from their water bottles.
   "All right boys. Our competition is undefeated. SkyCraft might be our hardest game. But you know what? We're not going to let them win, are we?"
   "Good! Offense, listen to me. You have to follow the play. There are no switch-ups, otherwise it ruins the whole play, and if you WERE open, you're gone! No slacking! Defense, you need to push it today. Some of those kids are heavier than you. You need to run them down." the referee blew the whistle, and then Logan chanted, "GO GET THEM BOYS!" Garroth, Dante and Laurence ran to the center of the field, to see the coin toss. The referee announced, 
   "Home team has picked Heads, visitors are tails!" he flicked the coin, and it landed on the field.
   "The coin has landed on heads! The home team has chosen to play offense first. Let the game begin! Logan and I stood on the field, as the offense went on field. Garroth, Laurence and Dante were in the game now. That was too bad. I kept tracks of the number of plays each boy was in, and Logan gave them words of advice... BY YELLING. As the game went on, 2 our boys got hurt by the opposing team, one being an excused foul. How dare the referee? We were losing, by 6 points. Logan sighed in frustration, and I threw my hands into my hair. Oh great, it was defense. Laurence jogged off, and sniffed, taking a chug of water. I sighed, as he jogged over.
   "I-I know. It's almost halftime."
   "I am so sorry."
   "I'm just a bit upset. If I lose my first game as a coach, I'm probably going to cry." I admitted.
   "AND IT'S HALFTIME!" the referee blew his whistle, and I sighed,
   "That's it." Laurence grumbled, "They're winning by 6 points. I can't believe that."
   "Yeah, no kidding. I swear to you, we're going to win this, and I'm going to make sure of it."
~~Time Skip~~
   "Another tackle by Garroth." Logan mumbled. I wrote it down, and grumbled. Then, they started another play. We were STILL behind by 6 points. It made me mad. Then, I found someone from the opposite team run past defense.
   "TACKLE HIM, ZENIX!" I yelled. He did so, barely. The whistle, and I yelled, "TIMEOUT!"
   "NOW." the referee blew the whistle, and they crowded. Even defense came in. Logan looked at me, unsure. I stomped out on the field, and I made them listen.
   "WHAT WAS THAT?" I yelled at them, "WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK WAS THAT?" I sighed, in frustration, "Look, I'm tired of this. I get that it's hot, I get that you're sweating like pigs, but slacking off? That is not tolerated at all. That is COMPLETELY unacceptable. THAT WAS SO UNCALLED FOR. Heck, even ZENIX had to tackle him. Sorry Zenix. Look, if we're going to win, then you need to step it up. You need to start playing like men, not 6 year old children playing flag. We are against SkyCraft, this is my first game for crying out loud! You guys! I want to make things right, I do... but I don't have the power to do so. You need to get FIRED UP. If you don't have energy, FIND IT. We're not losing to them. WE NEED to defend. If we can keep defending them for 2 more plays, if we can keep them at the line, THEN we have a chance. Which means, you better find the energy to do so for 2 MORE PLAYS. Then offense, you bet I'm leaving without ranting at you either. You need to pick up the pace. Those guys are FAST. They're really fast. So what the heck happened to you? It's like your legs got blown up! Start playing like you mean it.
   "Really?" Zane rolled his eyes. This made me furious. 
   "THAT'S IT! I've had enough with you, Zane. You've played enough, actually. According to my clipboard. You're sitting on the bench for the rest of the game. No yapping either. You all better know I'm not kidding around when I say this. Now, go out there and do not disappoint me. Otherwise, feel. my. WRATH." I growled. The guys looked mortified, "NOW GET OUT THERE!" I blew my whistle. And yes, Logan gave me a whistle. They ran, and the offense ran back to the sidelines. I grabbed my clipboard and walked off.
   "That was different." Logan snickered, "I liked it."
   "Yeah, and they did too. Got them running."
   "Play good!" Logan yelled.
   "Play good my butt. PLAY LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" I yelled.
   "Ha ha! You're becoming me!" Logan laughed.
   "Hehe, OK. You got me there." 
   "Whoa, that was some speech there, Coach." Zane snarled.
   "Sit your butt down." I turned around.
   "My dad will hear this, and make you pay."
   "And I will tell him WHY you were put on the bench."
   "He won't care."
   "Says you. You know what Zane? Tell him I put you on the bench. Tell him I put you on the bench for slacking off, not paying attention, and for not taking this seriously. Tell him that."
   "Whatever. You'll get kicked off the team."
   "Oh really? The only way I get kicked off this team is if Coach Logan makes me."
   "And she's not going anywhere, Zane. Get used it. Sit back down."
   "Fine." he grumbled. I turned around, and watched the game. As it went on, the boys were successful in defending. It was up to offense to finish this off. Garroth was an offensive guard, Dante was a Running-back, and Laurence was the Quarterback. There was only so much time. Logan and I had ultimately decided to make all of our good players on the field. The whistle blew, and Laurence got the ball. He threw it to Brian, who then passed it to Dante. They had successfully reached the 10 yards. First down. I clapped, as Logan cheered. 
   "COME ON BOYS! LET'S GO!" I yelled. They were playing better and better, and then it was fourth down. Everyone was lined up. This was it. They had a chance to make a touchdown, and then go for 1-2 extra points. They could tie it, or win it... but there was a chance they could lose, too. Thee whistle blew, and Laurence got the ball. Dante wasn't available. Garroth was.
   "RO'MEAVE!" Laurence yelled, throwing it to Garroth. Garroth jumped up, caught it, and started running.
   "RUN GARROTH! RUN!!!" I jumped around. I ran down, and Logan smiled. Garroth made it to the line, and I squealed! "YA-HOO!!!" I jumped up and down! Garroth scored his first touchdown! 6 points were added to our side, and then we went for an extra. Dante kicked, scored it through the yellow goal post, and I jumped up and down. WE WON THE GAME! Laurence, Dante and Garroth ran to me, and I hugged them. They hugged me back, and then they picked me up. I laughed and squealed as the rest of the boys tried to help. They were chanting my name, and I smiled. Soon, they put me down, and we lined up. I went in front, then Logan went behind me. We high-fived the coaches from SkyCraft, as well as the players, and I smiled. Logan and the guys were all on the field, sitting down, and I joined them.
   "Well boys, you did something even I can't believe. You all really fought." Logan started. "You stood your ground, and Laurence, Dante and Garroth pulled it off at the end there. I am very proud of you, Garroth. Congrats on your first touchdown of the season. I have no words, you all did amazing. Coach (F/N), want to add something?" he asked me. I nodded, and he stepped back.
   "I don't regret getting on you. In fact, something told me it helped. Along with what Coach Logan said, you all shocked me today. With those killer 15 yard passes, and tackles, we really showed them what we do here at Aphmau's Academy. I am so proud of all of you. Really, I am. You all showed me something new. Something I didn't see before. You all showed determination. Not just on the 1st level, but much more than before. You all proved yourselves out there, and for that, I am so grateful. This was my first game as an assistant coach, and I was nervous. You all proved me wrong today. That was genius! That was amazing! Thank you all for playing your hardest. I'm going to have to do something for that. Maybe at practice I'll bring something. But thank you. I think it's already to dismiss you all. Have a great night, you all deserve it." everyone clapped, and stood up. Cadenza squealed, and hugged me.
   "YOU WERE AMAZING! You should've seen the audience! They were amazed by your speech! You guys did amazing!" everyone left, except my parents, Dante, Laurence, and Garroth. The guys took off their pads, and high-fived each other.
   "(F/N)..." Logan walked up to me, "That was an amazing thing you did out there."
   "Thank you..."
   "I'm being serious. I've never such a thing from a kid, ever. I need to ask you something. You've showed excellent in practicing, and you've even helped the boys with conditioning and healing. You showed all of those traits out here. I need to ask, will you be the coordinating and conditioning coach?"
   "Heck yeah! We'll even supply you a tag, and a ton of other things."
   "Yeah, we'll." Principal Aphmau walked up next to Coach Logan, "Didn't expect me here? It's a home game, I thought why not, right? I am so proud of this team, Logan. And the two newest additions to it as well. I personally want to promote you. Logan had agreed. And, I see your parents are here. Congrats to your child, she's quite the talent."
   "Thank you, Miss Aphmau." my father replied.
   "I would be honored. Thank you."
   "You deserve it. Now, you kids have fun!" we thanked them, and walked off the field. 
   "That's... amazing." Dante looked at me, "Do you know how long it's been since Principal Aphmau has done that?"
   "We were Freshman. The student coach was a Senior. That was 3 to 4 years ago." Laurence replied. "We've never had an official conditioning coach, and an official coordinating coach. Coach Logan's done all of that since we've been playing." Laurence added.
   "I'm proud, (F/N)." my mom started, "Your speech was so inspiring, that the yearbook wanted to interview Cadenza, your father and I."
   "Yeah. Expect to be pulled out of a few classes to interview." my dad winked.
   "So, now what?" Cadenza asked us.
   "THE RIO, DUH!" Dante and Laurence said.
   "You kids have fun. Your mom and I are going to go back home and take these leftovers from halftime with us." my dad smiled. "Just be home by 7:30."
   "Got it. I'll see you then." I smiled.
   "Bye guys!" my mom smiled. Then, I saw a man walk us to us. I couldn't really see him, he had a hat and a jacket. 
   "Hello there. I'm Mr. Ro'meave, Garroth's father. All of you did wonderful on that field."
   "Thank you sir." Laurence replied.
   "And Ms. (F/N), was it?" he asked me.
   "Yes sir." I replied.
   "That speech was remarkable. Everyone was amazed. You have a future ahead of you, all of you do."
   "Thank you sir." I smiled. He nodded, before walking with Zane. 
   "H-He's never done that before." Garroth looked over at his dad, "That was new." he chuckled, "Looks like he's got a soft side after all."
   "Huh?" Cadenza tilted her head.
   "Well, being a huge business man, the sophistication kind of got locked into his brain, so he's really strict. But, seeing this, makes me feel a bit better, and calmer at that."
   "Interesting." Dante replied, "But I'm hungry."
   "Me too." I giggled, "Let's go." the guys quickly changed t-shirts, and Cadenza and I grabbed my bag from my parent's car while they were changing. 
   "We're clear!" Dante yelled.
   "Let's go then!" Cadenza yelled. The guys took Dante's car, and Cadenza and I took her car. I sighed, as I got into the car. Today was tiring, but no way was I leaving this day without seeing Garroth's reaction to the green chile.
   XD what a great ending. OK, so you have an attitude XD Well, this is what happens when the author is going through mood swings. Also, I just got my braced tightened, and my canine teeth hurt SO BADLY. OWIE!!! But, YAYAYAY!!! You won the game, and got upgraded to a new position! :D :D :D Well, I honestly have nothing to say... XD Maybe try to think of something in the comments, cause I'm blank right now. But, I hope you like this part, and I'll see you in the next one! Buh-bye! ~Morgan <3

Aphmau's Academy ~ Garroth x Laurence x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now