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Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
So, I'm adding someone from the old contest into this. Today's character entry is royalsister's entry. I told you many times before and I'll say it now, if you entered the first contest, I'll add you somehow... :) Just please no new entries... I give out many other opportunities... and it's only fair that the people who entered when the contest was open get a chance to be in the book. As soon as I finish those characters, then I'll open it up again :) I have tons of chapters ahead, so there might be a few more chances along the road!
Your Point of View:

   "Alright, let's go in." Dante smiled.
   "YAY! THE MALL!!" Cadenza squealed. Laurence looked at her, before laughing. Then, he looked at me,
   "I wish you a good luck." he snickered. I groaned, as Cadenza looked back. We were at the entrance, and as soon as she opened the door, my eyes widened. Even 5 seconds in here, and I felt lost. I hadn't even moved! 
   "Lost already?" Garroth looked at me, "I remember when Zane took me here for the first time. Funny how it's the same reaction."
   "Y-Yeah..." I stuttered. 
   "How can you get lost in a mall? Come on! We've got an hour!" she took my hand and dragged me away from the boys, into the crowd of strangers. I swear, I could hear Dante laughing. Cadenza made us walk for almost a century, until we finally made it to a hair salon. We walked in, and the girl looked up from the front desk. She had curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and wore some makeup on her face, like eyeliner.
   "Hello Cadenza, nice to see you again! Who's your friend?"
   "Hey Emily! This is (F/N), and this is her first time at the mall, and I wanted to give her a new look, hair-wise of course."
   "Aw, how wonderful!" Emily smiled, "Well, since I don't have a customer, I can help."
   "Really? That's awesome!" Cadenza exclaimed, "So, I guess I'll go shop. (F/N), you're in great hands. Emily, I trust you!" she dashed off. I looked at the exit, then back at Emily. 
   "Hello!" she smiled, as I nervously giggled, 
   "I know how you feel. Cadenza is most certainly a girly-girl." she giggled, "Come on, let's sit down, shall we? I'll give you a little hairstyle book you can look through, then you tell me what you want to see."
   "OK." I replied. Emily led me one of the chairs, and I sat down. She handed me book, and it had photos of hairstyles on models.
   (Here's where you pick based on your hair length... if you have short/pixie cut hair, then your hair will basically be straightened, and the extra options are (F/C) dyed tips or streaks. If you have medium hair length, your hair will be curled with the extra options of ombre, (F/C) tips, or bangs. If you have long hair, then your hair will be curled, but wavier than tight curls. Your extra options are a (F/C) gradient at the ends of your hair, that will connect to your natural hair color, some up some down, or a (F/C) hair feather.)
   "Here." I pointed at the hairstyle I like the most, and smiled, "I like this one."
   "Awesome! So, I'll go grab what I need, and then we'll do your hair. Since we only have an hour, we're gonna make this quick!" she only took seconds to grab everything, and came back. "So, how in the world did someone like you meet Cadenza?" she asked me. I giggled, and told her the story.
   "So... yeah."
   "Well, that's a pretty cool story, not gonna lie. Sounds like you have some awesome friends. I'd definitely want to hear more. So, you've only known them for like, 3-4 weeks?"
   "Yeah." I answered, before sighing, "But it feels like I've known them forever. It's just nice having friends."
   "Friends are definitely people everyone needs in their life. I believe they can shape you. And sometimes, they can become more. My best female-friend is going to be my maid of honor, and I'm actually marrying a man that was once my best friend."
   "Really? Congratulations!" 
   "Thanks. His name is Jacob, and you know, I have 3 kids."
   "Wait, you work AND have kids?"
   "Yep. Fortunately, my maid of honor lives on the same street, and she's like their nanny, you know? So, that way both Jacob and I can work. I've actually met Laurence before."
   "Yeah, it was funny too. Pretty sure he's an arcade dude. He walked into the salon with a ticket in his hair and a stuffed bear or something." I giggled, thinking about Laurence like that. "Yeah, I know, you should have seen it. I think I have a picture actually. But anyways, he sat down, and I was doing Cadenza's hair for some girls night out. We talked for a bit, and he seemed really nice. But he left with the ticket still in his hair. Then, Cadenza hit the back of his head and the ticket fell. He picked it up, and then shrugged. But, I can tell you this. As soon as he saw Cadenza in the salon, he frowned." she giggled, "How siblings can be so different."
   "I could see that. Maybe that's why he kept saying good luck when we pulled up at the mall. Now, I can see it."
   "Yeah, that sounds like Laurence, at least that's what Cadenza tells me." I got a text from Garroth, and my lock screen popped up. It was a photo of The Phoenix Drop. I opened it, and it was from Garroth. 
   "We found Cadenza with 3 shopping bags in her hands. Where the heck are you? She's not gonna tell us, cause she wants it to be a 'surprise'." I texted back, replying, 
   "Well, guess I can't tell you then, huh?" I sent it, and then he texted a displeased face. I replied with a laughing emoji.
   "Who was that?"
   "My friend Garroth." I showed her my lock screen, "He's the one with blonde hair. I just now realized all my friends have blue eyes." I looked at it again, and laughed, "Well then!"
   "That was such a realization moment. You know like those memes? When they say, "That random moment when you realize...?"
   "Yeah!" we laughed, then continued to talk, until she was done.
   "Well Miss (F/N), your new do is fabulous. What do you think?" I looked up, and squealed, 
   "I love it!"
   "I feel like Cadenza's squeal is on you now! But, I'm so glad you like it!" At that moment, Cadenza came back, and squealed.
   "You look so cute! I could just hug you!" she hugged me tightly, and I laughed. "Thank you Emily!" 
   "Of course." Cadenza paid, which was really nice, and then she smiled,
   "The guys are waiting outside. Fortunately, you finished right on time. Let's go!" we walked out, and let's just say I felt like a goddess. My hair was soft, and fluffy, and I felt like a goddess, the goddess of hair. The guys looked at me, and Laurence and Garroth froze. Dante looked at them, before standing up. 
   "Well, since they can't speak for themselves, I'll just say it for them. You look hot." he snickered. "My opinion, you look 20% cooler." (TELL ME YOU KNOW THE REFERENCE PLEASE!) 
"Thanks, Dante." I laughed. Cadenza flicked Laurence, and he jumped out of his trance, causing Garroth to jump as well. Dante and I laughed, as Cadenza walked away,
   "To the car we go!" she walked out of the mall. "WAIT!" she ran back into the mall. "I don't know where the car is." Laurence groaned, as Garroth turned red.
~~Time Skip~~
Garroth's Point of View:

   I took off my football helmet, as beads of sweat ran down my forehead. I was about to go with (F/N), until I heard someone call out my name.
   "Garroth!" I turned around, and it was Ms. Weathers. I gulped, and then I sighed. 
   "Hey, (F/N). I'll catch up with you tomorrow." she looked, before seeing Ms. Weathers. She nodded, and walked up to Cadenza. I walked up to Ms. Weathers, and she softly smiled.
   "Sorry if I embarrassed you."
   "You're fine. Is there something..."
   "Yeah. Your father wanted me to spend some quality time with you, is that OK?" she looked at me, slightly hopeful. I know she didn't mean harm. In fact, she must have been in the worst position, to think I hated her. Did she think that?
   "Yeah!" I answered. Her eyes lit up, before smiling.
   "Awesome. So, I'll drop you off to change, and then maybe we can do something together, like bowling!"
   "That actually sounds pretty fun." I commented.
   "Great. Then after, we can have dinner." 
   "Um, OK." It only took a small amount of time before we were at the bowling alley. We got a lane, and entered our names. 
   "So, about yesterday..." she started. I knew where this was going, and I had to resolve it. After all, she was going to become my stepmother, and I didn't want a bad relationship with her. She was going to be part of the family, whenever or not I liked it.
   "No, I'm sorry for that." I commented. Her eyes widened, and I smiled, "I overreacted."
   "No, that was an absolute right reaction. I mean, I just walked in and..."
   "You didn't know. It wasn't your fault. It was my dad's for not telling Zane and I sooner."
   "But, I feel like I just walked in without invite. It makes me feel guilty."
   "Of course you'd feel guilty." I commented, "Because of how I reacted. Just a question, how did Zane react?"
   "He... well, he kind of said OK and walked away. He seemed fine with it."
   "Well, maybe that's because our dad told him about it, knowing he wouldn't care. But, I'm glad my dad's happy again. Is he happy?"
   "I think so, yes."
   "Then that's all that matters. I'm really happy that you're not someone who just joins in because of desperation, or wealth. At least I'm familiar with you. Now if it were a complete stranger I'd probably react differently, but because I've trusted you before, and you didn't disappoint, I can trust you now, as my stepmother." I slightly felt bad, saying the last part, but I knew that at some point I had to let go. 
   "R-Really, Garroth?" 
   "Yeah, really."
   "Thank you." she hugged me, "This means a lot to me, you know. Thank you for being so nice about it." As we continued to spend time with each other for the rest of the night, I slowly started thinking about what would happen. She would become my stepmother, yes... but what else? I mean, my father would have to find another person for the job my mother once had... and it couldn't be Ms. Weathers because she was already a teacher, and my father might want to make more commitments than just marrying. 
   "So, now what do I call you?" I asked her, as we drove back home.
   "Call me Marie for now. Even at school, if you'd like." I sighed of relief, at least she didn't say "Mom", otherwise I probably would have cried. 
    "OK, Marie." I chuckled. She smiled, and soon we reached my- er, our house. We hopped out of the car, and Zane and Father were waiting inside. I did not really feel like seeing my dad's face, even though Marie and I were on good terms. I just... can't forgive him as much as I can forgive Marie, because he was the one who moved on knowing he still had kids that were mourning. As soon as he flashed a stern face, I knew Zane and I were going to hear quite a lecture. Oh Irene, please... don't ruin this family even more. I didn't deserve this, neither did Zane, or Marie... or anyone else.
   DUN DUN DUN!!!! Well, at least Ms. Weathers and Garroth are on good terms, right? And, did you all see the teaser in Garroth's Point of View? It's a little more hidden in there, and kind of small, but when I wrote it I started freaking out... cause I knew if someone knew, then I would be spammed in my notifications XD But, I UPDATED! I think my mom went Black Friday shopping for the first time ever and found something for my brother... XD I can't believe she went out there! But, my bro and I got bored so I made homemade hot cocoa and it was EXTREMELY chocolately... now I literally think I'm on a sugar high but OH WELL, RIGHT? I also really want to start a #Laurmau fanfiction. Like, I REALLY WANT TO, so that I can call myself Captain of the Laurmau Ship! XD I actually do ship it, cause Laurance is such a babe <3 But anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this, and I'll see you in the next part! Buh-bye! ~Morgan :)
 (But here's the question, should I start a #Laurmau fanfiction? Would you read it?)


Aphmau's Academy ~ Garroth x Laurence x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now