An Egg-cellent Embarrassment

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Things to Look Out For:
(F/N) - First Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/M) - Favorite Meal
(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/MV) - Favorite Movie
(M/N) - Mother's Name
(FA/N) - Father's Name
(F/B) - Favorite Book
As the book goes on, I will update the list/guide!
   MEEP! XD Hai! Just... just read it XD
Third Person's Point of View:

   "All right class, so hopefully you were paying attention in class yesterday, because now we are going to apply the skills from the tutorial into our cooking today! We are going to learn how to make scrambled eggs! So, every group of 4 will be getting 4 eggs, and whichever has the best eggs gets an A for work habits. I have a bunch of vegetables and spices out, so you can pick from any of those. So, I guess we can get started!" Ms. Smith smiled. (F/N), Garroth and Cadenza instantly met up, and Garroth also grabbed Vylad. 
   "Hey Vylad, wanna join us?" Cadenza asked him.
   "Sure, thanks!" he smiled. Everyone in the friend group knew that Vylad was Garroth's stepbrother, so they took him in and invited him to join them in their classes. The group set up near the corner of the class, and Cadenza got 4 eggs. Garroth and Vylad grabbed some veggies, and (F/N) was in charge of getting the pan and spatula. She went into the supply room, and grabbed a pan and rubber spatula, before walking out. (F/N) set up on the stovetop, and added some butter to the pan, melting it. Cadenza and Garroth cracked the eggs, and Vylad cut up some of the veggies. As Cadenza whisked, Garroth went to help Vylad.
   "Alright, the eggs are almost done." Cadenza told (F/N)."
   "The butter's almost melted."
   "Alright, we're good to go. I'm going to check up on the guys. Make sure to pour them in soon."
   "Got it." (F/N) nodded. Cadenza walked off, and as she walked away from (F/N), Zane smiled a very evil grin.
   "Hey Zenix?" he asked his partner, as they were "cutting" veggies.
   "What if an egg - accidentally fell on (F/N) head?" Zane asked him. They laughed, before Zenix grabbed an egg from the counter. It moved to the very top of the ceiling. No one could see it. Not even the teacher. Zenix left it there, until the perfect moment.
   "Hey (F/N), here are the vegetables." Garroth handed her the cut up veggies. There was a mix of tomatoes, spinach, onion, and carrot. "And here's some pepper and salt."
   "Thanks Garroth." (F/N) smiled. She put the veggies in, and mixed them with the egg, making an amazing mixture. She turned it off when the eggs weren't done yet, as the video said not to overcook them, and they would cook on the plate. Vylad handed her a plate, and she put the eggs on a plate, and garnished it with parsley and pepper. She set the plate on the group's table, and cleaned up. She grabbed a sponge, and started scrubbing the pan. Zenix and Zane watched as the egg flew (F/N) head, and they quietly chuckled. Zenix dropped the egg, and it landed, on (F/N)'s pan. She jumped in surprise, and dropped the pan in the sink. Zane and Zenix looked at each other, before Zane flicked Zenix's head.
   "How did you miss that?!" Zane growled.
   "It was you who said to do it!" Zenix roared.
   "What happened (F/N)? Is everything OK?" Garroth asked her.
   "An egg just randomly fell into the pan, look!" the yolk mixed in with the soapy water. "It almost hit me."
   "That's weird. Um, I guess just clean it. I mean, that's really weird."
   "Um, OK." Garroth walked away.
   "Well, try it again, you moron!" Zane rolled his eyes. Zenix picked up another egg, and placed it above (F/N). "How about this, I'll distract her so she won't move, and you drop it?"
   "Fine." Zenix grumbled. Zane walked up to (F/N), and she looked at him slightly mad.
   "Were you the one that threw that egg?"
   "What egg?" Zane looked around.
   "Nevermind." (F/N) grumbled.
   "Oh, you mean that egg." Zane looked up. (F/N) watched as the egg drop, right on Zane's head. (F/N) gasped, as Zane looked back at Zenix, who was trying so hard not to laugh.
   "HAHA!!!" Zenix laughed. "OH NO!" Zane chased after Zenix, before they ran out of the room. They'd be caught be someone. 

Aphmau's Academy ~ Garroth x Laurence x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now