3) What hell hasn't already been given is taken

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Will woke up alone in bed. Tessa must've gone to breakfast already. Will thought, Tessa wasn't in bed at all last night... something is wrong. Will got out of bed and got ready or the day. He then went to breakfast, he saw Tessa drinking a bit of tea. He sighed in relief. Tessa kept drinking her tea. Will placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Good mornig, Tessa." She smiled. "Good morning, dear. How was your sleep?" "It was alright. How about tour's? I noticed that you weren't in bed this morning." Tessa sighed, "Yeah, I couldn't sleep at all last night. That's all." She tried to smile. Will nods. He was noticing this about her. He got all the more worried about her.
Charlotte came in followed by Henry, Gabriel, and Cecily. Will sat down next to Tessa. Tessa covered her mouth and she hurried lout of the dining room as fast as she could to the bathroom. Will watch her leave. He turned to Charlotte, "Is Tessa alright?" Charlotte thought for a moment before answering. She answered, "Now that I think about it, she did feel a bit ill this morning. Cecily, can you and Sophie keep an eye on Tessa while your brother, Will, and I are in Idris?" Will's sister nodded. Sophie walked in with Tessa. Will got up and went to Tessa. "Will, I am ok. I promise, I am ok." Will nods and put as hand on her cheek. He smiled at her. She smiled back.
Sophie looked at Charlotte, then sat down. Will and Tessa sat down at the seats they were sitting before. "Will we leave after breakfast." said Charlotte. Will nods. Gideon walks in and sits down. Henry looks at Charlotte, "Dear, you sure about this? What if you loose your position as Consul?" Charlotte took a deep breath and said, "If that must happen because of this then let it. I am not letting Tessa move out into the streets with Will because of her blood and who her father was." Henry nodded in agreement. Tessa took a sip of her tea. Gabriel said, "I am with you, Charlotte, I just hope we don't have anything else happen while you and Will are gone." Cecily looked at Tessa. Tessa stood up, "If you would excuse me I am going to check with a Silent Brother about my health if that is alright by you?" Will took her hand and squeezed it. "Very well Tessa. Be careful though." Tessa nodded and started to leave. Will let her hand slip through his, and watched her leave. Sophie said, "She will be alright Will." Will just nods. Cecily looks at her brother worried about him. Gideon said, "How long do you and Will think you will be in Idris?" Charlotte thinks for a moment. She says, "It will be a bit. I am hoping it won't last longer than a week at most." Gideon nodded. Will just watched what was going around him.

Tessa was waiting by the bridge where Jem would tell her to meet. She was afraid that she was more than just ill. She waited for him for ten minutes. Jem walked up to her. She looked at him and smiled. Jem was now standing in front of her. Hello, Tessa. How are you? Jem said smiling back at her. Tessa said, "I am well but I was hoping that you could help me." Jem opened his hands. Tessa, what's troubling you? "Jem, lately I have been feeling ill, but it's been only in the mornings." Tessa explained. Jem nods, and draws his hood back. Tessa looked at him not backing away from him. Jem looked at her carefully. Tessa how long has this been going on? Tessa had to think for a moment. "Two or three days now I believe." He nods understanding. Tessa twisted the wedding ring on her ring finger. Jem looked smiled at her. Congratulations Tessa. Tessa looked at in disbelief. "Are you sure." Yes. Congrats Tessa, you are going to be a mother. Jem smiled at her. Tessa smiled but then it went away. "Jem, the Clave is trying to remove me from the Institute." She was now worried. Jem looked at her sincerely. Will Will take care of the issue. For now you must care for the child. Tessa placed a hand on her stomach. She nods her head understanding.
Will had finished packing a bag for Idris. He was now writing a short note for Tessa. Once finished with the note he placed it against the bed side lamp on Tessa's side of the bed. He sighed a little hoping that Tessa would not be safe but alright as well. He opened the door and left the room. He walked all the way to the steps of the Institute. The coach had already pulled up. He put his trunk on the coach. Charlotte stepped out and handed her trunk to Will. Will set on. Top of his. Cecily went up to Will and hugged him. "Be careful, Will." Will hugged his younger sister back. "I will Cecily." Cecily pulled away from her brother and stood next to Gabriel. Gabriel put a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her as subtlety as possible. Will didn't much of it. Charlotte was saying good bye to her son and Henry. Charlotte stepped inside the carriage. Will went in after her. The carriage pulled away and left the Institute.

Tessa walked into the Institute and went straight to her and Will's room. She set herself on the bed and sat there watching the empty room. She saw a letter on her bedside lamp and of poo need it to read.

My dear Tessa,
I will be back in your gentle arms as soon as I am able to. I hate to have to leave without saying goodbye and also leave you when you are ill. Keep your head up for me and have faith. I shall be in your arms when this is all over.
Your dear loving husband,

Tessa smiled at the letter after she read it. She carefully placed the letter on her vanity table and let the words from Will's letter sink in. She walked to the kitchen and asked for some tea. Tessa took her tea to the library. She sat down and reached for a book blindly. She had grabbed the Shadowhunter Codex. She opened it and started to read the book.

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