6) Anything demon related should never exist

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Gabriel was just about done with the Morgensterns'. They had pushed Tessa out of a conversation that she was supposed to be part of. Tessa is a respected Shadowhunter and deserves to hear what the conversation was about. Gabriel was pacing the room as he tried to think. Cecily walked through the door. She noticed his distress. "Gabriel, what has you so distressed?" Gabriel stopped pacing the room. He looked at her. Cecily's eyes said many things worry, fear, love. He relaxed slightly. He was about to answer her but the Morgensterns came out before he could. Then Cecily knew why. Gideon came from the training room annoyed, angry, and maybe ready to yell or possibly something far worse. Gabriel and Cecily looked at Gideon, the anger he was showing was now gone. Gabriel took Cecily's hand and said, "Just a few people who think Tessa is a downworlder, is all, and think that downworlders should not exist in the first place. No need to fret." Cecily squeezed Gabriel's hand, and smiled lightly to him. He is relaxed more by her smile. Gabriel kissed her cheek. Gideon left after a few moments and went to calm himself down.

Will was now paranoid. He would look out the window and hope to see his beautiful Tessa in London and come from a walk with Cecily and Sophie. When ever he did he would see that he was not in London but in Idris, where he was hoping to have a problem resolved and be with her once more. Charlotte had been out to deal with the complications of the court, and Will had to try to keep his temper from going out of control for the trial. Will simply wanted this to be done with. No more questioning which side his wife was on or if she were to be a traitor. It was the one wish he wanted more than anything in the whole world.

Will sat by the window and read his book. Charlotte would not be back until later that day. Which meant plenty of time for Will to plan the point he was to point at the problem of Tessa being unworthy to be trusted by the Shadowhunters in Idris. The court would be hard to move from one side to another but this did not mean it could not happen. The book Will was trying to read was not preventing the thoughts of the trial that he had hoped to keep at bay. He finally, out of frustration, slammed the book shut and went back to his vigorous pacing debating on what to say to the council of reasons to trust Tessa and why she should be considered a Shadowhunter.

When the door opened and slammed shut, Will knew it was going to be Charlotte storming in. This was based on the loud slamming of the door when she walked into the manor. Will was now scribbling on a piece of paper on possible things to say to the council and jury members, when Charlotte walked in with rage in her eyes. Will looked up at her after finishing a thought on his piece of paper, setting his pen down. "What has made you so angry? It's like Mr. Riverpush has really pushed you to losing your temper." Charlotte eyed him and said, "I am surprised you aren't as angry or fuming as I am." Will merely shrugged, "I am just directing it to the issue of Tessa's trust problem, but don't doubt it for a moment that I am not angry, I am more than just angry." Charlotte was good at hiding the bit of anger she would have but this seemed to get to her harder than anything else that Will had seen besides the problems that occurred when Charlotte would be with Buford then havoc would hit London and she would have to leave him, kill or deal with the monster and return to her son that would with his inventor of a father. That was an official angry Charlotte this is the same but maybe worse Charlotte. Charlotte nods and starts to think. Will writes one last thought on the paper and studies the words on the paper.

Tessa placed her hand on her stomach as she sat quietly in the library with a book in her hand. Gideon walks into the library. He looks around and looks at Tessa. "Is Sophie here?" Gideon asked quit deliberately. Tessa shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. She might be." Gideon could only nod. Tessa could see he was clearly lost in thought. Tessa noticed that a lot in Gideon. When Gideon was out of his thoughts, Gideon looked at Tessa with concern, "Is everything alright, Tessa?" Now Tessa was deep in thought. She replied, "Hm? Oh, yes I am fine just a little worried about Will." Gideon sat down across from her.
"Tessa, he is going to be alright. If Will could do anything, it would be to come back to you. He loves you too much to loose you. Will is a grown man, he can handle himself." Gideon looked at her with sympathy. Tessa smiled at him. "Thank you, Gideon." He smiled back at her. Gideon stood up and started to go to the library door he turned to say one last thing, "He Will be home in time for your child to arrive. I have no doubt about it." Tessa smiled at him. "Thank you so much, Gideon." With a nod to her, Gideon left the library. Tessa relaxed at the thought of Will hearing that she was expecting. She stood up and get the book to its home in the bookshelf it belonged in. Tessa walked back to the door and went to the attic. She went to the window and looked out into the city. She let the memory of how she and Will were up here for the first time. She closed her eyes and imagined the memory. She opened her eyes and smiled at the thought of him in her arms once more. She whispered, "I love you Will."

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