4) What is fair...

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Will and Charlotte's carriage was finally at Idris home of the Shadowhunters. Will was reading a book from the London Institute's library. Charlotte was wAtching the scenery as they passed. The carriage ride was bumpy but neither Will or Charlotte cared. They came for a reason involving the Clave.
They had reached Idris, and Will was ready to defend Tessa, and her right to stay.

Gabriel held Cecily close to him as he kissed her softly. Cecily had her hands on his chest. Her long dark hair was resting on her shoulders after Gabriel had pulled it out from being pulled up. The doors to the training room opened. Tessa looked at them. "Gabriel, please get off of Cecily." Her arms were crossed. Gabriel got up quick pulling Cecily with him. They both flushed, Cecily more than Gabriel. Cecily pulled her hair back up. Tessa looked at Gabriel. "May I talk to Cecily in private?" He nodded and left the training room. Tessa sighed. "Cecily, I have to tell you something." Cecily began to say, "Tessa, please don't be angry-" Tessa interrupted Cecily, "Its not about you and Gabriel. Its..." Cecily looked at her carefully. "Tessa what's wrong?" Tessa placed a hand on her stomach. Cecily raised both her eye brows. "Tessa, are you sure?" Tessa nodded. "I went to see Jem, he confirmed it." Cecily smiled at Tessa. "Tessa, this is great! Aren't you happy?" Tessa looked at her sister-in-law, "I am but what Will happen if we are kicked out of the Intitute? I m worried." Cecily stepped forward and took Tessa's hands in hers. "Its going to be alright. We won't let you be taken away from us like this." Tessa smiled. Cecily hugged Tessa.

Gideon and Sophie were reading a recipe to make scones. Sophie smiles at Gideon as he reached over and took the book from her. He then pulled her to him. She smiled and kissed him. He kissed her back and pulled away from the kiss. Sophie took the book from him and looked at the book again. Gabriel walks in. "What are you two doing?" Gabriel said looking at his brother and Sophie. Gideon looked up. "Looking at recipes to make scones. What has you so bothered?" Gabriel just waved the question off. Cecily dragged Tessa into the kitchen. Gabriel looked at the two girls. Sophie and Gideon did as well. Cecily said, "Tessa tell them what you told me." Tessa bit her lip. Gideon looked at Cecily, "Cecily, what's going on?" Tessa said, "I'm pregnant." Sophie smiles and hugs Tessa. "Congratulations Tessa!" Tessa hugged back. Gabriel thinks and shifts his weight. "Tessa wouldn't that mean if you were to be kicked out of the Institute..." Tessa breaks away from the hug. "It would be me and the baby that would have to leave." She confirmed. Gideon then said, "Then we will make sure that it doesn't happen no matter what the Clave tries to do." They all looked at him. Henry wheeled and saw the girls huddled together and the Lightwood boys staring at each other. "Oh dear, what has happened now?"

Once Charlotte stepped out of the carriage Will had taken both of their bags and followed Charlotte to the Fairchild home in Idris. Will looked around as they walked. When the got to the mansion, Charlotte opened the door and stepped inside. Charlotte lit the candles and oil lamps. Will opened the curtains to let some light in. He then took his suitcase to a guest room and started to unpack. He opened a drawer and placed his clothes in it. He set the book he was reading on the bed side table and picked up the picture of him and Tessa next to it. He looked at the picture for a bit. He took his suit case and set it by the dresser. Charlotte went to a guest room as well and started to put her things away.
After unpacking Will and Charlotte went to the court. Will was walking fast with Charlotte. He wanted this insane problem to be dealt with quickly and make the Clave to understand they could trust Tessa. Charlotte had had enough of Daniel Riverpush and his rude manners. Will pushed the doors open. The judge, Mr. Wishspark, was speaking with Daniel Riverpush. Daniel Riverpush looked at Will and smirked. Daniel walked away. Charlotte starts to say, "What did Daniel tell you-" "Mrs. Barnwell, don't get let that corset get too tight now. It was just a little conversation." Charlotte was now fuming with anger. Will glared and says, "Mr. Wishspark, I have reason to believe that the Clave is just firing at Tessa just because she is part Downworlder gives you no right to push her out of the London Institute!" Wishspark just glared back at Will. "Mr. Herondale," Wishspark starts. "What your wife is based on what our fellow Clave members see her as. Her alliance is more than a issue but it what she will do if it came between Downworlders or Shadowhunters she has alliances that can cause problems, do you really think she has your best interests at heart? Do you think that she is just a pawn instead of your wife?" Wishspark turns and walks away. Will glared at the man as he walks away. Charlotte said, "If that man thinks he knows what he is doing, then I hope he realizes that Tessa is more than just a little downworlder." Will crosses his arms over his chest and nods.

Sophie, Cecily, and Tessa were relaxing trying to figure out the best way for them to contact Will and Charlotte to tell them the news about Tessa being pregnant. Many ideas were thrown into the open sending a letter but that would take a long time to get to Will and Charlotte, a homing pigeon but it could get lost, anything that they could think of it was probably never going to get to Will and Charlotte until after the trial. Tessa had no way to tell Will about the child Tessa was going to have.

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