10) A miracle has been told

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Gideon watched Sophie carefully as they walked. When they came to the River Thames they came half way across the bridge and stopped to look over the waters. Gideon smiled slightly at her. Sophie had pulled her hair up. When she looked at him, he kept looking at her. She smiled a little and then said, "You better not do anything nice, I am still crossed with you Gideon." Gideon's jaw dropped. He was baffled at the fact that she somewhat knew what he was going to do. He closed his mouth and cleared his throat. He was about to begin until Sophie caught him to it, "Gideon was that quarrel with Ragnor really necessary?" Gideon looked to the water and began, "It was not. I am not proud of the fight either." Gideon looked at Sophie who was glaring at him menacingly. Sophie huffed, "Tessa can fight her own battles, Gideon. You should know that by now." Gideon could only nod. Sophie had a point, Tessa could deal with Ragnor. He looked at the water again and took Sophie's hand then looked at her with calm cool eyes. "Sophie, I am sorry that this happened, and I am wishing that you would let me make it up to you. Please Sophie." He said apologetically. Sophie didn't meet his eyes. Gideon sighed and then Sophie played her head against his shoulder. He holds her hand tight and kisses the top of her head. Sophie sighed lightly and said, "Consider yourself forgiven." She smiled up at him.

Buford was building towers with his blocks and grinning as each block was put into its proper place. Henry was working on his inventions trying to perfect the witch light from burning down the building like it did months ago. When Henry almost got the formula to the problem nearly fixed he shouted, "Eureka!!" This scared Buford so much that he jumped and bumped into the tower of blocks and some of the blocks fell on top of him making him cry. Henry turned his wheel chair, picked up Buford, and  tried to calm him down, "There, there, Buford. Its alright son. Its alright, I didn't mean to get you scared." Buford, who was crying loudly was now sniffling. Henry tried to rock as best as he could in his wheel chair. When Buford stopped crying and fell asleep he went back to his desk to finish a few more things and tried to take hime to bed. When Henry finally got to Buford's changing table he carefully changed him and put him to bed. When Henry left the room he closed the door behind him and saw Tessa staring out the window. "Do you think is going alright in Idris? They have been there for a long time now." Tessa asked look out. Henry knew the worry Tessa was facing but maybe less seeing as it her fate in their hands not his. He sighed patiently, "Tessa, everything will be alright. Charlotte help Will prove that you are undoubtably a Shadowhunter. Have faith my dear, have faith." From what he could see she only had nod. Then she turned away and left. Henry sighed and whispered, "Please, Charlotte prove right." 

Will swallowed hard. "The verdict of this trial is that Mrs. Herondale is officially a Shadowhunter." Will sighed in relief. Charlotte smiled and Riverpush yelled, "The mutt of a woman doesn't deserve it!" Will turned to Riverpush, "If you something against my wife take it up with me. She is no mutt and she deserves this more than you do. So shut your trap Riverpush." Will stalked out of the court.


So I am getting the feeling that since this is so short I should probably put up the next  sooner than the others. If I were to do a Christmas themed chapter what would think I should put in it? Comment what you think should be in the chapter. Hope to up date soon!! Keep on the reading readers!

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