7) Anything else to be is better than what I am

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Will was now set ready for the trial. He and Charlotte had to now go to the clave and present their own work to show that Tessa is a turntable Downworlder. Will took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out the door with Charlotte.
Once they reached the clave Daniel Riverpush was standing before the rest of the clave with his confident look on his smug like face. Charlotte was now heading to her position in the middle of the room. "Today's debate is to determine, Mrs. Tessa Herondale is either a Downworlder or a Shadowhunter. Daniel, will you make your opening statement?" The games have begun.

Gabriel and Cecily were eating dinner with Tessa and Henry. Gideon and Sophie went for along stroll in the park. Gabriel looked at Cecily for a brief time studying her hair. He moved his gaze away when she glanced at him. He continued to eat his dinner as if he was eating the whole time. He then noticed that Tessa was barely eating. She had been eating before now it is like she never ate a piece of food on her plate. Tessa took a sip from her cup. Gabriel started to eat his dinner when Henry asked, "So what were the Morgernsterns present for this afternoon? I heard a little bit of a ruckus going on in the training room earlier." Gabriel choked on his tea. Cecily looked at him worried and tried to help him. Tessa, Gabriel noticed after his coughing fit, looked down at her hands. Gabriel coughed once more to clear his throat and said, "They were only here to show that Mrs. Herondale has no place among us and hope to remove her from the estate." Henry contemplating wether to answer this or not was thinking hard like he does when he is trying to solve one of his invention's problems. Tessa moved her plate away slightly showing that she wasn't hungry. Cecily burst out of rage, "That is not even their decision!" Gabriel put a hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off and went on, "She is more than fit to be here especially at time like these." Cecily looked at Tessa with worry all around her. Tessa didn't look up from her hands or lap but just put a hand on her belly. Henry came out of pondering and said with the absolutist sincere, "Tessa, no matter how much people may not be as fair of judgement as Charlotte, the Lightwoods, your husband, and I have, I will not have you moving to the streets with that child you are bound to have at some point and not being able to take care for it or yourself because of that damned Clave wants me to. You are one of us and welcomed here." Tessa finally looked up at Henry. Gabriel was astonished that Henry would say such words and thought he would say such things to a women or much less about the Clave. Gabriel began to say, "I must agree with you Henry. The Clave has no right in removing a fellow shadow hunter from the Institute, seeing as we practically had her join the Nephilim. Tessa is one of us no matter how the Clave thinks of her. She has angle blood in her and that is what matters." Henry and Cecily could only nod in agreement due to the astonishment on their faces. Tessa was still looking at her hands but then said, "Thank you, all. You have been very helpful of me." Henry began, "Tessa, you are more than welcome." Tessa could only smile.

Hours passed as the trial went. Will was close to yelling at the judge for incorrect information being given from the accusers. Charlotte had to hold him back a few times because of the information. no Sooner did the recess end that the Morgensterns arrive. They had disappeared on a trip and just came back. That caught Will's eye more than the trial for some reason he did not know. When it came to Charlotte and his turn to share the proper information Daniel Riverpush refused to leave the floor. This caused commotion to beak out and people to start yelling. Will was ready to grab his coat and gloves and slap the man with the gloves then storm out. Charlotte yelled over everyone, "Stop the yelling and screaming or the trials will be over and no one gets to hear the verdict that they want to hear!" The people in the room stopped fighting and looked straight at her. Even Will looked at her in complete awe. Daniel glared at her and she glared back. Will notice that Riverpush backed off as soon as Mr. Wishspark said, "Now that the commotion has died, Mr. Riverpush will you kindly step off the floor before we have to start another trial." Wishspark looked at Daniel with a very bad look o his face. Will could not tell what it was saying but it made Daniel leave the room. Charlotte cleared her throat and said, "Thank you, now may we continue the trials your honor?" Charlotte looked at Wishspark. He gave a sharp nod. Charlotte started, "Mrs. Herondale has more than willing to lend us her talents on more than one occasion and has been more than willing to give help even when she did not have to. I am asking the court to think hardly of that." She looked at Will to continue. He stood straighter and began, "The more she has helped the Clave on numerous accounts such as with the Infernal devices. She has proved many occasions that she is willing to help us once more in the war against demons. Further more she has been more than helpful and to classify her as a demon or warlock shows that you are willing to over look the angel blood that we all also have. I hope you can think of that more than any other thing. Thank you." Will sat down in his chair and thought of his dear Tessa and how he hoped everything was alright at the Institute.

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