8) The fight

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Tessa was relaxing in the library with her book. Church pawed his way on top of a bookshelf and started to take a nap. Tessa kept reading her book silently. She was enjoying the book very much and was not planning to put it down unless it was needed that she had to give all her attention. She tok a sip from her small glass of water making sure she did not spill any on to the book. She set the drink back down and continued reading. When Tessa started to hear shouting in the halls, she set the book down and went to investigate. "What has you all troubled?" she said while stepping out into the hall. Rangor Fell was striding towards her. Gideon was hot on his heals yelling, "She is alright! There is no reason for you to barge in and make demands!" Ragnor ignored him and kept heading to Tessa. She crossed her arms over her chest and insisted, "What has you two crossed? You are yelling like elephants." Ragnor finally stopped when he got to Tessa and said, "Pack your things I am getting you to a safe place before they send their dogs after you." Gideon was now fuming with rage as Tessa could see. Gideon stated, "Tessa will be safe here! If she were to leave then where would Will find her?! You do know that they are married do you not?!" Ragnor looked like he had enough of Gideon, he closed his green eyelids and faced Gideon, "I do know that they are husband and wife but if you do not see, Tessa is in more trouble and your people are putting a target on her back. I am getting her to safety." Tessa huffed and went inside the library, collected her book and water. She walked out of the library and walked to her room. Ragnor said, "See she has gone pack her things." Tessa said, "No, I am going to my room to read and hopefully in peace." Tessa walked into her room and sat in chair where Will would sit sometimes when he was crossed or removing his shows from his feet. She sat down and began to read again.

Will and Charlotte listened to Daniel Riverpush as he made his demands where Tessa has done nothing to help the Clave and the fight of demons. Will had tried to stand many times now, and was about to get up once more. "Tessa Herondale has done nothing to help us. Did she help us in the fight against the Clockwork army? Did she help us find out who Mortmain actually was?! I am not going to ask you to answer these questions, but I am going ask the people from the London Institute for answers." Commotion breaks out in the court. Wishspark starts to call for order, and banging his hammer. Will just sat back and watched the room with his arms crossed over his chest. When the court finally settled down Wishspark ask for Daniel Riverpush to get off the floor. Will stood up and went to the floor. He faced the hurry and stated, "The reason reason why my wife was not present in the fight against the Infernal Devices was because Mortmain captured her. If we were not attacked and Tessa was not taken, she would have been able to help. To now make the point that she did find who he actually was because he faced her and killed London Institute's favored servants to get to her. Tessa did kill Mortmain herself taking the form of an angel." Whispering broke out of the silence of the listening people. Wishspark called for order and Will began again, "She has been more than faithful and prepared for action. Before she was captured she started to fight with us on the steps of the Institute. Tessa has shown more to help than destroy us. Further more I insist that you think of the capturing of your own daughters and pray to the angel that something like what happened to Tessa does not happen to your daughters." Will turned on his heels and left the room. Behind him Wishspark ordered that the jury went into a conference to decide the verdict.

Sophie and Cecily watched as Gabriel, Gideon, and Ragnor fought over what was best for Tessa. Sophie broke out and yelled, "Why can you not ask her what she wants to do?! She is the one who should decide what is going to be going on in her future not any of you! Do not pretend that any of you are her husband!" Sophie stormed out of the room her head in her hands. Gideon stopped arguing with Gabriel and Ragnor and went after her. Cecily glared at Gabriel and Ragnor, "You two are terrible, you are bickering over what happens to Tessa when it is her decision to decide what she wants to do. You should be ashamed of your selves. Just because my brother is not here does not mean that you can decide anything that relates to him or Tessa." Cecily left the room and slammed the door shut and headed down the hall to the front do, opened it and went out of the door of the Institute.

Gabriel looked at Ragnor, "Cecily has more than just a point." Gabriel turned and kicked the chair in frustration. He looked at Ragnor, "I will find Cecily, you apologize to Tessa for trying to get her to leave." Ragnor glared at Gabriel and Gabriel glared back. I do not have time to deal with quarrels such as these, I have to find Cecily and apologize. Even if she will not take my apologies it is better than fighting about what's best for Tessa with this man. Gabriel left the room and went after Cecily. It took some time before Gabriel finally remembered that Cecily goes to the stables when she is upset sometimes. He went to the stables and found Cecily grooming a horse. Gabriel walked to her and the horse and started to pet the coat of the horse. "Cecily?" Gabriel asked her. She did not respond to him, she just kept grooming the horse. Gabriel started again, "Cecily, I wanted to apologize for my actions. Will you forgive me?" She did not answer still but just turned her back to him and groomed the next horse. Gabriel sighed and went to her. He took the brush from her hand and took both of her hands. She avoided looking at him and gazed at the horse. Gabriel started to apologize, "Cecily, I wanted to apologize for my actions and regret doing them. They were not the best that you have seen from me and I am sorry that I have upset you." She did not move from her position except looking at her feet. He dropped one of her hands and placed his free hand under her chin and gently raised her head to look at him. When she was looking at him, he cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her cheek. "Cecily, I am sorry that I acted so terribly in front of you and hope that you will take my apology," he said before turning slightly away from her. She kept hand in his and did not let him leave. He looked back at her and smiled. She gave a faint smile back and said, "Promise me that you won't force anything on anyone any more." Gabriel nodded, "I promise and swear by the angel." He kisses her forehead and held her for a long time.

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