11) More than one Miracle is Given

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Will and Charlotte finally reached the London Institute where Henry and Buford awaited their arrival. Before the carriage could come to a full stop Will got out and ran to see Tessa. Will looked for Tessa in the attic and their room. He started to worry and saw Cecily. "Cecily, do you know where Tessa is? I have news for her." Cecily gave her brother a quick hug and said, "I believe she is in the Library." Will sighed, "Of course! Thank you dear sister." Will started to hurry to the Library. He opened the doors and went a woman with her head bowed as if reading a book. Will went to her and saw it was Tessa. She was just as beautiful or even more when he left. "Tessa?" Will asked waiting for her to lift her head. When she did and saw him she stood up and ran into his arms. Will embraced her tightly. Tessa had tears falling down her cheeks. "I have news to give you." They both said and laughed. Tessa said with a bright smile across her face, "You first." she implied. Will nodded. "I have the verdict for you." She caught her breath, "And?" He cupped her cheek. "Tessa Herondale, love of my life, you are a Shadow Hunter." She smiled again. "Really?!" "Really!" He said back and kissed her. Tessa pulled away. "I have news for you as well." She smiled up at him. "Well tell me!" he said smiling back down at her. "Will we're having a child." He was shocked at first and then he grinned. "Are you sure?" She nodded again. "Yes." He smiled and picked her up and spinned her around. Tessa giggled, "Will put me down!" He did and kissed her again. She smiled in the kiss and pulled away a little. Will stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I love you Tessa." She put her hand on his. "I love you too, Will." She rested her cheek on his chest.

Henry handed Buford to Charlotte who took the child graciously. Henry started to work on his latest invention called: Glitter. Henry was working on the thing trying to figure it out. After a few hours of course Henry came back to her and saw that she was sleeping. He smirked at his tired wife. Buford was sleeping next to her. Henry carefully picked up Buford and placed him in his crib. He then grabbed a blanket and set it on his wife so she wouldn't get cold. Henry then stroked Charlottes cheek and kissed her forehead. He sat back in his wheel chair and rolled away with Charlotte still asleep on the couch.

Gabriel walked towards Cecily's room and was about to knock on the door when he heard, "Gabriel?" He turned and saw that it was Cecily. "Cecily, I was just about to see if you were in your room." He said to her. She smiled. "Well that is nice to know." She started to head into her room. Gabriel started to say again, "Am I aloud to come in Cecily?" She was clearly about to nod but then she shook her head and closed the door. Will came up behind him. "Now why did you want to see my sister exactly?" He asked Gabriel sighed, "I do not answer to you Herondale." Will sighed. Gabriel glared at Will. Will glared back. "Do you have feelings my sister?" Will asked a bit surprised. Gabriel scoffed, "As if you need to know." Will looked he was ready to attack Gabriel, that was until Cecily opened the door, "Will do yourself a favor and be with your wife and do not bother Gabriel. Tessa has been wanting your company for a while now and your back so be with her Will. I can handle Mr. Lightwood myself thank you." She said sternly. Gabriel was shocked when Will just did what she asked and left. Gabriel faced her, "Mr. Lightwood?" Cecily blushed. "Well it was better than hearing you fight with my brother." Gabriel nodded understanding what she was saying. He took her hand, "May I come in?" Cecily gave a nod with a slight smile. Gabriel may not have liked Will at all, but Cecily was kinder and less sarcastic than her brother. Gabriel walked into her room after she stepped to the side letting him in. When she closed the door behind him, Gabriel took her other hand and had her face him. "Cecily, I am sorry you had to hear the arrogance between your brother and I. Doing such things in front of a young lady such as yourself especially in front of her door is not exactly a thing that is smiled upon." Cecily looked up at him with her blue eyes. Gabriel wanted to hold her so bad but knowing that Will had noticed that he had fallen for Cecily was bad enough but wanting to be with her was well out of the question. "Gabriel, what is it?" Cecily asked him. All he could do was kiss her. Cecily had been shocked at first with the kiss but welcomed it after a moment. Gabriel pulled away before he could get carried away with her. "Cecily I was wondering if you would give me the pleasure of marrying me?" He got down onto one knee. This was the most informal way to ask a young lady like Cecily to marry him but he wanted to know if she would say yes. After all if she didn't want him he would leave her alone, but that was not something he wanted to do. Cecily pulled his arms so he would stand up, he did. "Gabriel, I would love to." She smiled. He smiled back, "You would?" She grinned at him and said, "Yes!" Gabriel pulled her into a passionate kiss.

Sophie was working on her form with her seraph blade and didn't hear the training room doors open. Though when she felt someone was placing their hands on where she should be she knew that it was Gideon. She looked at him. "You should keep this in check." He smiled. She faced him, "And what would you be up to at this point of day?" Gideon gave a shrug. "That is a very good question. I was hoping to go on a walk with my fiancé." She smiled. "And what would make me convinced of that?" She waited for him to answer but was given a kiss on the cheek instead. "Sophie my love, please." Gideon asked smiling. She was now giving into him. "Alright, let me freshen up and then I will meet you at the doors." Gideon smiled and walked to the doors of the training room ready to open them for her. She ran the memory of them walking and then him purposing to her on the walk. She had agreed to marry him. 

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